Monday, September 30, 2019

Super Retail Group Financial Report Analysis

This Report was commissioned on the request of the Board in relation to ACACIAS press release: '12-MURMUR ACACIAS areas of focus for 30 June 2012 financial report'. A review of the relevant disclosures made In Super Retail Group Lad's 2012 Annual Report is assessed against relevant polices that relate to element 8, estimates and accounting policy Judgments under ACACIAS press release.Executive Summary release: '12-MURMUR SAIS'S areas of focus for 30 June 2012 financial report'. A review of the relevant disclosures made in Super Retail Group Lad's 2012 Annual Report is assessed against relevant policies that relate to element 8, estimates and accounting policy Judgments under Sais's press release. The outline of SAAB standards 108 Presentation of Financial Position, CASABAS Impairment of Assets, SAAB'S 38 Intangible Assets and SAAB'S 37 Provisions, Contingent Liableness and Contingent Assets are disclosed.Super Retail Group (SIR) Lad's accounting practice is determined in regards to t he standards examined. From this analysis, differences can be determined in the ways SIR applies the relevant standards and the requirements of the standards in relation to estimates and Judgments. From this analysis, it is determined that SIR has failed to disclose any Judgments and certain estimates and assumptions that may affect significant amounts seen In the financial statement and the entities positions. Recommendations of refining the presentation of the disclosures and the ways in which it should be structured are outlined.ASIA has identified the need for disclosures within this area for users to assess the reported financial position, as entities did not make material disclosures of sources of estimation uncertainty and significant Judgment in applying accounting policies. An analysis of the relevant counting standard, ISOBAR in particular paragraph 17-124, Disclosure of Accounting Policies and paragraph 125-133, Sources of Estimation Uncertainty, CASABAS Impairment of Ass ets, CASABAS Intangible Assets and CASABAS Provisions, understand Grog's current accounting practices reflected in the 2012 Annual Report.A further discussion into the differences between the accounting standards used and its requirements and the application of them are examined. Through this, recommendations are then outlined into refining the gap between Grog's current accounting practices and the requirements of the standards. Relevant Accounting Standard The relevant accounting standard related to disclosures of sources of estimation uncertainty and Judgments can be found within ISOBAR Presentation of Financial Statements.Other key standards that are relevant to Grog's disclosure of assumptions, estimates and Judgments are SAAB'S 36 Impairment of Assets, SAAB'S 38 Intangible Assets and CASABAS Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets. 2. 1 ISOBAR This standard outlines the presentation of financial statements for general purpose financial statements, in order to ensure that there is comparability between the entities reporting periods as well as between other industries reports. The standard discusses the minimum requirement for reporting content and guidelines for the structure in which it is to be set at.Paragraph 117-124 distinguishes the disclosure of accounting policies in relation to Judgment. Management's Judgment made in applying accounting policies that may have effected significant amounts found in financial statements and the financial position. Seen in paragraph 125-133 ‘Sources Of Estimation Uncertainty, it is vital that entities disclose the key assumptions made grading future prospects and other uncertain estimates that are used in identifying carrying amounts of assets and liabilities.Along side this, the nature and carrying amount must be disclosed at the reporting date. 2. 2 SAAB'S 36 Under SAAB'S 36 it is essential for assets to be tested for impairment when the carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount. In und ertaking these annual proceedings, a number of related Judgment and estimated assumptions need to be encountered. There is a need for Judgment when determining cash-generating assets (Para's. 68). Paragraph 30-57 outlines the associated requirements for calculating value-in-use.Paragraph 30. A specifically identifies the need for an estimate of future cash flows that the entity expects to generate from the asset. These cash flow projections are outlined in paragraph 33. A, where it is based on reasonable and supportable assumptions made by management's estimates, re- stated further in paragraph 34, where this assumption is based on the difference between past cash flow predictions and actual cash flow amounts. These projections need to be consistent with previous projections.Paragraph 38 continues to detail the significance for management to use the appropriate assumption that would best fleet management's estimates of economic conditions that will continue throughout the assets use ful life. When calculating the value-in-use, there is a need to determine a discount rate and under paragraph 55 the rate is a pre-tax rate. Paragraph 126-137 states that entities should be encouraged to disclose the assumptions and various estimates taken in order to determine the CHUG recoverable amount during the period.Paragraph 134 requires that a disclosure of the group's key assumptions, description of managements approach to identifying these assumptions, the period future cash flow as well as the discount rate applied. . 3 SAAB'S 38 SAAB'S 38 details the accounting procedures applied for intangible assets that are not specified otherwise in other standards. This standard deals with a number of assumptions and estimates that are required when applying it.Paragraph 22 examines the need for entities to assess the prospect of anticipated future economic benefits using reasonable and supportive assumptions that will exist over the useful life of the asset. Paragraphs 33-41 ident ify the requirements regarding acquisitions as part of a business combination, these intangible assets must be recognized separately from goodwill. Paragraph 41 examines the principle of entities being allowed to use techniques that have been developed for estimating fair values. The standard requires certain disclosures outlined in paragraphs 118-128.These disclosures provided basis for understand of assumptions and estimates involved in determining: Finite or indefinite useful lives, amortization rates and the reasons for identifying an intangible asset having indefinite useful life Amortization methods used for definite lives The gross carrying amount for any accumulated amortization Reconciliation of the carrying amount at start and end of period Information grading any restrictions on the face of intangible assets or any assured as security for liabilities 2. CASABAS SAAB 137 outlines the accounting procedures for provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets. Under paragraph 36 the best estimate required to settle the present obligation at the end of the financial period is the amount recognized as a provision. This estimate discussed in paragraph 38 is determined by the Judgment of management and takes into account risk and uncertainties, the discounting of present value (discounting at a pre-tax rate) and future events that may affect present obligations.Further Judgment needed by management is necessary when dealing with risks and uncertainties in order to avoid overstating or understating accounting elements. When disclosing the application of this standard paragraph 84-92, in relation to Judgments and assumptions, an entity shall detail the major assumptions made relating to future events further addressed in paragraph 48 that is the description of future events that may affect the amount of the provisions likeliness to occur. In summary an entity shall disclose the reconciliation of the movements of each class of provision and detailed i nformation regarding the nature f the obligation.Under note 3 found in SIR Ltd 2012 Annual Report, three significant factors have been disclosed that may result in an alteration of future material adjustments due to estimates and assumptions (Refer to Appendix 1): I. Estimated impairment of goodwill I'. Estimated value of intangible assets relating to acquisitions iii. Estimated make good provisions The associated SAAB standard, previously discussed are SAAB'S 36 Impairment of Assets in relation to point I, SAAB'S 38 Intangible Assets corresponding to ii, and iii, is the reflection of CASABAS Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets.Specific paragraphs have been discussed earlier in order to understand the Grog's accounting practices. 3. 1 Critical Accounting Estimates and Assumptions SIR Ltd applies SAAB'S 36, CASABAS and SAAB'S 38 regarding estimates and Judgment disclosures under ISOBAR paragraph 125-133 as discussed previously. Estimated impairment of goodwill de als with the application of SAAB'S 36 disclosed under note 1. 0. In applying SAAB'S 36. 68, SIR has classified the recoverable amounts for CHUG, which are determined based on the calculated value-in-use.The assumptions require the application of paragraph 134, outlining the assumptions under note 14. (Refer to Appendix 2). The growth rate and discount rate for each subsidiary and the period of which these assumptions are based on, that is a five-year period approved by the Board has been outlined. The assumptions disclosed regarding value-in-use is that budgeted gross margins are determined by past and expected future performance. There is consistency between the use of weighted average growth rates and forecasts included in industry reports.Disclosures of management's explanation as to why certain subsidiaries were not calculated using value-in-use is present. SIR Ltd has identified the intangible assets that undertook assumptions and estimates as brand names and supplier agreement s, as well as put options. The use of paragraph 41 has been performed by SIR Ltd in valuing brand names using the relief from royalty method and multi-period excess earnings method in valuing supplier agreements. In determining these calculations, assumptions are made by management.The value of put options has undertaken estimations. These three intangible assets were acquired as a business combination. SIR disclosures of the assumptions and estimates reflecting the application of SAAB'S 38. 18-128 are found under note 1 . Q. Iv-v (Refer to Appendix 3). Brand names are determined as indefinite, supplier agreements have a useful life of 20 years, and amortization is calculated in regards to the timing of projected cash flows over the estimated useful life. Reasons for specific brand names being classified as indefinite is outlined under note 14. . The key factors that management has taken in depicting brands useful life is also estimates in accounting for provisions for make good on the removal of leasehold improvements or return leasehold premises to the original state. The make good provision is recognized when SIR has a present obligation from the occurrence of past events. Leasehold improvement costs are capitalist and amortized over the useful life or the shorter of the period of the lease disclosed in note 18. C (Refer to Appendix 5). Note 1 . States that the amounts for provisions have been reliably estimated, and are not recognized for future operating losses (Refer to Appendix 6). Further disclosed under note 1 . Z, is Grog's application of make good costs. They are recognized as a provision at the beginning of the agreement and these estimated true payments are discounted using appropriate market yield at reporting date. (Refer to Appendix 7). 3. 3 Significant Judgment Significant Judgment is essential for SIR to disclose when applying the listed standards. There have been no Judgments disclosed under note 3.Accounting Standard Requirements The one si gnificant gap found between ISOBAR and the current practices of SIR Ltd is the failure of disclosing significant Judgment. ISOBAR . 122 details an entity should disclose a summary of the significant accounting policies of management Judgment's (apart from those of estimations) dad in applying the entity's accounting policies, which has affected significant amounts recognized in financial statements. SIR Ltd has failed to disclose a summary of Judgments made that may affect significant amounts on financial statements.However SIR has disclosed estimates and assumptions however certain areas are not successfully outlined. Assumptions are clearly outlined in the notes, however a detailed description and reasoning of managements approach to identifying these is not present. Management estimates relating to put options have not been clearly stated within the notes. The assumptions regarding the valuation ethos of brand names and supplier agreements have not been outlined (royalty method a nd multi-period excess earnings). ISOBAR . 125 has not been effectively applied in Grog's disclosure of assumptions.There is no information regarding the assumptions of future events. Assumptions and estimates overall have been disclosed, however briefly without detail, as required by ASIA. In order for SIR Ltd to comply with the standard of disclosures of estimates and judgments by which ASIA requires, certain adjustments for future disclosures are needed. The need for ease of locating information requires the implementation of fined structure essential. Under note 3, Critical accounting estimates and judgments, a clear distinction between estimates and Judgments is integral.A distinct need can be seen within note 3. A. I to ‘refer to note 14 for details'; and should be outlined in ii and iii. It is difficult to locate the relevant information regarding estimates value of intangible assets relating to acquisitions and estimated value of makes good provisions, however assumpti ons are still outlined throughout the notes despite a lack of clarity regarding referral to note 3. Any related estimates and judgments made by management need to be discussed under note 3, regarding the nature of the element relating to estimates or Judgment.The differences mentioned previously need to be refined; assumptions relating to the future events, estimates relating to put options and methods used to value brand names and supplier agreements need to be outlined. It is important for SIR to disclose all related information that may assist users in making economic decisions. Therefore it is essential for SIR to outline all assumptions, estimates and Judgments made that affect significant amounts within the financial statement and financial position.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Soul Surfer Reaction Paper

1) How will you describe Bethany as a person? I would describe her as a person who found hope in the midst of her problem. She found her shelter and that was in Gods arms,she realized that there is still hope and that you shouldn’t give up in a dream that you already have. She tried to achieved it she failed but tried again she a strong,hopeful and a very inspiring model for all of us. 2) How will you describe her family? I would describe her family as a very supportuve,loving and caring family. In times when she needs them they are always there for her. They support for the things she do, that they know is good for her and everyone. They help her battle those sad situations together and protects from those people who they think can hurt her in any way. 3) How was the healing power love manifested in the movie? It was shown through their moral support and how they show how they care,love and support her in a way that assures Bethany they are always there for her when they need them. 4) How did her exposure to Thailand help her find herself? It help her find herself when she found out that the people in Thailand were scared of the sea. They are scared because of what they experienced which was worse than Bethany’s case. She taught them how to cling on hope and try to face the fact that there is always hope when a catastrophe happens. 5) What have you realized from the film? I have realized that I should not give up, those problems,catasrophe’s are just a test from God. Remember ther is always hope and you can always come running back to God’s loving arms for comfort and understanding. In your faith you can find your real self, you will have strength to face what

Saturday, September 28, 2019

AP history Yanamamo tribe

The Yeoman's diet consists of meat, fish, bananas, and fruits that are gathered. Each family is given a plot of land to garden. Bananas, plantains, sugarcane, mangoes, sweet potatoes, papayas, manioc, and corn are Just some of the crops that are grown. The Yeoman's are one of the last groups of people to practice Polygamy, or when a marriage consists of more than two people. In the Yeoman culture, a woman is in charge of all the domestic duties, chores, and taking care of the children. Basket weaving is a skill that the women of the tribe have perfected.These baskets are used for carrying and storing food. Yeoman children are to help their mothers with the day to day activities. At the age of eight, young boys begin to watch over the male members and learn the duties of a man in the Yeoman community. The language that Is spoken is comprised of four main languages, Yang, Sauna, Homonym and Yeoman. The Yeoman culture Is described as being filled with violence. The Womanly people have a history of acting violently towards other tribes, and each other. They are known to raid nearby villages, and Diana women and children.Violence Is one of the leading causes of Womanly death. Most of Yeoman males die violent deaths In constant conflict between neighboring tribes (Unknown, normally Indians of Brazil†). In the past, the Yeoman have generally attacked Europeans settlers that are Invading their land. This culture had remained almost completely Isolated from outside Influence until the twentieth century. In the asses, several missionaries came to the Womanly territory. With them they brought an abundance of Western goods, medical retirement, and offering to open up schools to the Womanly.Although with many promises to better their culture, the Womanly refused the westernizes and the missionaries failed to convert any of the Womanly people. This was Just one of the many challenges the Indigenous culture has faced from the Invasion of Western society. Although their population Is slowly decreasing, the Womanly people have been able to mammalian their Orlando way of life. AP history Yeoman tribe By Chelsea-Gerard community. The language that is spoken is comprised of four main languages, Yang, Sauna, Homonym and Yeoman.The Yeoman culture is described as being filled with violence. The Yeoman people have a history of acting violently kidnap women and children. Violence is one of the leading causes of Yeoman death. Most of Yeoman males die violent deaths in constant conflict between neighboring tribes (Unknown, ammonia Indians of Brazil†). In the past, the Yeoman have generally attacked Europeans settlers that are invading their land. This culture had remained almost completely isolated from outside influence until he twentieth century.In the asses, several missionaries came to the Yeoman treatment, and offering to open up schools to the Yeoman. Although with many promises to better their culture, the Yeoman refused the westernizes and the m issionaries failed to convert any of the Yeoman people. This was Just one of the many challenges the indigenous culture has faced from the invasion of Western society. Although their population is slowly decreasing, the Yeoman people have been able to maintain their original way of life.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Economic Development, Trade, Environmental Issues In East Asian Research Paper

Economic Development, Trade, Environmental Issues In East Asian - Research Paper Example For three decades, the gap between China's swift economic progression and Western economies' gradual reduced performance has broadened. During the 1980’s, the economy of China escalated to average of 6.8% per year quicker than Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development markets. In the 1990’s, the pointer augmented to 7.5% and ever since 2000, it has been 8.4%. Nevertheless, with China's snowballing spearheading economic progression the prerogative appeared that its economy had faced appending meltdown. It is hence predictable that, as the newest data display of US gross domestic product development is slowing to 1.6% and Europe’s economy is constricting at an annualized -0.7%. Articles emerged cautioning of massive crunch in China. A standard example emerged in the New York Times, where in the caption "China confronts mounting piles of unsold goods", the writer (Wassener par. 3) gave the ensuing analysis, which reads that the surplus of the entirety fr om household and steel appliances to apartments and cars is hindering China’s attempts to surface from a strident economic barrier. The article itemizes a range of data regarding China's car markets and housing, and contended that hitches in China are giving nightmares to some economists. According to Bradsher (par. 1),China’s economic vulnerability means that China is liable to purchase fewer services and goods from overseas since the dominant debt predicament in US is by now harming the demand, levitating the possibility of a worldwide surplus of commodities, a drop in prices and inadequate production around the globe. This counts to China for at least two reasons. Principally, a deteriorating Europe will render it hard for China to stabilize progression away from investing, and additionally, China is undergoing a capital flight. To tackle the first view, any continual surge in the progression rate of China spending will not merely have to reimburse for a cutback in the development rate of China investment, nonetheless might correspondingly have to reimburse for a cutback in China’s existing account surplus. In addition, the crunch in Europe will simply render the global trade atmosphere nastier and tenser. This could be the reason why China has stated that it would sponsor European Union’s undertakings in handling debt crises according to an article on Daily China (â€Å"China Backs EU after New Debt-crisis-busting Bonds†). The same is happening in commodity-exporting nations like Indonesia. In relation to an  article  in New York Times: The Indonesia’s industry deficit cuffed high record in June 2012 as trades from Southeast Asia’s leading economy fell suddenly. This is an indication that unguarded demand from the West and China is distressing small number of nations that are developing at a substantial clip. A third conventional month of trade shortfalls in one of the globe’s biggest product manu facturers have been unfriendly for Indonesia, thereby befitting it a favorite of overseas investors who are eyeballing for fresh prospects. Nevertheless, this has struggled to suppress the damage from a strident collapse in its currency now, thereby, troubling the investors

Thursday, September 26, 2019

E-Logistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

E-Logistics - Essay Example But this is not possible in reality. As e-business (e-commerce) develops there is an evolution in the logistical services offered by companies (Beebe, n.d.). E-logistics is a system of ‘automating logistic process’ that provides an integrated, end-end completion of services and supply chain management of services to players, who perform logistic practices (Zhang & Et. Al., n.d.). The development of logistics comes under three categories such as military logistics, business logistics and e-logistics. Nowadays, e-logistics has become the most modern concept in the logistics industry. It can understand and recognise the utility of electronic technology, automation as well as network technology (Weixi & Jian-Jun, n.d.). 2.0 Reason for Emergence of E-Logistics and Its Distinguishing Factors E-logistics signifies a process of acquisition and storage of goods and services and also the products’ and goods’ movement and their information in an appropriate manner wit h best service and lowest cost. The competitive environment has enabled e-logistics to function more effectively. Customers are provided best services with the help of e-logistics. Due to e-logistics, the products are delivered with better quality, reduced costs and shorter lead time. Companies can gradually organise their operations in synchronised time and make the information available according to customer’s needs and the products can also be prepared in time. Customers require not only latest information, but also immediate information regarding the place and disposition of the entire productive assets. They expect to have the information of the location of the asset with available transportation facilities. Based on this present situation, logistics is becoming chief enabler of ‘real-time response’ to the needs of customers. It is becoming tools which create space for important cost reduction. Overall financial perspective drill benefits from improving in v arious areas. E-logistics is advantageous for a company to investigate its internal resources as well as collective resources of vendors, suppliers, customers and buyers. The emergence of e-logistics represents challenges and opportunities for a company. Information need to be passed through both organisational boundaries as well as distances that split and span the whole enterprise. The power of E-logistics is present in its ability while bringing together former unlinked information access to the entire supply chain production and for developing effective tools in order to handle complex flow of information as well as materials (Jovovic, 2010). The challenges faced by e-logistics include limited retailing experience and in certain cases volume of return is not definite (Sarkis, 2011). E-logistics is an outgrowth of e-commerce revolution. As the information is gathered rapidly, a company can develop the logistics service with low cost (Business Week, n.d.). E-logistics leverages th e power of internet and other wireless technologies in order to provide vital information to supply chain participants. It also offers extraordinary levels of visibility across the entire supply chain. Emergent e-logistics solution providers as well as service companies are blowing into this prospect. They are tapping by means of addressing logistics issues which includes supplier selection, order fulfilment, asset utilisation, inventory management, order visibility and pricing (Beebe,

Impact of Urban Environmental Aspects on Human Beings Essay

Impact of Urban Environmental Aspects on Human Beings - Essay Example Problems associated with urban areas negatively affect the way of living and prohibit the desire for a further extension. Individuals and the government need to have a concern regarding the best way of ensuring that there are less or no threats to the people living within urban environments. Arguably, overlooking certain ways of improving urban environment is of the essence, as it leads to utilization of resources. In essence, people should work through to ensure that all areas develop despite the changes in their economic status. An urban area is a region undergoing a transition of several development changes in its environment. The number of individuals within the developing region is high per square kilometer. An urban area is a densely populated region with people living there struggling to obtain the available resources. There are many industries producing commodities and whose waste is a threat to the environment. Pollution affects the status of living. On the other hand, the conservation of the environment helps the healthy well-being of individuals. The aspects of urban environment affect the health of individuals. Pollution affects a good stay of individuals in urban areas and is more due to an increase in the number of processing industries dealing. There is the use of chemicals for a complete processing of products. Poor drainage systems of organizations affect the environment of urban areas. Most of the organizations direct waste into waterways and fail to consider the impact on waters used by living beings. (Bueren 279). Consumption of water mixed with chemical substances affects the good health of particular persons and may result in death if not treated. It is expensive to treat waterborne diseases. b) Diseases Most of the people living in developing towns have poor health. The number of infected individuals in developing cities is high due to adverse changes in the ecosystem (Bueren 49). The spread of infectious diseases is also higher because of the concentration of people in one area and failure to access expensive Medicare. Failure to get proper medication weakens the body and may re sult in death. To help reduce deaths, the government should provide cost effective public health care centers in urbanized regions. c) Climate Climatic changes affect the standards of living and are the determinants of activities in most of the processing industries. The changes in climate result from influence in global warming (Bueren 11). Several industries deal with processing of natural products to improve the original quality. Therefore, a change in the prevailing climate may be due to an effect on the ozone layer, which results to acidic rainfall and affects the growth of various products. Lack of favorable rains leads to loss of raw materials. On the other hand, due to lack of available processing products, there is a reduced labor force on certain firms making people lose their only source of earning a living in urban areas. It is crucial for those managing processing firms to attach particular individuals to other departments. Therefore, it is important to ensure that indi viduals may perform activities in other departments to ensure that they meet personal demands. d) Traffic accidents The number of individuals using vehicles is on a gradual increase leading to excess emission of carbon dioxide gas. An area developing into an urban area has many people driving their own vehicles. Careless drivers

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Employment law paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Employment law paper - Essay Example st does not in any way burden the business or the operations, and d) Or simply retaliating against an employee who has filled out the EEO charge or acts as a witness for someone else’s EEO matter. Any form of opposition to the religious discrimination or where the employee is faced with an issue due to the religion they follow is to be avoided by all companies. There are a few exceptions to this law and these companies do not need to deal with the religious discrimination. These include a) Religious organizations, and b) ministerial exceptions. A company does not have to reasonably accommodate to an individual’s requests if it has an impact on the working of the company or the business operations. Also, if the company has a bona fide doubt on the basis of the accommodation request, then the employer may refuse to accommodate. For instance, if an employee denies being able to conduct one of the duties based on some religious constraint, and the employer has a doubt regarding the same, then the employer has a right to not accommodate the request and to ignore the request. Similarly in a case where the employee is required to work on a particular timing and is unable to do so due to religious constraints, then the employer can check for the factual details of the accommodation, and can also refuse to accommodate as it will have a direc t impact on the business and the business operations. Gender discrimination is more commonly referred to as sexual discrimination. Here people are discriminated based on their gender and the gender becomes a factor in deciding who get a job, promotion, or even other employment benefits. Most commonly found to be against women who feel that men are treated with a bias and that women are unfairly discriminated against men. This however does also see a number of cases where a reverse discrimination has occurred, for instance, women are treated more favorable than men. In simple terms, gender discrimination is when one gender is

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Commodity Trading in the United Kingdom Dissertation

Commodity Trading in the United Kingdom - Dissertation Example This research study examines how two of the largest commodity traders in the world, Vitol and Glencore International, conduct their commodity trading activities through the commodity exchanges in the United Kingdom and in its OTC market. The pit trading system of the years gone by is now replaced by electronic systems that receive orders from traders through the Internet to match these orders with other orders for execution of a transaction. In an electronic exchange the clearinghouse regulated by a supervisory body and the government acts as an intermediary, to deliver lower costs, security, reliability and a global reach for trading in commodity contracts and commodity derivatives. The OTC market in the United Kingdom is less strictly regulated than the exchanges listing commodity contracts and commodity derivatives, but this market offers flexibility for those with needs that standardised commodity listed contracts cannot satisfy. A literature review and semi-structured interviews with commodity traders with expert knowledge assist the research together with the case studies for Vitol and Glencore International. The research concludes that it is likely that the United Kingdom commodity market will continue to attract interest from all around the world with a promise for delivering more for less even into the future. Contents Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background 3 1.2 Objectives of the Research Study 6 Chapter 2 Literature review 8 2.1 The Impact of Electronic Trading on Commodities 8 2.2 Contracts on Commodity Exchanges 10 2.3 The Trading House and Trading Commission in Exchanges 11 2.4 The Financial Services Authority (FSA) 12 2.5 The London International Financial and Futures Exchange (LIFFE) 13 2.6 Trading on the LIFFE CONNECT 15 2.7 Buyers and Sellers on Electronic Exchanges 17 2.8 Types of Orders on the LIFFE CONNECT 18 2.9 Basics of Commodity Trading 21 2.10 Commodity Derivatives 22 2.11 Over-the-Counter Trades 23 2.12 Regulation of Commodity Tradin g 25 2.13 The Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) 27 Chapter 3 Methodology 30 Chapter 4 Results of Semi-Structured Interviews 37 Chapter 5 Case Studies 44 5.1 Vitol Case Study 44 5.2 Case Study for Glencore International 47 Chapter 6 Analysis and Interpretation 51 Chapter 7 Conclusions and Recommendations 65 Appendix A - Questionnaire for Semi-Structured Interviews 69 Appendix B - Consent Form 74 Bibliography / References 76 List of Figures Figure 1: Change in Commodities Trading in the United Kingdom over the Years 53 Figure 2: Commodity Assets under Management in the United Kingdom 55 Figure 3: OTC Derivatives Trading in Commodities in the United Kingdom 56 Figure 4: Commodity Trading on Exchanges in the United Kingdom 57 Figure 5: A Comparison of Commodities, Stocks and Bonds in the United Kingdom 58 Figure 6: Breakdown of Exchange Traded Commodity Securities in the United Kingdom 60 Figure 7: Value of London Bullion Market Clearing 61 Figure 8: A Comparison of Lon g-Term Commodities Returns based on the Goldman Sachs Commodities Index 62 (This page intentionally left blank) Chapter 1 Introduction Agricultural commodities, minerals, crude oil, metals, natural gas and even energy in the form of electricity are among the fundamental inputs for production and consumption in all societies (Schaeffer, 2008, Pp. 1 – 5). Thus, resource commodity markets are vital for all regions and nations because these markets play a central role in economic development, international trade, and global economic and political stability. Commodity markets enable resource-producing nations to earn export revenues by linking

Monday, September 23, 2019

Inclusive Education and its implications for the teaching practice Essay

Inclusive Education and its implications for the teaching practice - Essay Example This paper will focus on the topic of inclusive education with an aim of creating an understanding on the subject and to build on the existing body of knowledge on the same. The discussion will further delve into the topic by trying to establish the reasons why some groups of students experience unequal outcomes when participating in education and training. In addition to that, the discussion will also highlight how an understanding of inclusive education can shape teaching practices for excluded groups of students. Inclusive education is the educational approach or philosophy that entails provision of education and training to all students, irrespective of the socially constructed biases or perceived differences, to facilitate equal achievement of educational outcomes (Nvpie, n.d). Inclusive education aims at catering for all the needs and interests of the different types of learners found in the classrooms. In this regard, inclusive education takes care of individual learner differ ences of the learners in order to encourage participation in education and to enhance educational outcomes for all the groups involved. Learners need to feel that their unique needs and learning styles are attended to and valued by all the stakeholders involved in the planning and provision of education and training. ... Studies have indeed shown that many students register higher educational outcomes when exposed to the richness and diversity of the general education curriculum following appropriate strategies and inclusion. In this respect, inclusion leads to enhanced learning within the classroom for all the groups of students including those with special needs and those without special needs. There are several approaches to understanding inclusion and exclusion and these have been expressed in a number of related terms such as mainstreaming, integration and full inclusion, among others. Mainstreaming refers to the actual physical placement of learners with disabilities with their peers without disability (SEDL, n.d); the assumption is that their disabilities can be accommodated within the regular classroom with minimal modifications. However, the special educator bears the primary responsibility for education of the disabled students in the regular mainstream classes; the disabled student must ea rn his or her opportunity to be mainstreamed through performance by keeping up with the pace of the entire regular class. In this regard, only students with mild disabilities can be allowed to interact with the non-disabled ones in the regular education classroom and to participate in the normal core curriculum content areas; the rest of the disabled students’ interactions with the non-disabled students are limited to recess times and meal times. Integration on the other hand is a legal term that has its foundations in the civil rights or racial desegregation legislation of the 1960s (SEDL, n.d); it refers to the actual assimilation of different

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The certain events Essay Example for Free

The certain events Essay In ‘The Monkey’s Paw’ tension is created by seeing how the characters behave to the certain events. For instance, when a man came from Maw and Meggins, Herbert’s place of work, to tell the family of Herbert’s accident, we see that Mrs. White was distraught by this accident, â€Å"She caught her breath, and turning to her slower-witted husband, laid her trembling old hand upon his, and the fact that Herbert was ‘caught in the machinery’ means that his body must have been desecrated which creates the most horrific images. This creates tension and enables the reader to empathise how they must be feeling. Another way in which tension is evoked is by characters being mysterious and withholding information. When the sergeant is asked indirectly whether he has had his three wishes he said quietly, â€Å"I have† and his blotchy face whitened. He is being very secretive as to the wishes he wished but we can guess that there is something wrong about them for he turns white when he talks vaguely of them.  In ‘The Monkey’s Paw the reader is constantly trying to determine whether this paw is powerful or just a part of Mr. White’s ‘fancy’, or whether it will result in good or bad. These attitudes change constantly throughout the story, and all this does is confuse and mislead the reader. The family and the sergeant’s emotions constantly seem to be opposites. When they are discussing the ‘monkey’s paw’, the family are eager to find out about the paw, whereas the sergeant is being very secretive, â€Å"His three listeners leaned forward eagerly. The visitor absent-mindedly put his empty glass to his lips.†Ã‚  Then later Herbert White cleverly said, â€Å"Well, why don’t you have three, sir?† â€Å"I have†, he said quietly. These two adjectives seem to be opposites, ‘cleverly’ and ‘quietly’. As I have already said, the family constantly change their views on whether the monkey’s paw will work, or whether the sergeant is lying. While the sergeant is talking about the paw, they seem to be taken in by the paw and even take it out of the fire when the sergeant threw it in there. When he told Mr. White to put it back into the fire, Herbert said with pretended horror, â€Å"Likely†. But when they had made the first wish for two hundred pounds, because they did not see the money, they thought â€Å"it must have been [their father’s] fancy† and joked about finding â€Å"the cash tied up in a big bag in the middle of you bed†. But when they found out that the first wish had been granted and the disastrous circumstances that was brought with it, they still wanted to use it again to wish Herbert back to life. And at the end of the story, when the disfigured body of Herbert is knocking on their front, although we are not told what Mr. White whished, we can guess that it was for Herbert to return to the dead. This links it to the first man’s wishes. The sergeant said that the first man’s last wish was for death, and this might be, like in this case, for another person. At the beginning of the story, the family believed that the ‘monkey’s paw’ would result in good. They even joke about how two hundred pound might be dangerous and said, â€Å"[It] might drop on his head from the sky†. However, after the death of Herbert, they realise that this paw was magical and sinister.  Because ‘The Monkey’s Paw’ is a different kind of story to ‘The Speckled Band’, the reader is mislead in completely different ways. In ‘The Speckled Band’, it misleads the reader by hiding the truth beneath layers of uncertainty and withholding certain information, such as the fact that Dr. Roylott had a snake. In Julia’s dieing words, she screamed out, â€Å"It was the band! The Speckled Band!†. This is a cryptic clue, hinting to the poisonous spotted snake which bit her. The author, Arthur Doyle, deliberately chose these words so to make a mystery, for, if she had said, â€Å"It was the snake† then there would have been no mystery at all.. This was a conscious decision made by the author to deliberately mislead the reader. This seemingly strange clue, only seems to be hinting towards the gypsies with spotted scarves, whom Dr. Roylott allowed to stay in the garden. They play no role in the mystery, hence giving depth to the plot.  Also we are told of the animals he has, a baboon and a cheetah. These seemingly pay no role in the mystery, until Sherlock Holmes later finds a saucer of milk in the Doctors bedroom and then finds out that he also has an extremely poisonous Indian snake. I think that although it gives us background information, Helen Stoner’s first speech which ultimately gives us more information than we need, could be put there to mislead the reader, because we are trying to take in all this information and make our own predictions as to what we think happened. Therefore this would just confuse the reader.  In this speech, we are told that Helen’s sister, Julia, could smell Dr. Roylott’s cigars, because of a small ventilator connecting the two rooms.. However, in the coroner’s report, he mentioned nothing about the ventilator which just misleads the reader. Also, he did not see the two puncture marks made by the snake which would have made the mystery a lot less confusing. Although ‘The Monkey’s Paw’ is a story full of mystery and suspense due to the immense tension created, my favourite out of the two is undoubtedly ‘The Speckled Band’ due to its sensational plot, a successful combination of elaborate characters and the intriguing circumstances which we are presented at the beginning of the story. One of the most iconic things about a ‘murder mystery’ is its unique ability to keep the reader guessing until the end of the story until the truth is revealed to us by Sherlock Holmes, which is why, in part, ‘The Speckled Band’ is so effective.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

A Hydraulic Accumulator Energy Engineering Essay

A Hydraulic Accumulator Energy Engineering Essay A hydraulic accumulator is a device in which potential energy is stored in the form of a compressed gas or spring, or by a raised weight to be used to exert a force against a relatively incompressible fluid. They are used in fluid power systems to accumulate energy and to smooth out pulsations. Accumulators store energy when hydraulic system pressure is greater than the accumulator pressure and provide hydraulic energy when the accumulator pressure is greater than the system pressure. By storing and providing hydraulic energy, accumulators can be used as a primary power source. Accumulators are inherently dynamic devices, they function when configuration changes (actuators moving, valves opening, etc.) are occurring within a hydraulic system. Accumulators respond very fast to configuration changes, nearly instantaneously for gas accumulators. They are usually used in conjunction with a pump/motor in a hydraulic circuit. A hydraulic system utilizing an accumulator can use a smaller fl uid pump since the accumulator stores energy from the pump during low demand periods. The pump doesnt need to be so large to cope with extremes of demand, so that the supply circuit can respond more quickly to any temporary demand and to smooth pulsations. The capability and affect of the accumulator is determined by the overall volume of the accumulator and preload/pre-charge of the spring/gas. There are 4 types of accumulators: bladder, diaphragm bladder, piston (either spring or gas controlled) and metal bellows. The choice of accumulator to use in a given application depends on required speed of accumulator response, weight, reliability and cost. Pressurized gas accumulators will have the faster dynamic response and are reliable. Metal bellows accumulators are very reliable, but will not respond as fast as a pressurized gas accumulator. Accumulators with seals generally have the lowest reliability. Accumulators are either spherical or cylindrical in design. Bag, piston and metal bellows accumulators are cylindrical. Diaphragm accumulators may be spherical or cylindrical. Accumulators are usually manufactured into 2 halves which are either welded or threaded together. A fill port is installed at one end of a gas accumulator and the hydraulic connection fitting (with poppet valve, if required) is installed at the opposite end. For a spring accumulator, the non pressure sid e usually has a fitting that connects to the hydraulic reservoir (for seal leakage and to alleviate back pressure on a piston). Materials are usually steel, but accumulators may also be made from aluminium or a composite (filament wound) material. Compressed gas accumulators are by far the most common type; these gas accumulators take advantage of the fact that the gas is compressible. A gas accumulator has a gas pre-charge that is less than the nominal hydraulic system pressure. As hydraulic fluid enters the accumulator the gas is compressed to the nominal system pressure, which is an equilibrium position and represents the maximum amount of energy stored by the accumulator. As system hydraulic pressure drops, the gas will expand pushing hydraulic fluid back into the system. The gas pre-charge level is an important parameter for gas accumulators since the pre-charge and overall accumulator volume; determine the maximum amount of hydraulic energy that will be available to the system. The pre-charge is the pressure of the gas in the accumulator without hydraulic fluid in the fluid side. A gas accumulator is pre-charged with nitrogen gas when there is no hydraulic fluid in the accumulator to the desired pressure. The gas accumulator pre-charge is a very important variable for ensuring optimal accumulator performance and maintaining long life of the accumulator. Too high of a pre-charge pressure and the fluid volume capacity is reduced. Furthermore, if a bag accumulator charge is too high than the bag may hit the poppet valve which could damage the bag through repeated hits in service, or cause a fatigue failure in the poppet valve assembly. For a piston accumulator, the piston may be driven into the stops repeatedly affecting seals or cause a fatigue failure in the piston stop. Too low of a pre-charge pressure and the accumulator may not maintain desired minimum hydraulic system pressure. Also a low pre-charge pressure will allow a piston accumulator to repeatedly hit the up stops leading to premature failure of the accumulator. For a bag accumulator, the bag may be forced into an unnatural shape (e.g.,with folds) leading to bag damage and premature bag failure. When sizing an accumulator the pre-charge pressure is an input to the sizing process. However, once the accumulator is sized the minimum and maximum gas volumes should be computed (under worst case conditions) and analyzed to ensure piston stops are not hit or that a bag cannot fully collapse or expand completely in the accumulator. Bladder Accumulator A bladder accumulator consists of pressure vessel with an internal elastomeric bladder with pressurized nitrogen on one side and hydraulic fluid on the other side (system side). Figure 1 shows a bladder accumulator. It has 3 stages of operation: The accumulator is charged with nitrogen through a valve installed in the top. The accumulator will be pre-charged to nominal pressure when the pumps are not operating. Secondly when nominal hydraulic system pressure is applied the bag will be compressed to its fully compressed state. When the bag is fully compressed, the nitrogen pressure and the hydraulic pressure are equal. Finally as system pressure drops the bag expands, forcing fluid from the accumulator into the system. As the bag expands pressure in the bag decreases. The bag will continue to expand until the bag pressure equals the hydraulic pressure (which will be lower than nominal system pressure) or the bag fills the entire accumulator volume which is an undesirable situation. A poppet valve keeps the bag in accumulator from being pulled into the downstream tubing should the bag over-expand. If the bag was pulled into the downstream tubing, the accumulator would never recharge and normal flow from the pump would be constricted. The maximum flow rate of the accumulator is controlled by the opening area (orifice) and the pressure difference across the opening. Figure, Bladder Type The main advantages of a bladder accumulator are fast acting, no hysteresis, not susceptible to contamination and consistent behaviour under similar conditions. Accumulators are easy to charge with the right equipment. Because there is no piston mass, the speed of the bladder accumulator is governed by the gas, which reacts very fast to changes in hydraulic system pressure. Hence bladder accumulators are the best choice for pressure pulsation damping. Also, the bladder attachment internal to the accumulator has proven to be very reliable in service. Of course there is always the potential for bladder failure, which is a failure that would not usually be detectable in service. Also, temperature differences on the gas will have some affect on performance. The main limitation of bladder accumulators is the compression ratio (maximum system pressure to pre-charge pressure) which is limited to approximately 4 to 1. Hence gas accumulators will be larger than other accumulators for the same flow requirements. The pre-charge pressure is typically set to approximately 80% of the minimum desired hydraulic system pressure. Diaphragm Accumulator A diaphragm accumulator is similar to bag accumulator except an elastomeric diaphragm is used in lieu of a bag. This would typically reduce the usable volume of the accumulator so the diaphragm accumulator may not have volume capacity of a bladder accumulator. A schematic of a diaphragm accumulator is shown in Figure 2. Figure The behaviour characteristics of a diaphragm accumulator are similar to a bag accumulator and have the same advantages and disadvantages. However a diaphragm accumulator may be spherical or cylindrical (or possibly other shapes) which may be an advantage in some installations. The main difference with bladder accumulators is an increased maximum compressions ratio (maximum system pressure to pre-charge pressure) of approximately 8 to 1. Piston Accumulator A gas piston accumulator is shown in Figure 3. A gas piston accumulator has a piston which slides against the accumulator housing on seals. On one side of the piston is nitrogen and on the other side is the hydraulic fluid and connection to the system. A fill port allows pressurization of the nitrogen. Accumulator, Piston Type Figure A gas piston accumulator will not respond to transient pressures as fast as a bladder accumulator due to the mass of the piston (frequency characteristics depend on piston mass and spring characteristics of the nitrogen). However, a piston accumulator will have better damping due to hydraulic leakage (viscous damping) and friction between the piston and housing (coulomb friction seal friction). Piston accumulators may also be more prone to leakage than other types of accumulators due to the seals. Piston accumulators will generally provide higher flow rates than gas accumulators for equal accumulator volumes. This is because piston accumulators can accommodate higher pressure ratios (maximum system pressure to pre-charge pressure) than gas accumulators, up to 10 to 1, compared with bladder accumulator ratios of 4 to 1. The disadvantages of piston accumulators are that they are more susceptible to fluid contamination, have a lower response time than bladder (unless the piston accumulator is at a very high pressure) and will have hysteresis from the seal friction. The pre-charge for a gas piston accumulator is typically set to around 90% of minimum desired hydraulic system pressure. A schematic of a spring piston accumulator is shown in Figure Accumulator, Spring Type In a spring accumulator, the spring applies a force to a piston which compresses (or pressurizes) the fluid in the accumulator. As normal system pressure, the spring will be fully compressed. As system flow demands exceed the pump capacity, the spring will extend pushing the piston which in turn pushes fluid into the adjoining pipe. Hence the accumulator supplements pump flow. The maximum response time of the accumulator is set by the natural frequency, which is computed using Metal bellows accumulators are used where a fast response time is not critical yet reliability is important. Emergency brake accumulators are a good application for metal bellows accumulators. The metal bellows accumulator consists of a pressure vessel with a metal bellows assembly separating fluid and nitrogen. The accumulator is similar to a piston accumulator, except a metal bellows replaces piston and piston seals. Metal bellows accumulators are very reliable and long life components, and have a proven service history. Metal bellows accumulators are pre-charged by supplier and then permanently sealed leading to a maintenance free accumulator. Metal bellows accumulators will be slow in responding to pressure changes due to increased mass of piston and bellows. The advantages to the metal bellows type include exceptionally low spring rate, allowing the gas charge to do all the work with little change in pressure from full to empty, and a long stroke relative to solid (empty) height, which gives maximum storage volume for a given container size. The welded metal bellows accumulator provides an exceptionally high level of accumulator performance, and can be produced with a broad spectrum of alloys resulting in a broad range of fluid compatibility. Another advantage to this type is that it does not face issues with high pressure operation, thus allowing more energy storage capacity. Applications of Accumulators to KERS One of the main applications of hydraulic accumulators is storing energy. Hydro-pneumatic accumulators incorporate a gas in conjunction with a hydraulic fluid. The fluid has little dynamic power storage qualities. The fluid can only be reduced a small amount in volume even under high pressure. Therefore when only a small amount of the total contained volume is released, the pressure of the remaining fluid in the system will drop to zero. However, the relative incompressibility of a hydraulic fluid makes it ideal for fluid power systems and provides quick response to power demand. The gas, however working with the hydraulic fluid in the accumulator, can be compressed to high pressures and low volumes. Potential energy is stored in this compressed gas to be released upon demand. In the piston type accumulator the energy in the compressed gas exerts pressure against the piston separating the gas and hydraulic fluid. The piston in turn forces the fluid from the cylinder into the system a nd to the location where useful work will be accomplished. On this basis, with respect to all the types of accumulator a hydro-pneumatic accumulator would be ideal for storing the energy taken out of a bike whilst braking.. Of course the loss of pressurized gas in a sealed accumulator is a failure critical to safety when it plays such an important role as braking. A team of engineering students from university of Michigan undertook a project to use a hydro-pneumatic regenerative braking on a bicycle. It was a redevelopment of a heavier previous attempt to make a working prototype to fit within a 29 front wheel. They use a 0.5L accumulator and believed this to be sufficient in storing the required energy at a maximum working system pressure of 5000psi. They failed to test and thus supply conclusive results for the performance characteristics but through theoretical analysis they prescribe the key parameters fig. Figure Its weight is clearly impractical as it weighs almost as much as a conventional bike at 13kg. In terms of weight of a bicycle with respect to saving weight, it is more important to have lighter wheels than a lighter bike frame. This is because the rolling resistance is applied at the wheels although it carries half the overall weight of bike and rider a lighter wheel makes it easier to initially start a bike. Based on the team from michigans ( ) the following calculations outline the practicality of implementing a hydraulic KERS. Firstly for a hydraulic system to be implemented the storage must be addressed the capacity must be determined and pressures needed to store the kinetic energy. A bike braking from 20mph requires 5000J of energy to power. From Parkers website a manufacture of accumulator and motors parkers rate the ACP series accumulators at max pressure 5000psi, if assuming A hydraulic KERS must use a hydraulic motor to provide enough torque to drive the bike as well as provide enough resistive torque to be an effective brake. A bicycle travelling at 20mph on 26 wheels spins the motor through 18:1 gear ratio of the pump gear train which then spins the motor 4632rpm, corresponding to 4.52 N-m torques at 3000 psi. This translates to a braking torque of about 81.36 N-m applied to the main gear due to the 18:1 gear ratio. From this brake torque is an effective brake On release of pressure fully charged 5000 psi accumulator generates 7.57 N-m of torques. The 14:1 gear ratio of the motor gear train applies a 105 N-m torque to the main bicycle cluster gear. 7.57 N-m corresponds to around 800 rpm from its torque rpm curve, which turns the main gear at around 57 rpm due to the 14:1 gear ratio. This torque from fig can propel a bike at Conclusion The accumulator doesnt need to be an excessively large capacity to release enough energy to propel a bike 20mph, upon releasing the energy at a pre-charge of 3200psi. But a larger accumulator is needed for the accumulator to give more than one bursts using its full capacity. A hydraulic motor can produce 81.36N-m braking torque which is an effective brake. Furthermore an accumulator can power a hydraulic motor provide an accelerating torque to propel a bicycle. However based on the weight of the design from univerty of Michigan their prototype was 13kg, they used two accumulators plus they attached it to a bracket that probably contributed to the majority of the weight.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Types Of Pollution And Their Effects Environmental Sciences Essay

Types Of Pollution And Their Effects Environmental Sciences Essay The introduction of harmful waste materials, other forms of contamination which are a hazard to the life sustaining atmosphere of the planet earth is commonly known as pollution. Pollution affects the ecosystem of the planet causes discomfort to almost every living organism on the face of the planet. It is the result of ever-increasing pollution into the environment that the ozone layer over the earth that defends us from the damaging ultraviolet rays of the sun is being depleted. Recent rise in the temperature of many countries across the world is also the result of the same. (Pollution) Types of Pollution Typically, there are main types of pollution, which are: Air Pollution Water Pollution Noise Pollution Land Pollution Air Pollution Air Pollution is the contamination of air in the atmosphere that is important for every living being on the planet to sustain life. The common air pollutants (the substances which cause pollution) include smoke and harmful gases from industries, CFCs and oxides produced by the automobiles, the burning of solid wastes, i.e. sulphur oxides, CO, CO2, particulate matter, NH3, smoke produced by explosives and other radioactive particles (e.g. Radon gas is released into the atmosphere because of radioactive decay within the Earths crust) being released into the atmosphere. Air Pollution can also be a consequence of the natural disasters such as a volcanic eruption. Ill-effects of Air Pollution Air pollution causes depletion of the protective ozone layer. It also has dire health effects on the individuals living on earth; it may cause respiratory problems, asthma, lungs and heart diseases, etc. Air pollution also affects the cardiovascular system, but the effects depend on the individuals exposure to the pollutants. How to prevent Air Pollution Since some of the reasons of air pollution are natural, there is hardly any sort of possible human control. But, for the human caused pollution, one of the finest ways to stop air pollution is to walk more or cycle more, rather than driving cars and other motor vehicles, because the emission from them is the most prominent form of air pollution in todays context. Regular and on-time maintenance of vehicles can also help reduce the pollution substantially. Usage of bio-fuels, like CNG, and bio-gas also aid prevention of pollution in the atmosphere. In order to make sure that these rules are being followed there could be some kind of legislation from the government in the respective countries to ensure that there is reduced pollution ever. (Pollution, Water Pollution, Air Pollution) Water Pollution Water is one of the most important natural resources on the planet which is one of the necessary elements to sustain life on earth. Addition of harmful products to water which make is unusable is commonly known as Water Pollution. These products could be chemical, biological or physical materials that deteriorate the quality of water and the lives associated with it. Some of the most common water pollutants include industrial wastes (which are directly dumped into the sea of lakes making the water unfit for fishes and other organisms living in the water), domestic and farm wastes, oil spills, pesticides, as well as mining and agricultural wastes. (Pollution, Water Pollution, Air Pollution) Ill-effects of Water Pollution About 40% of the deaths globally are accounted by water pollution. Polluted water affects the flora and fauna of the sea organisms and these organisms when consumed by humans, cause harmful diseases. Also, the contamination of drinking water, which is produced from natural water resources, causes diseases such as jaundice, cholera, or typhoid. How to prevent Water Pollution As such, there are no ways to ensure prevent water pollution. The most effective way to prevent water pollution is to generate consciousness among the masses about the ill-effects of the same and if possible, enforce laws to prevent disposal of harmful wastes into the water. Noise Pollution It is the excessive cacophony in the environment, primarily due to sounds created by machines. It is generally caused by loudspeakers, microphones, loud music, noise from industries, from construction and civil engineering works etc. Ill-effects of Noise Pollution The main problem that noise pollution, (also known as sound pollution), causes is that it affects the physiological and psychological health of an individual who is exposed to the excessive sound. Sometimes, it can even cause deafness and impaired hearing. It also causes annoyance which might result on blood pressure variations, ultimately leading to coronary diseases. How to prevent Noise Pollution Again, legislation can be one of the most effective ways to reduce noise pollution. Also creation of airports, bus stands etc away from residential areas can be an effective way. (Noise Pollution and its control) Land Pollution Degrading the earths surface by improper commercial, industrial, agricultural and domestic activities is known as land pollution. Dumping of e-wastes and other industrial wastes into the land causes land pollution. Insecticides, pesticides etc also harm the agricultural land and the soil. Mining, deforestation, oil refineries construction debris, etc are the most common land pollutants. Ill-effects of Land Pollution The agricultural capability of soil gets affected as a result of the land pollution, making it infertile and unusable for farming purposes. Also, it might result in the lowering of water table inside the ground. How to prevent Land Pollution In order to prevent land pollution, individual should be more focused on buying bio-degradable products and the products can also be recycled, i.e. recycling the inorganic materials should be an important focus. As far as organic compounds are considered, they can be dumped in places which are far away from residential places or agricultural lands. Reducing the use of pesticides and insecticides can also aid land pollution prevention. Oil spilling has to be taken care of. Anti-littering campaigns can be initiated to create awareness about ill-effects of littering. Conclusion In conclusion, it would be safe to say that pollution is very important to be controlled if life is intended to be sustained on the planet. It may be in different forms but if the masses can be properly informed and educated along with strict legislations, pollution can be controlled.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Napoleon a Hero Essay -- History

Napoleon a Hero Hero A person noted for feats of courage or nobility of purpose, especially One who has risked or sacrificed his or her life: Introduction Napoleon Bonaparte was a patriotic and passionate man. He was a military genius who indelibly stamped his personality on an era. His theories about waging war, his conduct of campaigns, and battlefield tactics all became benchmarks for military commanders throughout the 19th century and today. â€Å"If I shall be defeated here this day it would be by the greatest general in the modern world† (Field Marshall Lord Wellington cited in Vandalia 1963:78) "There are but two powers in the world, the sword and the mind. In the long run the sword is always beaten by the mind." (Napoleon Bonaparte cited in Vandalia, 1963: title page). Napoleons men were always clothed properly and were payed generously. Napoleon was a natural public speaker and had an excellent power of persuasion. Bonaparte was a very intelligent man who believed wars are won by precise planning. Napoleons Empire spread through most of Europe and for the first few years of his reign he did this with ease. He treated his men as human beings, not as lesser beings like his English opponent. First Paragraph Napoleon started his military career as a junior officer in the French artillery; he was well noted for his commitment to his duty and his efficiency in his work. Bonaparte was a passionate man who always put his own life on the line if h...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Ritz Carlton Background :: essays research papers

The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company has achieved so much fame in their marketplace that they have attained what is referred to as â€Å"The Ritz Mystique.† Among the grand hotels of the world, The Ritz-Carlton hotels and resorts are famous for luxury, spectacular surroundings and legendary service. They have gained this title with dedication and award-winning hotels that reflect the 100 years of tradition that stand behind them. Discovering the fascinating history of Ritz-Carlton hotels, illustrates their commitment on relentless training to improve their quality in service and their strategy. Ritz-Carlton has achieved a Gold Standard of value and philosophy by which they operate. The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C. originates with the 1983 purchase of The Ritz-Carlton, Boston by William B. Johnson, and the purchase of rights to The Ritz-Carlton name. The standards of service, dining and facilities of this Boston landmark serve as a benchmark for all Ritz-Carlton hotels and resorts worldwide. In 1927, Edward N. Wyner, a local Boston real estate developer, was asked to build a world-class hotel. Wyner agreed because he knew The Ritz-Carlton name would secure immediate success. He received permission from The Ritz-Carlton Investing Company and the Paris Ritz for use of the name and set out to create luxury in the heart of Boston. Edward Wyner died in 1961. However, the Ritz legacy endured with Charles Ritz, son of Cesar Ritz, who was an active board member of The Ritz-Carlton until his death in 1977. In 1983, Blakely sold the hotel and the rights to The Ritz-Carlton name to William B. Johnson, who established The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company. The company has grown a collection of the finest hotels around the world since. Several of these hotels are historic landmarks, following a commitment of The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company to preserving architecturally important buildings. One of these examples is The Ritz-Carlton, Huntington Hotel & Spa. As a famous Pasadena landmark for nearly 100 years, the Huntington Hotel went through many owners and stages to get where they are today. The hotel was finished with its final rebuilding and renovating stages and reopened as The Ritz-Carlton, Huntington Hotel in March 1991. Originally the hotel was constructed in 1906 and opened in February 1907 as the Hotel Wentworth. Financial problems and a disappointing first season forced the Hotel Wentworth to go out of business. Railroad tycoon and art collector Henry Huntington purchased the Hotel Wentworth in 1911, renaming it the Huntington Hotel.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

My Grandmother’s Funeral

Ferry 1 Amy Ferry Professor Nocito Composition 1 20 September 2010 My Grandmother’s Funeral: In every culture on our planet Earth, death is a part of life. Whether loved ones and friends of the deceased choose burial through internment, or produce ashes in a crematory, there is always a respectable method in which to dispose of the body and say a last farewell. In history, the Neanderthals were the first hominids to intentionally bury their dead. They did so by using stone tools and animal bones to dig a grave [1].The purpose of a funeral in today’s society is to pay respect towards the once living person, and for many, aiding them in their journey to another life while sanctifying their previous life. Although all cultures practice funeral rituals for the dead, there are many different kinds. The most popular are internment and cremation. Internment is the act of burying the body in the ground. The body is place inside of a coffin, and then a hole is dug in a cemetery. Cremation, on the other hand, does not involve a casket.Cremation is the process of reducing a body to ashes by fire in a crematory. Scholars conclude that its history began during the Stone Age around 3000 B. C. E. in and around Europe[2]. Other processes include human dismemberment, as Tibetans practice (called Tibetan Sky Burial). Monks essentially mutilate the body and wrap it up in white cloth. They bring it atop a mountain for vultures and other birds; They believe in reincarnation, thus the body is an empty vessel[3].Along with these, there is also Aboriginal Body Exposure, in which the body is left on a platform covered with Ferry 2 leaves to let the corpse decompose naturally [4]. It is practiced by the Australian Aborigines today. My grandmother’s funeral included cremation of her body. After the church ceremony, my father and his siblings, along with a couple of her closest friends, were taken out to the bay by boat to let her ashes fall in the water.When the trag edy strikes, the closest relatives contact all other family members and good friends to inform them of his/her bereavement. During a burial ceremony, the group will attend a mass and a viewing, closed or open casket. This is mostly taken place in a house of worship (church, mosque, temple, etc. ). Afterword, there is a post-funeral dinner or gathering at a restaurant or relative’s home to celebrate the life of the deceased. Music is played, food is eaten, and memorable photographs are displayed for all to enjoy. This is intended to be a positive experience in which everyone reflects on his/her accomplishments and the happy times.For my grandmother’s funeral, flowers were sent to the church we had attended during mass and the viewing. My aunt had spoken a few words in front to everyone about her mother, and we went to a restaurant to have a catered meal and reminisce. The death of a loved one will be difficult for anyone. The funeral may be the hardest part of the berea vement process. The experience of a funeral may be different for every individual attending; one person may feel relief if the deceased was suffering from an illness. One may feel loss, anger, or even contentedness (celebrating the person’s life and achievements).During my grandmother’s funeral, I was grieving, yet during the after-dinner I felt relieved and happy that she was no longer in pain on Earth. The purpose of a funeral is to remember the one who passed away, and to give condolences to those who are grieving, and to give a proper religious ceremony for the deceased. My view on the funerals which I am accustomed to is that they give reassurance of a happy afterlife, and it gives closure as well. Ferry 3 Funerals in all regions of the world are based on the same concepts, and they should all be respected equally.Whether the process is burial of the body, cremation, or another ritual, all of them have religious or spiritual significance behind them. Before my gra ndmother passed, she had it in her mind that she wanted to be cremated. My father was hesitant primarily because he hadn’t been exposed to the process, but he soon realized that it was no different than any other. Her funeral was memorable, beautiful, and reassuring for myself as well as my whole family. Ferry 4Works Cited * Harder, Ben. Evolving in Their Graves: Early Burials Hold Clues to Human Origins. Science News. 15 December 2001. CBS Interactive. 2010. ;lt;http://www. bnet. com/;gt; * The History of Cremation. Everlife Memorials. Classic Memorials, Inc. 2004. ;lt;http://www. everlifememorials. com;gt; * O’Brien, Daniel. Tibetan Buddhist Sky Burial. 25 July 2008. Cracked Entertainment, Inc. 2005-2010. ;lt;http://www. cracked. com/;gt; * Knight, David, Aboriginal Body Exposure. 25 July 2008. Cracked Entertainment, Inc. 2005-2010. ;lt;http://www. cracked. com/;gt;

Monday, September 16, 2019

What Is Your Academic Or Career Goal

What is your academic or career goal? In 400 words or less I plan on going to college to pursue my major and become very successful in the future. I am ambitious. I choose to build a career in finance and accounting. I have chosen this career because Math is required for business. I have chosen the business field because I enjoyed my business classes the most. When I took business and finance, I learned things that I can use when I am out on my own in the future. I am determined to do whatever it takes to accomplish my dream Job.My education is important to me; with this I will be able to become more successful in life. I would like to receive a scholarship from you. Please consider my scholarship needs. I desire a successful future. Please help me give something back to society. I believe that you can see my need. I believe that one can only succeed if they believe too. Thank you for your time and consideration. By going to college I will be able to have good education. This educati on will change me In a positive way.By continuing on In recruit of a degree in business, I will develop into a positive Influence and a contributing factor for the betterment of society. With my enthusiasm for higher education, I will be able to obtain a great lifestyle. I know that In order for me to be successful, I must work my hardest. For me, failure Is never an option. I will continue to Influence my present and future family, as well as my surrounding community. It Is my duty to exemplify positive morals, strength, and how to be a successful black man In society. This Is essential for the success of future generations.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Moral Influence in Great Expectations Essay

Show the Moral Influence on Pip in Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations Symbolism as it is used in literature aims to project the internal aspects of an individual’s character through the external aspects in reality. Charles Dickens, in his novel, Great Expectations uses symbolism in order to reflect other individuals’ moral influence on Pip. Consider for example the following instances. In the novel’s initial chapter, one is presented with the character of Pip who is described as an orphan with a vivid imagination. As he recounts his initial experiences in life, Pip mentions that his â€Å"most vivid and broad impression of the identity of things, seems†¦to have been gained on a memorable raw afternoon towards evening† (Dickens, 1992, p. 3). It was during this evening that Pip met the convict, Magwitch. The use of symbolism in his encounter with Magwitch is evident as Pip’s initial introduction to the villainous aspects of man’s nature, in the form of Magwitch, occurred during the transition from day to night. One sees here how Dicken’s uses the shift from day to night as a means of shifting the mood within the novel in such a way that will prepare the reader for his encounter with an individual who is in possession of a questionable moral character. In addition to this, one perceives here the manner through which Magwitch’s moral character affects Pip’s moral disposition as Pip was introduced to committing morally questionable actions through his chance encounter with Magwitch. As opposed to the use of darkness as a means of symbolizing the immoral aspects of man, Dickens also uses the light as a means of symbolizing the moral aspects of man. For example, one is presented with Pip’s initial encounter with Estella. Estella, which literally means star, is presented as an ‘angelic’ being who inspires Pip to desire for the finer things in life. Reference Dickens, C. (1992). Great Expectations. London: Wordsworth Editions, 1992.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Management Method of Jack Ma

Management Method of Jack Ma Summary Jack Ma is a wonderful leader, he use his talent create Alibaba this successful company . This article is about Jack Ma and his management methods ,it is mainly focus on 4 parts : target ,system of values , mission and teamwork . Jack Ma use his special management skill create a new era . This article will show us how important management and leadership are , also tell the rules for manage company and employee . What can those skills bring us and how to use them in our daily life . Content page Summary2 Content page3 Introduction4 Target4 System of Values5Mission5 Teamwork6 Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 7 Reference8 Introduction Jack Ma is a legend , he is the leader of Alibaba , the founder of the world first E-commerce platform. Jack create a miracle , his c ompany use to be a small company with only 500000 yuan's capital , now it's market capitalization become more than 20 billion dollar . Jack know less about technology information , but he proficient in management , in his opinion , if you have enough management skill layman also can manage the expert .He believes , a good leader must be versatile ,in his understanding, the relationship between leader employee customer and owner is really important , good management method can help you to solve all these questions . In the following article I will introduce some Jack Ma's management skill and talk about the reason of his success . Target Nowadays there are always more choices for a us, but this may not be a good thing for a company , so the leader should have a clearly target , their work is not finding new opportunity but say no to useless things to them .Leader should find out the most correctly way for his company , make sure they will run on a normal track . Jack Ma use a story t o explain this point of view : if there are 10 rabbits , which one should you catch ? Too much choices will made you feel dazzle , the person who wants to catch all the rabbits must be the loser , cause they can not concentrate on one thing , and can make decision . So iust seize the opportunity which is best for you . Jack Ma believes ,A company who wants to be successful must concentrate on one target , too many goals will disrupt morale , employees not knowing which course to follow .Jack Ma raised that , ALibaba should be a longevity company , he proposed a goal for long and directional , he said this kind of goal can do good on the development of his company . Because of this kind of goal derives a series Alibaba ‘s related system and culture . Of course , the reason why Jack can notice the specific importance of a concentrated target is : When the company was found , Jack use to attract plenty of enterprise ‘s MBA to his company by big amount of funds , but 12 seni or manager except him was overseas staff , so the company did not run well because of their different management methods and goals.This gives him a lesson , so he knows that , staff who have dreams and willing to pay for the company is much better that a staff just used to work in a big company , the latter are technical-oriented , they are not stable and have their fixed pattern , if they work together , they must imped each other . Alibaba needs staff who have dreams for their team , they working for Alibaba ‘s dream , a long life company , in their first venture period they only use one month to turn their company from world ranking 8000 to 2000 .Now it become a world famous company , so we can know the importance of the target . System of Values Jack Ma used to talk about the importance of culture to a company in his lecture , just like company ‘s DNA , system of values is the nuclear of organizational cultural . System of values is a judgment of the importance of th ings , the system of values of a organization is a decision factors of development . What is the important things to Alibaba , Jack Ma summed up as six pats : customer first , integrity , dedication , change ,passion and teamwork .Jack Ma put customers in the most important part , staffs should become customer service to their instinct . Jack knew that , nowadays concept is very indistinct , what the customers need are genuineness service . The nuclear is made their product according to the market and listen to customers attentively . As a E-commerce platform , Alibaba use the world ‘s original creation B2B system , after exchange their idea to customers , they found the main problem that over 87% company worry about is integrity , so Alibaba first provide Trustpass service .Jack Ma ‘s opinion is provide good service so that we can have more customers . After B2B system , Alibaba then create B2C and C2C system and new trading platform like Zhifubao . Jack Ma considered t hat short term passion is worthless , only lasting passion can make money . But what is lasting passion ? Now Alibaba is ! 0 years old , the average age of their staff is 26 , Alibaba is still in childhood , after 10 years the company become 20 , their staffs are 36 years old , they are in prime of life and have boundless prospects .Jack leave more chance for the young people , cause they can last the passion of the company , Jack Ma ‘s management method tell us we should give more chance to young people , they are the fresh bloody for a company , they can always inject passion to their work and make good use of their competition . Mission Mission is a kind of identity , for business occupation is staff ‘s mission . Mission is the eternal power for staff . Jack's third management method is based on training staff ‘s mission , make staff work for them wholeheartedly .Looking at the world-renowned enterprises , their success is inseparable from the mission . As a E-c ommerce platform , Alibaba use the world ‘s original creation B2B system . After B2B system , Alibaba then create B2C and C2C system and new trading platform like Zhifubao and Aliwangwang . Jack found a college for cultivate the business ability of college students . They also provide training lessons for their own staff so that they can improve themselves . They departure from the fundamental , provide more chance for young businessman .Except for providing quality service , Alibaba also undertake social responsibilities initiativly . Jack Ma treat his own business career as a public property. During the period of WeiChuan earthquake in 2008 , Alibaba donated 5000000 , after that they established a special fund of 25 million . Because of this kind of mission and dedication for clients and customers , made Alibaba become a reliable company . Teamwork In Jack ‘s opinion , CEO means customer , employee and owner . He also think that the biggest fortune for a entrepreneur i s his employee , they are a team , a team provide chance for the hole company's success .One piece of log creates a small fire, adequate to warm you up, add just a few more pieces to blast an immense bonfire, large enough to warm up your entire circle of friends; needless to say that individuality counts, but team work dynamites. said Jack Ma . Businesses of today are largely concerned about their profits. They are taking every possible step to increase their turnover. The most important aspect that has a very substantial and positive impact on any business is teamwork. Effective teamwork is very significant for a company to use employee potential to the fullest.Teamwork is not only used in the corporate world to achieve targets on time, but also in the world of sports. If a team works towards a goal collectively, no one can stop it from reaching its goal. Due to the importance of teamwork in business, employers prefer to hire employees who are good team players . For becoming a goo d and effective team player in your company, you are required to have a particular set of skills and capabilities said Jack Ma You most importantly should have a good listening skill.This surely proves to be useful in listening to ideas, views, suggestions and conceptions of other employees or subordinates. You should be able to discuss the ideas and strategies suggested by your colleagues. Encourage the participation of every member in the team for a collective effort to achieve a goal. You also need to be able to share knowledge and understanding among the team members. A not to be missed skill is to give respect to others. If you want to be a good team player, you should learn to respect people and their ideas.These are just a few essentials that are required for becoming a good team member. Why is Teamwork Important in Business? Jack Ma Said there are several reasons Achieving Goals It is a widely understood concept, that united we stand and divided we fall. Same is in the case of a team in a business. Collective team activities are very important if the company or a process wants to reach its goal. There are some tasks that cannot be done individually, but can be easily accomplished by working in a team. Increasing Individual LearningIn simple terms, a team is a group of people who have come together for achieving a common objective. Therefore, in a group of people, there are many intelligent minds and brains working. When team members work together as a team, they can learn the skills and capabilities of each other and advance their knowledge. This certainly can be beneficial in your professional as well as personal life. Resolving Conflicts There are many types of conflicts that may arise in the company, which may in turn have an adverse effect on the collective output.In order to resolve business conflicts; the knowledge, understanding and expertise can be used efficiently for determining solutions to the problems. This significantly helps the business to grow. Good Communication Communication is an inevitably important factor in teamwork. When employees work in a team, they are able to pass on their ideas clearly. This rules out the possibilities of miscommunication due to complex hierarchy in the company. And due to ideas and concepts passed clearly, there is no scope for misunderstanding.Generating New Business Improvement Ideas If a manager encourages team members to participate in collective decision making, he will be able to reach a good strategy by considering views and suggestions from all members. The business can also think of incorporating ideas suggested by the team members. Employee participation in the management is a very effective tool in meliorating business strategies. Those in the team leadership should conduct team building activities for letting employees know each other better, and work in a team effectively.Conclusion Jack use his special management method create a new era for both him and his company . Al ibaba now the world famous company bring us lots of successful experience that worth to learn . A successful leader should know how to manage his company , good management method can bring us not only profit but also plenty of potential wealth . Reference PuZhu 2008 10-01 Jack Ma Talks about Management HaiTian publishing house Teamwork(2010),baidu,[online],availablefrom http://www. buzzle. com/articles/why-is-teamwork-important. tml Jack,Ma'sManagement,(2008)xinlang,,availablefrom http://ilove07ad. blog. 163. com/blog/static/1272196572009931391948/ Leadership or Alibaba ,(2010),xinlang,available from http://blog. sina. com. cn/s/blog_4c6c39790100096a. html Jack Ma talk about Management (2008),xinlang,available from http://ishare. iask. sina. com. cn/f/21979664. html Leadership challenges (2009),baidu available from http://www. linkedin. com/answers/international/internationalization-localization/INT_INZ/56289-8296586

Friday, September 13, 2019

Explain how commanders execute command in coalition warfare using Essay

Explain how commanders execute command in coalition warfare using shared values and commitment-focused influence to achieve success - Essay Example Sovereign states contribute forces to a coalition; every state, thus, has its own hunger for risk. It is along these lines exceptionally improbable that all countries in a coalition will evacuate their provisos both implied as well as explicit in view of principal agent connections. Both policymakers and war zone leaders must comprehend that one can either have coalition accomplices with provisos, or no coalition accomplices by any means. I, in any event, think it far-fetched that a future pioneer would pick the last alternative. On the other hand, only in light of the fact that admonitions are an unavoidable truth does not imply that progressively isnt possible to better encourage coalition union. I think more could be done to better set up our respective militaries male and to work in a multinational setting. Society, mentality, reasoning, national relative focal points, principle, training. These are progress that can prompt coalition erosion. Furthermore, these can be better overseen through changes in multinational preparing, working out, principle advancement, facilitated acquisition. It benefits those countries who progressively incline toward or will be progressively needed to work through coalitions to attempt a genuine exertion expecting to enhance interoperability between key accomplices and partners. Whats more, preferably, these endeavors should happen in peacetime, before operations on the combat zone simply like whatever other part of military readiness. Very frequently, examinations of interoperability start and end with creating regular benchmarks for gadgets and innovations. At the end of the day, enhancing mechanical interoperability is vital yet not sufficient. Maybe, "interoperability" should be considered comprehensively, over the powers from every country. National guard foundations ought to be soliciting themselves what the suggestions from coalition fighting have for parts of power arranging, including teaching,

Thursday, September 12, 2019

ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) and International Dissertation

ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) and International Trade in The Middle Eastern Developing Countries - Dissertation Example This is what this paper’s topic will all be about. This paper will explore the changes ICT has brought about thorough presentation of peer-reviewed literature that contained previous studies of researchers also about the same topics. It will also explore the digital divide existing in developing countries and how ICT has helped resolve this problem. It will also be discussing the status of ICT in three countries in the MENA region, namely, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Dubai. This paper will show how ICT developed in these region and how it helped socially, politically and most importantly, economically. 2.2: Research Questions The research questions in this study are used as a guide to analyze the attractiveness of the Middle East countries as a market for international entry. The industry used in this dissertation is of the high tech information and communication technology. The digital divide and the importance of the distribution channel to the ICT industry are al so studied. The emerging and high growth nature of the Middle Eastern region has attracted small to very large ICT vendors from the world over. This paper will be guided by the following research questions: 2.4.1: What makes the Middle East an attractive destination for ICT vendors to set up sales and marketing ventures? 2.4.2: What is digital divide and how does it figure in the Middle Eastern region, particularly the developed and developing countries. 2.4.3: How ICT has changed the international trade of Middle Eastern developing countries. 2:3 Background of the Problem The fast development of ICTs served only to highlight other technological disparity complexities associated with it. This can happen to both developed and developing nations. It came to the attention of those concerned that such disparity may occur in a developed nation more than between developed and developing nations. Moreover, this disparity does not only pertain to internet and computer use but also other ICT forms such as mobile phones, landlines and even pagers. The awareness of this disparity led to yet another terminology that as of today is not widely used, i.e., â€Å"digital divide†. Digital divide has a broader meaning than simple â€Å"information gap†. This digital divide present in developed or developing countries, particularly those in the Middle East (ME) is going to be the focus of this paper. How ICT either solved or worsen this disparity problem in the ME region will be included in this paper. Likewise, the advantages and changes brought about by ICT to the nations experiencing digital divide in the ME will also be explored. The literature of 3 ME countries that enjoyed the development of ICT in their midst will also be given focus. CHAPTER 2 - LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1: Introduction This paper will make use of academic and peer viewed literature that corresponds to the main themes of digital divide and the ICT industry as applied to the Middle Eastern countri es with focus on three of them, namely Saudi Arabia, Dubai and UAE. The study is based on a qualitative research approach that strives to collect relevant information and data from different available secondary resources. The literature included in this chapter will

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Public Policy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Public Policy - Assignment Example There are many culprits to this statistics such as lack of education, no gainful employment skills, lack of ambition and lack of self belief. Prisoners should be adequately prepared for reentry with programs that prepare them for reintegration, motivation and life skills. Such programs should offer vocational training, self esteem workshops, entrepreneurial workshops, basic computer skills, money management skills and access to various resource outlets thats tailored to the individual and their particular set of problems. Prisoners who are up for release should be given an exit interview in order to understand which programs would best suit that prisoner and be most effective to their reentry into society. The exit interview should entail a one-on-one session or at minimum a detailed form that is measurable and attempts to get to the root of the problem. Although vocational workshops are essential, self esteem workshops may prove just as valuable and should be mandated if parole is extended. Although vocational workshops are vital and should be extended, these workshops may not prove as effective as initially planned. The stigma of having a criminal record combined with the overall condition of the economy may detract from the effectiveness of the workshops. Exiting prisoners should have access to vocational workshops and/or entrepreneurial workshops that lend support with opening their own business. This is not a far fetch concept as many prisoners enter the system from running a business enterprise, however it just wasnt a legitimate business enterprise. Having an overall healthy lifestyle consists more of than just having employment. Many prisoners have children that have been adversely affected by their parents incarceration. The prisoner may need parenting skills and social programs with designated goals should be available to help reunite parents and children touched by incarceration. These