Wednesday, September 2, 2020

(Updated Guide) Weighted GPA Calculator

(Refreshed Guide) Weighted GPA Calculator SAT/ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips In all likelihood, during secondary school you've taken a blend of classes: a few distinctions, some norm, and some APs. The weighted GPA mirrors that those classes have diverse trouble levels. So what's the most straightforward approach to make sense of what your weighted GPA is? We have two extraordinary strategies to compute it! What Is a Weighted GPA? Your GPA, or evaluation point normal, is a path for universities to rapidly observe a strong, rundown pointer of your insight, hard working attitude, eagerness to challenge yourself, and abilities. A weighted GPA exhibits the difficult work and challenge of your secondary school vocation by reflecting whether the classes you took were standard level, respects level, or AP/IB level. It does this by including .5 to each respect class GPA change decimal and adding 1 to each AP class transformation decimal, making a scale that goes from 0.0 to 5.0. Along these lines, for instance, envision Diane gets An in AP French and Sven gets An in standard level Geography. A weighted GPA would perceive that the AP class was in all likelihood harder, so Diane’s A would get 5.0, while Sven's An eventual 4.0. Here is a table that clarifies how this normally functions in more detail: Letter Grade Percentile Standard GPA Respects GPA AP/IB GPA A+ 97-100 4.0 4.5 5.0 A 93-96 4.0 4.5 5.0 A- 90-92 3.7 4.2 4.7 B+ 87-89 3.3 3.8 4.3 B 83-86 3.0 3.5 4.0 B- 80-82 2.7 3.2 3.7 C+ 77-79 2.3 2.8 3.3 C 73-76 2.0 2.5 3.0 C- 70-72 1.7 2.2 2.7 D+ 67-69 1.3 1.8 2.3 D 65-66 1.0 1.5 2.0 F Beneath 65 0.0 0.0 0.0 How Do You Calculate Your Weighted GPA? There are two unique approaches to figure your weighted GPA. Class-by-class strategy This strategy experiences every one of the classes that you've taken, individually: #1: First, convert all the last class grades you’ve gotten, monitoring whether the course was respects level, AP level, or standard. #2: Next, include these changed over decimals†this is your entirety. #3: Then, check the complete number of classes you have taken. #4: Finally, separate the whole by the quantity of classes and round to the closest tenth-this is your weighted GPA. Star tip: you can't just include every individual year's GPAs together and isolate by 4 since you may have taken an alternate number of classes every year. Arranged classes alternate way strategy In the event that you've just done an unweighted GPA figuring, at that point this strategy is for you: #1: First, check independently the quantity of standard classes, praises classes, andAP classes that you've taken. #2: Next, include yourunweighted changed over gradesum+(.5*number of respects classes) + number of AP classes. This is your weighted aggregate. #3: Finally, partition the weighted aggregate by the absolute number of classes you've taken. Step Calculation We should gothrough a case of how this functions practically speaking bycalculating the weighted GPA of spymaster aliasJane Doe. We will be figuring the GPA Jane submits on her school applications, so we will leave off her senior year grades. Note that on hertranscript, classes set apart with a â€Å"+† are praises classes, and those set apart with a â€Å"a† are AP classes. First let’s convert her evaluations. I will change over them into weighted and unweighted design so you can see the distinction: ninth grade tenth grade th grade Unweight. Weight. Unweight. Weight. Unweight. Weight. 3.0 4.0 3.3 3.8 3.3 4.3 3.7 3.7 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 3.3 3.8 3.0 3.0 3.3 3.8 4.0 5.0 3.3 3.8 3.7 4.7 4.0 5.0 All out 17.0 18.5 17.3 19.3 18.6 22.1 Praises classes 2 2 1 AP classes 0 1 3 All out number of classes 6 6 6 Kid, Jane truly ventured up her game junior year! Pleasantly done. Class-by-class strategy: Whole of weighted scores=59.4 Number of classes taken = 15 Jane'sweighted GPA =59.4/15 = 4.0 Arranged classes strategy: Aggregate of unweighted scores = 52.9 Number of praises classes = 5 Number of AP classes = 4 Number of classes taken = 15 Weighted aggregate = 52.9 + (.5 * 5) + 4 = 59.4 Jane's weighted GPA = 59.4/15 = 4.0 What’s Next? Since you've experienced our weighted GPA mini-computer, check whether Jane was all in all correct to go hard and fast scholastically junior year by realizing which year of secondary school is the most significant for your school applications. Let us assist you with making sense of the advantages and disadvantages of weighted and unweighted GPAs with our exhaustive clarification. Investigate what a positive or negative GPA score is, and how you contrast with the normal secondary school understudy. Get the scoop on whether schools utilize weighted or unweighted GPAs while evaluating your application. Need to improve your SAT score by 160 or your ACT score by 4? We've composed a guide for each test about the best 5 procedures you should use to have a taken shots at improving your score. Download it with the expectation of complimentary at this point:

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The World Though the Prism of Ideas Impressionism as It Is

The World Though the Prism of Ideas Impressionism all things considered One of the world’s generally puzzling and simultaneously exquisite part of expressions, impressionism, is both a question and a response to it. Recommending individuals to investigate their own personalities, impressionism offered that the observer could join his vision of the world along with that one of the author.Advertising We will compose a custom paper test on The World Though the Prism of Ideas: Impressionism as It Is explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Despite its appearing straightforwardness and rousing shapes, impressionism passes on the most convoluted thoughts and bases on philosophical and social establishment that has a past filled with its own. Finding the thoughts fundamental the impressionists’ artworks, on can open the entire world before his/her eyes. Talking about the methods that the craftsmen utilized in making their impressionism magnum opuses, one must note that the style which impressionists utilized resulted from the impossi ble to miss vision of the world which impressionism assumed. Arranged only on the thoughts and view of the specialists, this style of painting couldn't be considered as a different pattern in visual expressions †this is fairly a series of thoughts epitomized in compositions. Delineated on the paper, the world image of impressionists transformed into the entryway to the next world †the existence where the truth blended in with the dreamlike to make one of the most unbelievable mixed drinks. As van Gunsteren clarified, We may, above all else, unquestionably rebate the more free or only expressive utilization where impressionism implies anything ‘fanciful’, ‘disorderly’ or ‘illogical’. Having done as such, be that as it may, it is conceivable to infiltrate to a genuinely strong center of the new thoughts and strategies, which gave the gathering attachment even without the formalized standards of a ‘school’ of French painters . (29) Thus, clearly there is a whole other world to impressionism that only misshaping the typical structures and shapes, transforming them into a turbulent something. With the influential thought out of sight, an impressionism painting acquires the significance of its own. With assistance of the impressionism vision, one can see the opposite side of the world, the psyche and the sub-genuine. Getting into the profundity of people’s minds, these pictures portray thoughts, not objects, which is the reason this style varies from what the humanity is utilized to such an extent. It is very exceptional that impressionists were a sort of renegades in the circle of workmanship, overstepping every conceivable law of painting to make the ones of their own. As indicated by Salvi, â€Å"The Impressionists broke numerous laments of scholastic canvas. One was their emphasis on working direct from experience† (16). This was the place the possibility of the plein-air method showed up from †attempting to locate the correct condition to make the perfect works of art of their own, impressionists attempted to break the limits of room, which drove them to making outdoors.Advertising Looking for article on craftsmanship and structure? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More For them, painting didn't mean remaining in secret vulnerable light of a studio, yet taking easel, canvas and paints and working en plein air (outside). This gave their canvases a sentiment of immediacy, yet additionally required some new work of art strategies. (Salvi 16) Monet offered an ideal case of what the plein-air technique for painting is. With his perfect work of art called The Japanese Bridge, the creator figured out how to speak to the new thought of workmanship, yet in addition the new way to make it with. Painted with the plein-air strategy, this was the pith of impressionism, the very soul of the new craftsmanship. Breathing w ith the new thoughts, this artwork blended the most surprising musings. Charming and catching, this was the sort of perfect works of art that grasped one and would not give up for another couple of hours. The creation required profound contemplations and intensive reflections to comprehend the thoughts fundamental it. Monet, Claude. The Japanese Bridge, c. 1919-24. Another ideal example of the new style of painting was the Water-Lily Pond that can be viewed as the ideal start of the impressionists’ triumph. With assistance of the impossible to miss outdoors strategy and the bizarre, non-conventional way to deal with the craftsmanship, the impressionism exemplified in the Water-Lily Pond made a serious mix in the imaginative circles. This was another and unique method of communicating the thoughts without dreading of being misjudged †for impressionism could be comprehended in a million of ways; everything relie d upon the spectator.Advertising We will compose a custom article test on The World Though the Prism of Ideas: Impressionism as It Is explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Monet, Claude. The Water-Lily Pond, 1899. Indeed, the new workmanship helped individuals to comprehend craftsmanship in its new shape. Covering up past the camouflage of the confused and the psyche, the artworks made by impressionists made individuals open their eyes and see the truth the manner in which it is. Now, the meaning of impressionism interweaves with tearing the universe of its cloak. Lying exposed and stripped before the craftsman, the world took the most mind blowing shapes, which were portrayed in the various impressionism works of art. Incredibly strange and simultaneously bizarrely evident, these pieces kicked off something new in the circle of expressions, yet additionally in people’s lives. Considering the three speculations of craftsmanship which Frank recommends, one can see obviously the manner in which impressionism create as the time cruised by. Beginning from what further on was known as the hypothesis of portrayal, the new style formed into the â€Å"pure seeing†, which later on advanced into the â€Å"experimental aesthetics† (Frank 2006). Because of the natural and quick manner by which the thoughts of impressionism developed, the last molded rapidly and in rather normal manner. Depending on their own vision of the world and their thoughts concerning individuals and nature, specialists exemplified their impressions into particular and fascinating works of art. To comprehend the train of impressionists’ thoughts, one needs to think about the canvases by Monet as the organizer of the new creative propensity. For example, his work of art Irises is simply the general thought of impressionism: Advertising Searching for article on craftsmanship and structure? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More Monet, Claude. Irises. c. 1914-17.,r:0,s:0biw=1280bih=595 To comprehend the substance of this unconventional vision, one needs to think about the expressive hypothesis. Painting their sentiments on the canvas, specialists could dispose of the unpleasant thoughts for some time. In any case, at that point the need to tell the world significant certainties negatively affected the specialists again†¦ Trying to respect â€Å"the motion of sensation in its totality†, as Holt splendidly noted, they made the universe of their own, the world that reflected the truth. In his creation Bathers at La Grenouillã ¨re, the craftsman additionally followed the well known portrayal style, with assistance of which he made the majority of his pieces. Like the remainder of his photos, this creation likewise included the well known plein-air procedure and followed the standards of the portrayal style. Notwithstanding, it must be conceded that this formation of the incredible craftsman likewise fused a few components of the conventional vision of the world also. Monet, Claude. Bathers at La Grenouillã ¨re 1869. Taking a more intensive glance at the image, one case that the craftsman digressed from the manner by which he started making the impressionist works. It has increased certain sociological significance, for it thinks about the general public all in all somewhat that the sufferings of a person. Along these lines, there are no questions that the impressionist thoughts were widening as the experience of the craftsmen developed, and the range of t he thoughts that could be spoken with assistance of the works of art became progressively tremendous. This is the ideal time to begin discussing the conventional speculations of impressionism. It can't be denied that the photos that followed Monet’s development in the realm of workmanship were principally enlivened by the extraordinary creator of the Water-Lily Pond. Nonetheless, there are no questions that the principle wellspring of the painter’s motivation originated from their perceptions of the world, their contemplations and their philosophical way to deal with comprehend the idea of an individual and the spot the last takes in the extraordinary hover of life. In any case, it is mistaken to discuss formal speculations as of something that fit impressionists’ thoughts perfectly once applied. It is smarter to recommend that the proper methodology was to be customized to the thoughts of impressionism. Since the last surmised the refusal of any standards whats oever, the proper methodology couldn't be applied to the artworks carefully. As Lanier noted, Although there are likenesses in their [impressionists’] workmanship, these craftsmen had no â€Å"formal theory† and â€Å"abandoned any fixed program.† They decreased the significance of subject matte, prevented the significance from claiming type and exposed everything to the stamp of their own characters and sensibilities. (79) Morrisot, Berthe. Summer’s Day. c. 1879 allartclassi

Friday, August 21, 2020

Responsibilities Under the Health and Safety at Work Act

Duties Under the Health and Safety at Work Act Understudy NAME: IP OGOLO Presentation The reason for this task is to thoroughly analyze the obligations forced by the obligations under areas 2,3,4,7 and 8 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. This would be accomplished by fundamentally breaking down various case law, the Health and Safety at Work Act and other pertinent writing. In this task, the understanding of different words and expressions in the previously mentioned segments of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 would be taken a gander at and the components of feelings would likewise be examined. Review OF SECTIONS 2,3 AND 4 Area 2 OF THE HASAWA 1974 Area 2 of the Health and Safety at Work Act (HASAWA) 1974, forces obligations on the business towards his representatives. Area 2(1), states that it will be the obligation of each business to guarantee so far as is sensibly practicable the wellbeing, security and government assistance at work of every one of its representatives. The words wellbeing, security and government assistance are not unmistakably characterized (Moore and Selwyn 2015) in the HASAWA 1974 yet wellbeing incorporates both mental and physical wellbeing. Wellbeing alludes to the nonattendance of predictable injury while government assistance alludes to water, lighting, latrine offices, cloakroom, bottle and so forth. This obligation is forced on each business independent of the size of the business or association, to guarantee that such working environment is sheltered given it is sensibly practicable to such manager to make it safe. The obligations forced by the HASAWA 1974 don't exclude managers of private companies and the main barrier from bosses would be sensible practicability. For instance, an off-permit shop manager who just has two low maintenance workers should likewise consent to the obligations of the business to guarantee the wellbeing, security and government assistance of its low maintenance representatives. Area 2(1) likewise included government assistance not at all like different segments of the HASAWA 1974 which just spotlight on wellbeing and security. This implies bosses have an obligation to give government assistance offices, for example, toilets, change room, eating region, sufficient ventilation, satisfactory lighting, and so forth. The main safeguard for independent company bosses or whatever other business who is resistant with these obligations is the sensibly practicability of such wellbeing and security measures. Sensibly practicability is one of those issues of discussion. Sensible practicable relies upon various components which are utilized to test on the off chance that it was sensibly practicable for the working environment to be protected or not. These elements are burdened a scale which quantifies the dangers versus the penances which the business needs to make so as to agree to the obligations. These penances could be ( Matthews and Ageros 2016) time, cash, labor or the exertion/information accessible to dispense with or alleviate those wellbeing and dangers. A case of a case law where so far as is sensibly practicable assumed a critical job in the judgment is in Edwards v National Coal Board [1949] 1 ALL ER 743, where a timberman who worked in a coalmine was slaughtered by the breakdown of the side dividers of the street over the span of his work. The National Coal Board was indicted and they contended that it was not sensibly practicable for them to have forestalled the mishap. They battled that it was unrealistic for them to foresee where and when a breakdown would happen, and the cost; work and exertion in propping and covering every one of their mines exceed the hazard. Sensibly practicability ( Moore and Selwyn 2015) fluctuates in every indictment and it is an issue of reality and proof; this relies upon the business having adequate proof to show that everything sensibly practicable was done to make the working environment safe . In this manner, what may be sensibly practicable for organization A may not really be sensibly practicable for organization B Figure 1 (Reasonably practicable) Â Subsection 2(2) of the HASAWA 1974 states that it is the obligation of the business to guarantee that plants are all around kept up and safe frameworks of work are accessible so far as is sensibly practicable. Safe frameworks of work (Moore and Selwyn 2015) for plants must be given by a business if the plant is situated in a spot where the business has command over it and can give clear headings and strategies on how it ought to be utilized. Plants ought to be consistently kept up and productive consistently so as to consent to the obligations under subsection 2(2)(a). The upkeep (Moore and Selwyn 2015) of plants involves premonition. The business could have arranged routine checks by able people or observing project set up to meet the prerequisites of this area. In area 2(2) the business likewise has an obligation to give data, preparing, guidance and oversight to its workers. The data (Moore and Selwyn 2015) which is given must be precise and significant and furthermore reaches out to contractual workers where important to guarantee wellbeing. As a rule, bosses use enlistment preparing as one of the approaches to give data to its workers. A few bosses use tool stash talks and composed in-house preparing as methods for passing on wellbeing and security related data to their representatives. Any business who doesn't give satisfactory management to its workers would be in penetrate of this area. Segment 2 (3)- (7) forces obligations on the business to give and amend wellbeing and security arrangement and furthermore have security delegates and security boards of trustees relying upon the size of the association. A case of an arraignment under area 2(3) is Osborne v Bill Taylor of Huyton Ltd [1982] ICR 168. This break was (Barret and Howells 1995) an inability to set up a sufficient composed wellbeing and security strategy. The organization did wagering business in thirty-one separate wagering shops associated by a focal bookkeeping framework, the executives preparing program and so forth. The appointed authorities choice for this situation was that the organization was not in penetrate of segment 2(3) in light of the fact that it had under five representatives for the present. As I would like to think, I would differ with the Judges choice on the grounds that the way that the wagering shops are halfway controlled implies that it is one single endeavor, occurring in a few areas and the complete number of representatives ought to be around ninety-three (93), see beneath for subtleties; ÃÆ'-= 93 workers Figure 2 Also, in this way, ought to have been seen as liable for a break of segment 2(3) in light of the fact that in excess of five workers were leading a solitary endeavor in different areas. 2.2. Segment 3 OF THE HASAWA 1974 Segment 3 of the HASAWA 1974 spreads the general obligations of bosses and independently employed to the general population/others not utilized by them. It expresses that it is the obligation of each business to direct its endeavor in such a manner to guarantee so far as is sensibly practicable that people not in his work are not presented to wellbeing and dangers. (The Health and Safety at Work and so on. Act, 1974) Lays accentuation in subsection 3(3) that the business and independently employed people must give data about the dangers and dangers related with the lead of its endeavor to the individuals who might be influenced by the direct of his endeavor in a recommended way. This fundamentally implies at times, it would be important for the business or independently employed people to give data which could be as sent bulletins, letter or formal visits to the individuals who might be influenced by the lead of their endeavor to give the vital data about the territories where these individuals might be influenced and approaches to lessen presentation to help their wellbeing and security. For instance, before a development venture begins, the neighboring network should know about the wellbeing and dangers, for example, commotion, moving plants and uncompromising vehicles, and so on all together for the two gatherings to concur on approaches to decrease their introduction. In segment 3, the expression sensibly practicable has been utilized which implies that the business or independently employed people need to gauge the dangers versus the expense to decide whether it is sensibly practicable for these wellbeing measures to be set up. Moreover, this segment alludes to the word endorsed which to my understanding methods a predetermined way wherein the data must be introduced to the individuals who might be influenced by the lead of the businesses or independently employed people undertaking. One of the most well-known recommended manners by which such data might be passed on is through enlistment preparing for guests. In this segment, the word chance has been utilized which implies (Moore and Selwyn 2015) the chance of risk and not real threat. The HASAWA 1974 doesn't express that a business needs to trust that a mishap will happen before measures and methods would be set up. It expresses that gave there is a chance of peril or injury, at that point it is the obligation of the business to either wipe out or moderate such dangers. Another significant word utilized in area 3 is attempted which implies (Moore and Selwyn 2015) business, work exercises, endeavor and so on. For example, if organization A gives an agreement to organization B (Brick-layer) who lays blocks in organization As site, at that point the layering of blocks shapes some portion of organization As attempted. Notwithstanding, the subject of how much control the business has (Moore and Selwyn 2015) over the activity as a component of his endeavor could make it troublesome in any criminal conviction. For instance, if Company B chooses to lay the blocks outside organization As building site, at that point organization A might not have a lot of power over how the bricklayers choose to lay those blocks with respect to wellbeing and security. Some case law models alluding to undertaking are R v Swan tracker Shipbuilders Ltd [1981] ICR 831 and R v Mara [1986] IRLR 154, which would be talked about later in the task. Note that a business (Moore and Selwyn 2015) may in any case be directing his endeavor despite the fact that the business is shut. For instance, a nourishment processing plant might be shut however the cleaning and mainte

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

How to Choose Proposal Essay Topics That Will Bring in More Money

How to Choose Proposal Essay Topics That Will Bring in More MoneyAs we all know, it is important to keep our options open in order to earn more money and that includes seeking additional opportunities. For those who are students, this means that they need to be able to write proposal essays that are more than simply to satisfy their academic requirements. These should have the ability to be able to bring the research methods and data together into one neat package.Before coming up with any ideas, the first thing you need to do is to think about how you can represent your idea effectively. A good idea that you will use in the essay will help you take a step further from the norm. When you have an idea, you need to get the facts about it. You can also take a lot of time researching and then you should have the idea when you have everything in place.After you have the idea, the next step is to get the details. This means that you will need to gather the data for the idea. These include details about the task, sample, and timeframe. These are some of the crucial elements of any good proposal essay topic.It is not enough to just have a good idea you can also be able to present it in a way that makes it more interesting. There are also other aspects that you will need to take into consideration. These include ideas related to your career and these can include everything from your desired employer to the type of job you would like to find.Any good idea should have specific knowledge of the subject. This is not only because this is what makes the idea unique but also because it is vital that the idea represents you correctly. The student will need to focus on being able to present the idea in a way that is well-defined and at the same time very appealing. This means that he needs to draw a distinction between different parts of the information as well as be able to make the decision based on factual information.It is important that you can make a good idea come alive i f you are the one writing the proposal. This means that you must not just rely on facts but also be able to use your knowledge to bring the information to life.As you can see, there are many ways that you can go about choosing the right proposal essay topics. These can include the ability to choose the topic based on the research you have done, choosing the sample that is needed or choosing the information that is required. Whatever you decide, ensure that you are able to come up with a great idea that will show that you are the expert and that you are more than capable of coming up with the required information.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Poem The Refuge - 1233 Words

THE REFUGE There were, are, and will be the great title winner in this world. In those title, there were, are, and will be looser. This is funny to say that I was, I am, and and will be great title winner, where nobody loose but I the winner always win. You may think I am dumb and talk about I am being winner is dumbest thing I have ever talk. You can call me whatever you can because I was born with great title that few people in this world had, have, and will have. The title that might get you to know what is that. Let s talk about Bhutan. I think everybody know that country Bhutan that is known as â€Å"World s Happiest Country in The Earth.† Imagining that is beginning beautiful. The country is beautiful due to the bloods and sweet of my grandparents, and parents. Country that called every country s people to come and learn about good things on â€Å"Happiness.† You know how well know Bhutan was. On the other part there was m,e a kids who know that happiness was not becoming happy. In my mind happiness was living in the struggle life. Struggle life that food aren’t enough to eat. Education isn’t good and proper. Where there is no hope and life is more worst than prison life. Struggle life? You might tell me struggling isn’t happiness but I know that is happiness. That is happiness because my late father teach me that living in struggle is more happy than living in the place where you are like king. He always said that â€Å"if you don’t have enough food to eat, shareShow MoreRelatedComparison of Dulce Et Decorum Est, and Refuge Blues English Coursework933 Words   |  4 PagesCompare Dulce Et Decorum Est and Refugee Blues Both the poems are based at periods of War, but the difference being is that ‘Dulce Et Decorum Est’ depicts the very physical suffering of the soldiers in the muddy, bloody trenches of the First World War, (The Great War), and is written for the purpose of educating those on the home front, who are naà ¯ve to the suffering experienced by the soldiers on the front line, people referred to as his friends, who must be informed about the old lie, ‘DulceRead MoreEssay on The Garden Of Love1312 Words   |  6 Pagesobviously, a poem about life and the pursuit of happiness. It is also about the effects that negativity can have on love. 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This is seen in the first stanza when the voiceRead MoreAnalysis of Peter Skrynecki ´s Migrant Hostel and 10 Mary Street643 Words   |  3 Pagesâ€Å"Migrant Hostel† and â€Å"10 Mary Street† we witness an individual’s experience of segregation to eventual connection in the world they live. Skrzynecki’s insightful poem â€Å"Migrant Hostel† explores the notion of impermanence and uncertainty in an individual’s experience where stability is essential to develop an identity and sense of belonging. The poem illustrates the disorientating nature of a migrant hostel where the people within yearn for sanctuary in the Australian community. This idea is instantly reflectedRead MoreEssay on The Lamb626 Words   |  3 Pages nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A time lost in it’s own morals, seeks refuge in the knowledge and innocence of the past. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Integrated Marketing Communication Samsung Samples for Students

Question: Discuss about the Integrated Marketing Communication. Answer: Marketing Communication of Samsung In the era of globalisation, the large scale companies like Samsung has to adopt some of the marketing tactics which helps in building communication between the business and the consumers. Integrated marketing communication helps Samsung in developing the strategic marketing process and ensuring its success in establishing communication with the customer. Samsung faced the explosion of battery scenario which hampered its brand image. To restore its brand value and equity, the company is using some marketing techniques (Brindha, 2014). The current marketing techniques used by Samsung are: Marketing communication mix of Samsung Advertising: Samsung is one of the leaders in the telecommunication devices industry. The brand uses attractive advertising techniques and ideas to create an interest in the target consumers. Advertisements are created by keeping the thoughts, culture, demographics and behaviour of customers in mind. Advertisements establish an on direct kind of communication between the company and the users. Samsung always tries to come up with latest techniques and features in its products which are highlighted in its advertisements either in print media or digital media (Brindha, 2014). Sales Promotion: Sales promotion is the technique which is used to boost sales of Samsung phone sets. The company often uses the sales promotion tactics like Buy Handset and get talk value free or win a trip to XYZ, etc. This encourages the customers to buy more in the greed of gifts and prizes. The customers feel more valued and powerful and the company gets successful in levelling up their sales. Sales promotion helps the brand in boosting up the sales in a short period of time. Social media: Social media is the latest trend of establishing communication. It is communicating through the social media platforms. Samsung has excellent presence on Facebook, twitter and other social media platforms where it uses tactics to communicate with the masses. For e.g. Samsung keeps on posting about the latest contests and latest offerings of the brand on Facebook and this helps in promoting the offerings of the brand (Mihart, 2012). Events: Marketers are creative and they always have to think out of the box. The marketers of Samsung are always in an attempt to create something new which creates interest in the people for the brand. Samsung often takes parts in famous, world class events which help in establishing communication with the masses. For e.g. Samsung sponsors the world level sports events, music events, etc. where the visibility of brand increases (Mihart, 2012). Samsungs Brand Image and Consumer Brand Awareness Building a good brand image has become a challenging task in the present global competitive environment. Samsung has positioned its brand successfully in the markets but has to face a tough competition with other brands like Apple, Sony, Motorola and more. As per Samsung (2017), their vision in 2020 is to inspire the World and create the Future. This shows that Samsung is placing its brand as the innovative and creative world to present something new always to its customers. Since its inception, it has been among the world leaders of telecommunication handsets and aims to deliver quality products to its customers. As per Jain (2017), Samsung and Apple are the two big leaders in the Smartphone industry and Samsung holds 21% of the market share. Samsung launched many successful smart phones in market like Galaxy S7, Note 7 and many more but as soon as the news of explosion of Note 7 models came up, the brand has to recall the handsets and its damaged the brand image of the company. Despite the huge brand loss, Samsung was able to make good number of sales because of its strong market presence. The company is continuously trying to recover its brand image and to make a terrific comeback. For measuring the brand equity, a customer based brand equity Model has been designed by Kevin Lane Keller. Figure 1: Customer Based Equity Model As per this model, this is a framework which creates a blueprint for the strong brands. Samsung brand equity and brand awareness can be measured through this pyramid (Keller, Parameswaran, and Jacob, 2011). The model says that building a strong brand includes four steps which are: Establishing the brand identity of SamsungDeveloping the meaning of the brandGetting the positive responses for the brandInvolving brand with the customer relationships (Fayrene and Lee, 2011). By following these steps, Samsung establish six brand blocks which are Brand Salience, Brand performance, Brand imagery, brand judgements, brand feelings and brand resonance. Brand resonance is achieved when all the other brand building blocks are achieved. This shows that the customers are highly loyal towards Samsung. The model works successfully when the planning and implementation of the strategies of brand is done effectively (Fayrene and Lee, 2011). Samsung has such a strong brand image in Australia and across the world that it dominates the markets and gets loyalty from the customers. As per the report from Brand Finance (2012), Samsung is among the top 10 most valuable brands. This shows the credibility and equity of the brand. Samsungs Brand Meaning Samsung is the brand well known by everyone. The brand belongs to Korea where the brand name means Three Starts or Tri stars. The name is purely Korean. These three starts were also reflected in the logo of the company till the year 1992. It shows that the brand is powerful like starts are in the sky. Samsung is the big brand around the world which keeps quality and customers needs as its core features. Samsung has adopted the concept of New Management in 1993 and since then, the company has gathered huge success. Too ensure the high quality of the products, the brand produce Smartphone handsets in its own factories. There are more than 80 countries in which the company operates and earned more than $180 billion of revenue in 2012 which is expected to grow at $400 billion in the year 2020. The company has a competitive edge because of its Research and Development activities (Samsung Newsroom, 2017) Figure 2: The evolution of the brand logo of Samsung Source: (Victor, 2014) The company also won many awards for its designs and innovations. The company has a main focus on the customers delights and insights. Samsung Galaxy smart phone was the perfect example of it. The company also works for sustainability of future. It looks forward, invest in latest technologies and care for environment. The products of Samsung receive global standard environmental certifications. It has already invested more than $5 billion in the years 2009-2013 to minimise the emissions of greenhouse gases (Jain, 2017). The name Samsung was chosen by its founder Lee Byung- chull because he had a vision to make company big and powerful like starts in the sky. The company is No. 1 in smart phones and aims at delivering best experience to the consumers. The sales of the company began to increase when it launched Galaxy series of smart phones. The brand believes that technology can change the world for the better. There are infinite numbers of ideas which can be put into application for betterment of people. Technology can open doors for new possibilities (Samsung Newsroom, 2017). Current IMC approach to brand enhancement As already discussed Integrated Marketing Communication is the usage of tools like advertising, social media marketing, sales promotion, etc. Samsung use these tools to effectively communicate with its consumers and communicate the brand to them. The main goals of Integrated Marketing Communication are to create buzz about the brand, to maintain relationship with the customers, to increase awareness for the brand and to drive sales (Kitchen and Burgmann, 2010). The approaches used by Samsung are defining its Unique Selling proposition through various approaches like Print advertisements in newspapers and magazines, through events like sports events, music events, award functions, exhibitions, etc. the company sponsored big events like London Olympic games 2012 to gain popularity from the masses. The company uses celebrities to endorse its products. It helps in making connection between the consumer and the brand. Celebrities add glamour to the product which helps in attracting most o f the consumers. It also makes people aware about the brand (Yeshin, 2012). The company is also using social media to attract target customers. Social media is continuously gaining popularity and have mass population coverage. The social media websites like Facebook, Twitter and Google plus have millions of users which can be approached through social media marketing. Internet is a powerful tool through which the customers and the brand can easily connect with each other. The company runs many creative advertisement campaigns to enhance its brand image among the target consumers (Shimp and Andrews, 2012). The company also adopts the approach of Public relationship in which it personally connect with the customers by taking their opinions and views about the brand. The company send direct emails to individual customer to make them feel privileged. It also enhances its brand image by adopting many sales promotion techniques like discounts, free vouchers or gifts. It can be concluded that the brand uses the appropriate mix of the approaches of marketing communication so that effective communication can be established between the consumers and the company and brand image can be enhanced. References Brand Finance, 2012, BrandFinance Australian Top 30. Retrieved from Brindha, G 2014, Integrated Marketing Communication Strategies of Apple and Samsung, International Journal of Research and Development - A Management Review (IJRDMR). Fayrene, C Y and Lee, G C, 2011, Customer-based brand equity: A literature review,Researchers World,2(1), p.33. Jain, H 2017, Will Samsung Be Able to Repair Its Brand Image?, NASDAQ. Keller, K L, Parameswaran, M G and Jacob, I, 2011,Strategic brand management: Building, measuring, and managing brand equity, Pearson Education India. Kitchen, P.J. and Burgmann, I., 2010.Integrated marketing communication. John Wiley Sons, Ltd. Mihart, C, 2012, Impact of integrated marketing communication on consumer behaviour: effects on consumer decisionmaking process,International Journal of Marketing Studies,4(2), p.121. Samsung Newsroom, 2017, 20 Things You Didnt Know about Samsung, Samsung. Samsung, 2017, About Us, Samsung. Retrieved from Shimp, T A and Andrews, J C, 2012, Advertising promotion and other aspects of integrated marketing communications, Cengage Learning. Victor, H 2014, The hidden meaning behind the names of tech giants: what does Samsung mean?, Yeshin, T., 2012,Integrated marketing communications, Routledge.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Thanksgivings Day History

Primarily celebrated in the United States and Canada, thanksgiving has over the years transformed itself from the original idea of showing gratefulness to God for his favors to a fully fledged national holiday observed on the last Thursday of every November and the second Monday of every October in the United States and Canada respectively. During this festivity, a lot of brain and body input is swung into action as a result of the various activities carried out by various groups of people to commemorate this event.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Thanksgiving’s Day History specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More From the ancient days to date, certain activities have remained as they were while others have been continuously been revolutionized, all in the name of observing this highly observed occasion. Virtually all the human senses are put to the test while observing thanksgiving taking into account the fact th at it is a highly anticipated occasion or holyday rather. According it the kind of importance it deserves is hence quit imperative. In the modern day thanksgiving festivity, the most utilized human sense is that of taste. This is because the entire citizenry in these countries which observe thanksgiving always strive to see to it that they direct a considerable amount of time, energy and resources to the kitchen so as to enable them put a decent meal on the table. Despite not being a replica of the original meals ate while observing thanksgiving during its early years of inception, a constant trend of feasting on a specific caliber of food which more often than not include the turkey has been noted to characterize almost all the dinner tables over the last couple of years. This state of affairs hence renders the sense of taste the most utilized one with respect to the fact that almost all the households prepare their meals with missionary zeal. Striving to satisfy everybody’s sense of taste during this festivity also has a multiplier effect on yet another vital human sense; that of smell. This is occasioned by the endearing aroma that always emanate from every household’s kitchen. It is hence safe to say that the human sense of taste cannot be completely satisfied without appeasing that of smell. This momentous occasion is also characterized with outdoor events that involve utilizing the human sense of sight quite expeditiously. Sight often comes in quite handy during this event since several open field activities take place on this date too. In the United States for instance, a massive parade constituted of giant floats, matching bands and even convoys of celebrated icons in the entertainment industry often match along the 5th avenue in New York. This event always attracts thousands of sight seers who come to enjoy themselves either by observing or taking part in the activity.Advertising Looking for essay on cultural studies? Let's see if w e can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Song, dance and even prayer also decorate this callous celebration. Very appeasing tunes often heard both live or on television also seek to satisfy the human sense of hearing. In as much as the satisfaction of the senses of smell, taste and sight are of great importance, it is equally important to acknowledge the fact that these celebrations would be out rightly dull and unbearable if the sense of hearing was to be neglected. It hence makes much sense to conclude this essay by attesting to the fact that for a fulfilling commemoration of the thanksgiving event, the satisfaction of almost all the human senses is deemed necessary. It is also important to take part in this celebration since it helps to renew one’s commitment to the family and the general nourishment of the society. These activities also help to encourage or promote unity by encouraging a sense of belonging among people hence emphasizing the im portance of harmonious living. This essay on Thanksgiving’s Day History was written and submitted by user BrotherhoodofEvilMutants to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Friday, March 13, 2020

History and Geography of India

History and Geography of India Population: 1,173,108,018 (July 2010 estimate)Capital: New DelhiMajor Cities: Mumbai, Kolkata, Bangalore,  and ChennaiArea: 1,269,219 square miles (3,287,263 sq km)Bordering Countries: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burma, China, Nepal,  and PakistanCoastline: 4,350 miles (7,000 km)Highest Point: Kanchenjunga at 28,208 feet (8,598 m) India, formally called the Republic of India, is the country that occupies most of the Indian subcontinent in southern Asia. In terms of its population, India is one of the most populous nations in the world and falls slightly behind China. India has a long history and is considered the worlds largest democracy and one of the most successful in Asia. It is a developing nation and has only recently opened its economy to outside trade and influences. As such, its economy is currently growing and when combined with its population growth, India is one of the worlds most significant countries. Indias History Indias earliest settlements are believed to have developed in the culture hearths of the Indus Valley around 2600 B.C.E. and in the Ganges Valley around 1500 B.C.E. These societies were mainly composed of ethnic Dravidians who had an economy based on commerce and agricultural trade. Aryan tribes are believed to have then invaded the area after they migrated into the Indian subcontinent from the northwest. It is thought that they introduced the caste system which is still common in many parts of India today. During the 4th century B.C.E, Alexander the Great introduced Greek practices into the region when he expanded across Central Asia. During the 3rd century B.C.E, the Mauryan Empire came into power in India and was most successful under its emperor, Ashoka. Throughout subsequent periods Arab, Turkish and Mongol peoples entered India and in 1526, a Mongol Empire was established there, which later expanded throughout most of northern India. During this time, such landmarks as the Taj Mahal were also constructed. Much of Indias history after the 1500s was then dominated by British influences. The first British colony was in 1619 with English East India Company at Surat. Shortly thereafter, permanent trading stations opened in present-day Chennai, Mumbai,  and Kolkata. British influence then continued to expand from these initial trading stations and by the 1850s, most of India and other countries such as Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh were controlled by Britain. By the late 1800s, India began working toward independence from Britain but it did not come until the 1940s however when Indian citizens began to unite and British Labor Prime Minister Clement Attlee began to push for Indias independence. On August 15, 1947, India officially became a dominion within the Commonwealth and Jawaharlal Nehru was named Indias Prime Minister. Indias first constitution was written shortly thereafter on January 26, 1950, and at that time, it officially became a member of the British Commonwealth. Since gaining its independence, India has undergone significant growth in terms of its population and economy, however, there were periods of instability in the country and much of its population today lives extreme poverty. Government of India Today Indias government is a federal republic with two legislative bodies. The legislative bodies consist of the Council of States, also called Rajya Sabha, and the Peoples Assembly, which is called the Lok Sabha. Indias executive branch has a chief of state and a head of government. There are also 28 states and seven union territories in India. Economics Land Use in India Indias economy today is a varied mix of small village farming, modern large-scale agriculture as well as modern industries. The service sector is also an incredibly large part of Indias economy as many foreign companies have  such places as call centers located in the country. In addition to the service sector, Indias largest industries are textiles, food processing, steel, cement, mining equipment, petroleum, chemicals and computer software. Indias agricultural products include rice, wheat, oilseed, cotton, tea, sugarcane, dairy products,  and livestock. Geography and Climate of India The geography of India is diverse and can be divided into three main regions. The first is the rugged, mountainous Himalayan region in the northern part of the country, while the second is called the Indo-Gangetic Plain. It is in this region that most of Indias large-scale agriculture takes place. The third geographic region in India is the plateau region in the southern and central portions of the country. India also has three major river systems which have large deltas that take over a large portion of the land. These are the Indus, Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers. Indias climate is also varied but is tropical in the south and mainly temperate in the north. The country also has a pronounced monsoon season from June to September in it southern portion. More Facts About India Indias people are 80% Hindu, 13% Muslim and 2% Christian. These divisions have historically caused tensions between different religious groups.Hindi and English are Indias official languages, but there are also 17 regional languages that are considered official.India has several cities that have undergone place name changes such as Bombay being renamed Mumbai. These changes were mainly done in an effort to return the city names to local dialects, as opposed to British translations. Sources: Central Intelligence Agency. (20 January 2011). CIA - The World Factbook - India. (n.d.). India: History, Geography, Government, and Culture - United States Department of State. (2009 November). India (11/09).

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

An interview with a small firm about talent management to find the gap Assignment

An interview with a small firm about talent management to find the gap between academic and practitioners - Assignment Example However, recent scientific research established that the generic teamwork skills are more than an individual’s personal skills and abilities. Another gap is in the approaches to composition of teams in organizations. Most organizations take the average of team members on a particular trait and treat the score as the teams mean composition. However, recent scientific research suggest that the most appropriate approach to measure team composition traits depend on many other circumstances. Scientific research therefore, suggest that the mean score is not the best approach for Human resource managers to use to evaluate team composition Demographic diversity in teams also presents certain gaps between research in human resource development and actual practice of human resource development. Diversity in the workforce is changing over time with increased involvement of gender, age, and cultural diversity in the organization. There are also changes in management of a diverse workforce for organizations. In many firms, there is a perception that demographic diversity increases team performance. However, according to research, more demographic diversity does not always result in increased team performance. Other studies suggest that demographic diversity does not influence team performance especially on long term basis. (Hollenbeck, DeRue, & Guzzo, 2004) To solve the gap in choosing the best people to form a team, it is important for organizations to develop a foundation of knowledge, skills, and abilities. The firm can examine a number of factors based on theoretical and methodological background. Organizations should develop teams depending on feedback, cooperation, team spirit, morale and adaptability of the employees. Choosing a team should not focus on individual skills. The choice should be comprehensive in nature In order integrate between human resource

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Case study on an historical Civil Engineering failure Essay - 2

Case study on an historical Civil Engineering failure - Essay Example After continuous investigations that lasted over 14 months, the investigating bodies concluded that the collapse was prompted by the inadequacy in load capacity of gusset plates that had been used to construct the bridge. The problem of the connecting gusset plates to the truss members had been a design problem, and the error was caused by the designing firm, Sverdrup and Parcel Associates Corporation (Higgins et al. 988). It was assessed that the loading particulars incorporated a mixture of substantial additions in the total weight of the whole bridge construction that had been caused by past modifications to the bridge. It was also assessed that the traffic on that day of the collapse added on to the construction loads on the bridge. The evidence used to assess and investigate the damage of the bridge has been reviewed in this report. In the year 2007, on the evening of August 1st at around 18:00 hours, the 1,900 foot long I-35 bridge situated on top of the Mississippi River, Minnesota underwent a disastrous failure. The bridge deck truss that measured around 1,500 feet collapsed together with some other adjacent sections of the bridges approach spans that had been sustained by the deck truss. Media reports showed that there were over 190 individuals who were on that bridge at the time of the collapse. A total of 14 fatalities were reported, with approximately 150 individuals sustaining various injuries. It was also reported that a total of 111 motor vehicles had been on the bridge when it collapsed (Feldman 541). A handful of those vehicles was recovered from the water. The figure below shows the collapsed bridge on the morning after the collapse. The NTSB commissioned a team of experts to investigate the accident scene. The investigations commenced immediately on the next day after the disastrous collapse of the bridge. The complete investigation with extensive documentation and analysis of the destroyed bridge were presented to the Senate and

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Food Adulteration Essay Example for Free

Food Adulteration Essay Kraft Foods offer a wide variety of products. They offer delicious foods and beverages for every lifestyle on the go. While exploring the website of Kraft seems to define their product mix as foods that are geared more towards the people on the go. I would define their product mix as health/wellness foods, quick fix meals, snacks and beverages as well as offering a Premium line of foods. In their health/wellness foods they offer products in a â€Å"light† form such as things like Philadelphia light cream cheese and reduce fat cookies. For meals on the go or quick fix meals Kraft have designed meals like the Kraft Mac Cheese Cups, frozen meals and sandwich kits. They offer a wide variety of snack foods including everyone’s favorite cookie Oreo’s and Splendips. The Premium line that Kraft offers includes foods like DiGornio Pizza and Oscar Myer bacon. Kraft offers 8 product lines with over 50 different brands. Kraft’s product mix is the offering of their premium foods, such as DiGornao Ultimate Pizza which is made as a higher quality pizza then the standard. Tombstone Mexican Style Pizza is offered as a convenience food as a favorite food of teenage boys. It was designed for the ease of cooking a easy, quick, healthy meal. Tang is real fruit goodness of oranges. Everyone will surely love its sweet, refreshing flavor plus the added nutrition it gives. It is also instant drink mix offering the convenience food again. South Beach Diet foods are part of their healthy yet, convenience foods. The line offers alternatives to other popular diet fads. South Beach Diet foods play on wholegrain and the correct or right fats like canola oil and olive oil. In this line they also offer bars for a fast way to fill a craving during the day.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Socialism for the Common Man Essay -- Economic System

â€Å"I wished to frighten the country by a picture of what its industrial masters were doing to their victims; entirely by chance I stumbled on another discovery—what they were doing to the meat-supply of the civilized world. In other words, I aimed at the public’s heart, and by accident hit it in the stomach† (Yoder 9). With the publication of a single book, Upton Sinclair found himself an overnight phenomenon receiving international response. In late 1904, Sinclair left for Chicago to tell the story of the poor common workingmen and women unfairly enslaved by the vast monopolistic enterprises. He found that he could go anywhere in the stockyards provided that he â€Å"[wore] old clothes†¦ and [carried] a workman’s dinner pail† (Sougstad 553). While Sinclair spent seven weeks in Chicago living amongst and interviewing the Chicago workers, he came upon another discovery—the filth of improper sanitation and the processing of spoiled meat . From what he saw, Sinclair spun a tale with graphic descriptions of the packing houses, creating a book that produced unprecedented public uproar. The book entitled, The Jungle, is said to have decreased America’s meat consumption for decades and President Roosevelt, himself, reportedly threw his breakfast sausages out his window after reading the novel. The New York Evening Post responded, â€Å"Mary had a little lamb and when she saw it sicken; she shipped it off to Packingtown and now it’s labeled chicken† (Krugman). However, Sinclair classified his novel as a failure and blamed himself for the public’s misunderstanding. He found it disheartening that the public was less concerned about the plight of the slaughterhouse workers than the possibility of eating tainted meat. In Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle, he ill... ...the bottom as the worst of scum. Sinclair promotes socialism, as publicly owned corporations will be less about individual profit but the well-being of the common good. Sinclair promotes socialism in The Jungle in many methods: a capitalist society provides workers with sickening working condition, a capitalist society consists of corruption, and a socialistic society will mean a perfect world. Sinclair’s extremely graphic details lead to global acknowledgement. President Roosevelt dubbed Upton Sinclair as â€Å"a muckraker†Ã¢â‚¬â€an individual who channels time and effort into exposing corruption. Even though Sinclair’s novel did not do as much for the poor as he hoped, it did bring about change to America: stricter meat-packing regulations, standards of cleanliness in processing plants, and public knowledge of what the Chicago corporations were doing to their canned meat.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Music and the african-american people

Think about black music and you immediately come up with black gospel music, right? There are a large number of famous soul singers nowadays who began as gospel music artists. This impressive list includes, among others, James Brown, Aretha Franklin, Ray Charles, Lou Rawls, Sam Cooke and Otis Redding, says Leonard Goines in the online article â€Å"Gospel Music and the Black Consciousness†.In terms of history, Goines noted that black gospel music grew out of the late 19th and early 20th century folk church and is essentially created in a context of individual and collective spontaneity. As a total manifestation, black gospel can be viewed as a synthesis of West African and Afro-American music, dance, poetry, oratory and drama. There are two basic sources from which the aesthetic ideals of gospel singing have been derived.These are the free-style collective improvisations utilized by congregations in the black church and the black gospel preacher's rhetorical solo style. Since the beginning of their history in the plantation praise houses, black preachers have utilized folk poetry and the vivid phrase to excite the emotions and involve the participation of their congregations. Possessing special oratorical skills marked by a call-and-response format and punctuated with groans and gestures, these master preachers have been able to create an aura of excitement and hope rarely equaled (Goines, 2004)I would have to agree with Goines when he pointed out gospel has distilled the aesthetic essence of the black arts into a unified whole. The uniqueness of black gospel music, in my opinion, is in the experience itself when you listen to it. As noted by Goines, few people can experience gospel in its true cultural setting and fail to hear black poetry in the black preacher's sermon. Nor can they fail to see drama in the emotion-packed performance of a black gospel choir interacting with its congregation; nor fail to see dance in the gospel shout.It is also in this aspect that I would say yes, there is such a thing as a Black Style. Anyone who listens to gospel music can easily identify if the singer is black or not. The soulfulness and the emotions revealed in black gospel music is definitely a manifestation of the proud cultural heritage of the African-American people. Source: Goines, Leonard 2004: Gospel Music and the Black Consciousness [online] Available at: http://www. afgen. com/gospel21. html [cited on May 24, 2006]

Sunday, January 5, 2020

A Narrative Of The Captivity By Mary Rowlandson - 847 Words

The struggle. Mary Rowlandson her story â€Å"A Narrative of the Captivity† is full of heroic incident that she went through during the Indian attack of her town in Lancaster. Mary Rowlandson was among captive, Rowlandson went through several difficult moment. â€Å"All was gone, my husband was gone at least they separated from me, he being in the Bay;† (259). Rowlandson life was really in desperate help, she was injured, lost her daughter and separated her other family. However, her strangeness in her Christianity kept her moving. â€Å"Lord hereby would make us the more acknowledge His hand, and to see what our help is always in Him† (258). Even though, the attack on Lancaster and Rowlandson’s subsequent captivity teach Rowlandson that life is short and can never be granted. Everything you have in life can disappear in matter of days or hours without any warning, however your faith should be in judge on any kind of difficulty moment. Rowlandson’s believe in Christianity plays an active role of her survival. â€Å"Being faithful to the service of God in her people† (258). When Mary Rowlandson, was capture she was injured by the Indian. Although she survive that wound but her daughter die. The Indians were so brutal â€Å"Barbarous creature, with our bodies wounded and bleeding, and our hearts no less than our bodies† (259). In this case Rowlandson was in pain for the loss at the same was badly treated by the Indians. Another heroic incident is when the Indians attack a small village duringShow MoreRelatedA Narrative Of Captivity By Mary Rowlandson Essay962 Words   |  4 PagesA Narrative of Captivity by Mary Rowlandson and The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano by Olaudah Equiano are captivity narratives in which the two narrators share their individual stories of being abruptly kidnapped and enslaved. Equiano was an black 11 year old boy who was stolen from his home by African slave trader s in 1756. Rowlandson, a 39 year old Puritan woman, was taken in 1675, during King Philip’s War, after Indians raided her town. Although the two authors are both kidnappedRead MoreA Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, by Mary Rowlandson1483 Words   |  6 Pages â€Å"A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson† by Mary Rowlandson is a short history about her personal experience in captivity among the Wampanoag Indian tribe. On the one hand, Mary Rowlandson endures many hardships and derogatory encounters. However, she manages to show her superior status to everyone around her. She clearly shows how her time spent under captivity frequently correlates with the lessons taught in the Bible. Even though, the colonists possibly murderedRead MoreA Narrative Of The Captivity And Restoration Of Mary Rowlandson Essay1342 Words   |  6 Pageswe have discussed a few captivity narratives such as: John Smith, Mary Rowl andson, and Cotton Mather. From a personal standpoint, Mary Rowlandson’s captivity narrative was one of the best selections we have read in class thus far. It is a prominent source of biblical encouragement to those of the Puritan religion and some other religions that put God above all human and nature. Throughout the short story, a Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mary Rowlandson, it describes the elevenRead MoreThe Narrative Of The Captivity And The Restoration Of Mary Rowlandson1611 Words   |  7 Pagespeople. Mary Rowlandson was among these captives, and the resulting captivity narrative, titled The Narrative of the Captivity and the Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, published in 1682, is formed based on her memory. Rowlandson’s captivity narrative carried great significance in that it came to be used as a didactic Jeremiad, leading its Calvinist audience back towards God’s path and away from an allegorical wilderness. As a devout Calvinist, Rowlandson believes her journey through captivity isRead MoreA Narrative Of The Captivity By Mrs. Mary Rowlandson963 Words   |  4 Pagesdisrupted through attacks taken place. Through the experience of one woman, A Narrative of the Captivity by Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, an American colonial women, accurately depicts historical record of the attacks made of the King Philips war and her being held for ransom eleven weeks in its descriptions of the brutalities and godliness which sets the tone between what is truth and what is contradictory in the eyes of Rowlandson and the native Americans. Moreover, through this war fueled battle the colonialRead MoreThe Narrative Of The Captivity And The Restoration Of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson1422 Words   |  6 Pagesof twenty-four people. Mary Rowlandson was among these captives, and the resulting captivity narrative, titled The Narrative of the Captivity and the Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, published in 1682, is formed b ased on her memory. Rowlandson’s captivity narrative carried great significance in that it came to be used as a didactic Jeremiad, leading its Calvinist audience back towards God’s path and away from an allegorical wilderness. As a devout Calvinist, Rowlandson believes that her journeyRead MoreThe Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson1600 Words   |  7 PagesThe Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson reveals that the ghastly depiction of the Indian religion (or what Rowlandson perceives as a lack of religion) in the narrative is directly related to the ideologies of her Puritan upbringing. Furthermore, Rowlandsons experiences in captivity and encounter with the new, or Other religion of the Indians cause her rethink, and question her past; her experiences do not however cause her to redirect her life or change her idealsRead More A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson944 Words   |  4 PagesThe Pressure to Assimilate in Mary Rowlandson’s A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson There are times when assimilation is not a choice but rather something is forced. In circumstances such as being taken hostage, the ability to survive must come at the price of assimilating ones own customs into another lifestyle. In February of 1675 the Native Americans who were at war with the Puritans obtained hostage Mary Rowlandson of the Plymouth colony. During this timeRead More Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson1366 Words   |  6 PagesNarrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson From the violent and brutal clash between Indians [1], and British colonists in Massachusetts during King Philips War (1675-6) grew a new literary genre. After their redemption, some colonists who had been prisoners of the Indians wrote autobiographical accounts of their experiences. These captivity narratives developed a large audience, and interest in the narratives continued into the nineteenth century.[2] After her captureRead MoreA Narrative On The Captivity And Restoration Of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson1670 Words   |  7 Pageswriting about the historical context of Mary Rowlandson’s, â€Å"A Narrative on the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson.† I am going to look at the entire historical background of Rowlandson’s narrative. The way I am going to explore this is how the readers back then would have interpreted Roland’s reference to Biblical verses, and her questioning of God’s role during her captivity. I plan on using at least 2 so urces for this assignment. Mary White Rowlandson was a colonial woman in America who