Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Diffrenece between FAA Regulations (FARs) and UAE GCAA Regulations Essay - 1

Diffrenece between FAA Regulations (FARs) and UAE GCAA Regulations (CARs) - Essay Example The regulations cover all activities of aviation ranging from pilot training to the specification requirements for air craft’s and broader issues that deal with the management of flight operations within a jurisdiction. The general civil aviation authority of the United Arab Emirates bears significant resemblance with the federal aviation administration of the United States. From the onset, it is important to recognize the fact that both of these bodies are regulatory bodies that set the required standards in the field of aviation. The standards that the two regulating authorities majorly deal with broadly concern the requirement of the human resource in the aviation industry and the specifications of aircrafts that are to be used within the jurisdictions that the regulations govern. The GCAA for example is in charge of issuing certificates to aircrafts that have complied with all the safety standards of flying within its airspace, the FAA on the other hand prescribes regulations that govern the standard requirements of safety in all aircrafts in the united states. In dealing with personnel issues, both of the organizations are in charge of the training and certification of the aircraft handlers an d all the people directly involved in the manipulation of the planes (National Aeronautics and Space Administration Staff 1982, pp 613). An international standard is also an area that both the organizations correspond in functional operation. Both the GCAA and FAA provide regulations within their territories to ensure that the aircraft standards and the training of personnel meet the international safety standards that are set for safety and airworthiness (International Business Publications, USA. 2012, pp 227). The major driving force behind these regulations is the safety of all the stakeholders in aviation sector. Through imposing strict standards and regulations in the industry, the chances of accidents occurring through

Monday, October 28, 2019

Virtue Ethics Criticsm Essay Example for Free

Virtue Ethics Criticsm Essay The biggest criticism of Virtue Ethics is that it doesnt give clear guidance on how to act in specific circumstances. It cannot tell us what the law should be about abortion, euthanasia, pre-implantation genetic diagnosis etc. It gives no clear answer to questions such as Is the environment intrinsically valuable?. The lack of moral rules or a method of addressing dilemmas is the main conceren here, but there is also uncertainty about how you decide on what the virtues are. Many critics say Virtue Ethics simply doesnt do the job of an ethical theory. There are many responses to this. There are no absolute answers to these questions, MacIntyre takes this view that contemporary ethics has distanced itself from real people and real issues by debating fine legalistic points which they will never agree on. Virtue Ethics asks a much more important question what sort of person should I be? This question may have different answers depending where and when it is asked, but it gives real direction and purpose to people. Nussbaum says that there are absolutes. However, it is virtues that have value, not rules. We should strive for Justice, Wisdom, Temperance etc. rather than looking for absolute rules. When thinking about whether to go to war, there are no absolute rules (You must not kill an innocent person, for example, is seen as impractical as all wars lead to innocent people dying). However, we have elected a leader who we want to act justly, to be temperate, to have wisdom etc. Issues such as Embryo Research depend a lot on answers to questions such as When does an embryo/foetus become a person? These questions cannot be answered by ethical theories. MacIntyre would say that to move forward in these issues, we need to better understand the context. For example, we are a society where thousands of embryos die at various stages of the IVF process. There is therefore a contradiction between our societys comfortable response to IVF and the often violent negative reaction to embryonic stem-cell research. When approaching these issues, we should aim to respond with wisdom, right ambition, temperance etc. Virtue Ethics responds confidently to many of these criticisms by drawing attention to the failings of deontological theories and consequentialist positions (GEM Anscombe coined the phrase consequentialism in her 1958 article Modern Moral Philosophy which attacked contemporary ethical theories for being out of touch with the real world. This article may have been largely responsible for the resurrgence of interest in Virtue Ethics). There are other criticisms, though. For example, Virtue Ethics rejects moral absolutes such as Do not lie, but then values the virtue of honesty. Critics claim that the virtues are really another way of stating moral rules, and that the virtues depend on the existence of these rules. Honesty is precisely a virtue because it is wrong to lie. This sort of criticism can lead to a circular debate, but it is actually the biggest threat to the virtue theorist.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

One Of The Hardest Things I had To Do - Original Writing :: Papers

One Of The Hardest Things I had To Do - Original Writing As we drove from the peaceful, secluded surroundings of Hertfordshire into the bustling hub of Heathrow's Terminal 4, it suddenly dawned on me how hard it would be for me to carry out this featà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ It was the time I was most looking forward to. We had finally been allowed out of the school gates into our eight weeks of freedom. No work had to be handed in the next day, no teachers would moan how over worked, under paid they were and most of all it was not the winter. After careful deliberation my family and I decided to spend our two-week vacation in the all night city of Paris. We were looking forward to the 35oC weather, the theme parks built inside the over developed hotels and one of the greatest wonders of the world, the Eiffel tower. The hotel we wanted to stay at was called the Jolly Hotel Lotti. This hotel was like no other hotel I had ever seen. Not only did it have its own built in theme park with log flumes, roller coasters and any other ride imaginable but it also had twenty to thirty shops and restaurants all inside. To put it mildly, it was huge! On the 21st August, about a week before we left, we received a letter from the hotel's theme park. It told us that for one day only, they would be offering a free ride on the 'Screamer', for anyone who raised more than  £150 in sponsorship. Only when I watched the enclosed video in astonishment, did I realize what this 'ride' was. It was something I had always wanted to do, but had never managed to convince my parents that it was safe. I found out that it was the first bungee jump that allowed anyone over the age of nine to fly through the air at an exhilarating 80 mph at a g-force of 2.5, so you could understand what my parents' reaction would be to my interest.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Feminism Essay -- essays research papers

Both Virginia Woolf, in a speech addressing a graduating all women class, and Naomi Wolf, in her text The Beauty Myth, contemplate feminism from an economic viewpoint. While Woolf believes women need money and a room of their own to have economic independence, Wolf gives credence to the fact that the beauty industry is hindering the independence of women. Through male pomposity, the conventional lives of women, obsession with physical appearance, and the reality that beauty is diverse, both Woolf and Wolf explain the significance of our world's economy. Women have always been economically dependent on men. Any land or money that was in a woman's possession was given to her father or husband. Women have stayed at home working as housewives, cleaning house, and taking care of children. Of course, there have been women who have worked outside of the house, but Woolf sees that kind of work as enslavement. Not much money was made, and not many occupations were open to women. ". what still remains with me. was the poison of fear and bitterness which those days bred in me. To begin with, always to be doing work that one did not wish to do, and to do it like a slave," (Woolf 348). Therefore Woolf concludes that women need to be independent from men, and in order to do so women need to have money of their own. This statement is without a doubt biased, as Woolf is limiting her thesis to those women who have an income without working. Consequently, working women can never really be liberated. One may ask why women have been the poor ones. Why have women been dependent on men, and not men on women? Why haven't women been able to thrive and prosper like men have? The answer lies in the fact that men blow themselves out of proportion. Woolf's theory is that women have been seen as mirrors. "Women have served all these centuries as looking glasses possessing the magic and delicious power of reflecting the figure of man at twice its natural size," (Woolf 346). Because men see women as inferior, men feel superior. If a woman were to stand up for herself and lessen the power of the looking glass, men wouldn't have the feeling of predominance that they occupy now. "The looking-glass vision is of supreme importance because it charges the vitality; it stimulates the nervous system. Take it away and man may die," (Woo... ...s I was writing this paper, an ad for a "Jenny Jones Weight Loss" program came on. Lose nineteen pounds for nineteen dollars, Jenny Jones promises. And a couple days ago heavier people were protesting an ad 24-hour Fitness had exhibited, "When the aliens come, they will eat the fat ones first." Even my nine-year-old sister wonder why her stomach sticks out, she wonders what she can do to be thinner. It's affecting the younger generation. On the other hand, I look at my mother who is successful. She is a single mother who works in a predominantly male occupation, raising three children on her own. In some ways women have progressed, in some ways women have digressed. As women, we need to crack the mirror Virginia Woolf indicated as apparent in our domain. We need to set Shakespeare's sister free, and make the choice to have money and a room of our own. And as Naomi Wolf presented, we need to look for diversity in beauty. We need to become aware of the decrease in self-confidence that is happening in women, and do something about it. While it certainly is not going to happen today, or even tomorrow, on behalf of all women, I hope it happens soon.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Reflections on the Black Race Essay

That the issue of Obama’s racial background is much talked about in terms of his fitness for the US presidency only proves this: that we Americans have a long way to go in our pursuit of adherence to the ideals of our declaration of independence. After all the document held the fundamental equality of people, and everyman’s inalienable rights, to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The declaration did not favor any race in the universality of its coverage. So how come some people have raised the specter of doom for America once the black mestizo Obama wins the US presidency? How come a Democrat lawyer is doggedly pursuing, ostensibly as a matter of principle—that Barack Obma is not a â€Å"natural born American† and is therefore unqualified to run for the presidency of the United States. The Democrat lawyer claimed his motivation was his loyalty to the US constitution. (Refer to the You Tube citation in the reference below for this item). But Surname 2 one can sense a certain ferocity in his campaign that didn’t seem to jibe with his claimed adherence. The dramatic performance of this Democrat lawyer complete with reciting his monologue with the Philadelphia edifice in his background is obviously a public relations stunt of a deeply rooted racist. This theatrics however considerably lost its mantle after a considered US statesman and former Secretary of State—the full-blooded Republican Mr. Powell— endorsed Mr. Obama, making sure he stood for principle in supporting Mr. Obama. Mr. Powell was also bothered by the way his own Republican camp was hitting the dirt in their campaign of hatred against the black American Democratic candidate. (Refer again to the You Tube citation in the reference. ) Mr. Powell finally called for â€Å"a generational change†, and coming as it did from a senior Republican – for a long time, an unprecedented bipartisanship– Mr Powell raised a very important gesture of statesmanship and concern for American welfare. (You Tube). . In his book Dreams from my Father, Obama in the first 20 pages described a life that started as a young mind, clueless on the lifetime struggle that was to be on his shoulders as a black mestizo. He described Kansas, as â€Å"the dab-smack, landlocked center of the country, a place where decency and endurance and the pioneer spirit were joined at the hip with conformity and suspicion and the potential for unblinking cruelty. † (p. 13). Take note of his analogy of the metaphorical duality of his environment when he described Kansas as a place of decency, endurance, and (pioneering) spirit on the upper side, joined in the hip with such negative traits as conformity, suspicion, and the potential for Surname 3 unblinking cruelty†¦ This fairly balanced assessment of his origins recognized the fundamental decency of the American people , but also noted the attitudinal duality to racial origins in his country of birth. In this book Obama explored the pervasive racial issues that he encountered in life, from childhood, to college, — and by now he must have realized—to the present, when as the Democrat candidates, he stood on the threshold of American presidency. Despite this stature, he was still grappling with the race issue. As a young man, Obama was unmindful of the thought â€Å"(that )my father looked nothing like the people around me — that he was black as pitch, my mother white as milk. † (p. 16) It was an infinitely harder life for the common blacks. In Obama’s case he only started to become aware of the weight of his racial identity as he grew up. Obama as a black did not come from the underprivileged, but from a relatively middle class environment. Compared to what Obama went through, Brent Staples now tells us that ordinary blacks suffered even harsher environments. Consoling blacks, he reminded them of the historical movement toward their freedom. They came from a country that barely a few decades ago was absolutely racist, a virtual apartheid which situation started to collapse only after World War II. Staples said that only after the collapse did blacks start to move out of their sequestered world and into colleges, jobs, and walks of life that had been closed to them until then. Surname 4 Still, black Americans who came from successful, suburban and upwardly mobile families were regularly dismissed as white or inauthentic . In other words, Brent Staples also blamed blacks for wanting to further marginalize themselves and to inflict on themselves a marginalized status. â€Å"The authentic black experience, it was said at the time, was limited to the hard-core, impoverished upbringing that black people often chose to brag about, even when they had actually grown up with private prep schools in the lap of luxury,† was Brent’s assessment of the black mentality of the 60s. In other words, even Obama was unacceptable to these blacks because he was not authentically â€Å"black† in the poverty side of the issue. But another Republican Alan Keyes dished out another execrable crap when he opposed Mr. Obama in the Illinois Senate race back in 2004 saying Mr. Obama was not black because â€Å"he was not descended from slaves. † Clearly both black and whites think of blacks as having to be miserable in order to qualify for this racial group. The self-image of this group seems to be one that perpetually deprecates itself as always coming from the bottom. Mr. Obama himself, a would-be president of the United States has experienced the existential problem of how it is to be black in the world’s most prosperous country. In his book Obama disclosed how he coped with life as a black in a society dominated by whites. As Staples explains it: â€Å"He stumbled onto the mysteries of race in his own good time and pursued them in his own way. His quest took him to an impoverished community on the South Surname 5 Side of Chicago, where he worked as an organizer in an infamous public housing project before discovering his vocation as a politician. † And Staples sees hope that this division would soon be resolved with a greater understanding of the multiplicity of experiences among marginalized peoples in any society. Said he: â€Å"†¦ The hue and cry over Barack Obama’s identity stems from a failure by black traditionalists to recognize multiracial versions of themselves. Soon enough, perhaps by year’s end, however, the Obama story, which seems so exotic to so many people now, will have found its place among all the other stories of the sprawling black diaspora. † Surname 6 Works Cited Obama, Barack. Dreams of My Father. US: Three River Press, 1995,pp. 1-20. Staples, Brent. Decoding the Debate Over the Blackness of Barack Obama. (2007) The Editorial Observer. Retrieved October 19. 2008 from: http://files. meetup. com/427541/Blackness%20of%20Barack%20Obama%20. doc You Tube campaign against Obama . Retrieved Oct. 21, 2008. http://sayanythingblog. com/entry/a_video_that_could_change_the_election/

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

My Work Experience         For my work experience I went to

My Work Experience   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  For my work experience I went to My Work Experience ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ For my work experience I went to Vokes Hair Studio in Northampton. It was my own placement. I chose that particular place because I thought it looked nice and also thought it was what I wanted to do. My friend works there so she managed to sort out all the forms for me, which was very nice of her and also organised my transportation to and from work.ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ I went in on a Saturday for my interview with the manager and owner of Vokes (Colin Vokes). I was extremely scared but once I met him I was alright. I was told that I could only wear black, white or red clothing and only shoes were allowed. My hours were 9am to 5:30pm with 45 minutes lunch break.ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ On the very first morning I went in with my friend and I was not worried as I had already met the staff before.I was shown what I would be required to do during the 2 weeks. I learnt how to wash hair, which was more fun than I had expected and learnt all the different stages in hairdressing. When the salon was not very busy I learnt how to style hair on the dummy heads. Sometimes I helped with perms, which I loved doing. I enjoyed learning and found nothing boring whatsoever.ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ I worked in a very clean, pleasant surrounding and the staff were very welcoming towards me. They made me feel like an adult, not a school girl. At lunch times I was invited to go out socializing with the staff. Sometimes my brother and all his college friends would come and meet me, which I enjoyed as I think they are all very funny.ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ à ‚Æ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ In the 2 weeks I never actually worked with Colin because he was on holiday so there was some rule bending. We would all have a McDonalds breakfast in the morning, which would have been not allowed.ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ There are many differences between work and school. I thought school was hard but as soon as you experience the real world, school is a whole different place. I now look at school as the best years I will probably have, so now I am making the most of it. However, the way you are treated at work is much better than at school. You are respected more and treated the same as an adult. This made me feel important and as if I made a difference to the company, which I was told I did.ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ' ‚‚ I did like work experience by the end of the 2 weeks, even though it was hard. It has changed my attitude. The first day and the last day were completely different. I was confused the first day and was standing about most of the time but the last few days I felt comfortable to find something to do.ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ IÂÆ' ¢Ã‚‚€‚™m very grateful for being able to go on this experience and thank all the people that helped me. I was offered a job there on Saturdays and for when I leave school so I will take that into consideration.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Famous Blessings, Sayings, and Songs About Hanukkah

Famous Blessings, Sayings, and Songs About Hanukkah The name of this Jewish holiday can be spelled many different ways, but the two most widely accepted are Hanukkah and Chanukah. The holiday is also known as the Festival of Lights. In honor of the celebration of Hanukkah, here are some blessings, proverbs, thoughts, and even a song from famous people such as American film producer Ralph Levy, American author Dave Barry, poet Hannah Senesh, and many others. Dave Barry In the old days, it was not called the Holiday Season; the Christians called it Christmas  and went to church; the Jews called it Hanukkah and went to synagogue; the atheists went to parties and drank. People passing each other on the street would say Merry Christmas!  or Happy Hanukkah! or (to the atheists) Look out for the wall! Chinese Proverb It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. Allen Ginsberg From: Psalm III Let the crookedness and straightness bespeak the light. Ralph Levy Now, near the Winter Solstice, it is good to light candles. All the nice meanings of bringing light to the world can be beautiful. But perhaps we are concentrating on lighting the world because we dont know how to light up our own lives. Hanukkah Blessing May This Festival of Lights bring Blessings upon you and All Your Loved Ones for Happiness, for Health, and for Spiritual and Material Wealth, and May the Lights of Chanukah Usher in the Light of Moshiach and a Better World for All of Humankind. Rabbi David Hartman The major question, which we must ponder on Hanukkah, is whether the Jewish people can develop an identity that will enable it to meet the outside world without feeling threatened or intimidated. The choice, hopefully, need not be ghettoization or assimilation. We can absorb from others without being smothered. We can appreciate and assimilate that which derives from foreign sources and at the same time feel firmly anchored to our particular frame of reference. Emma Lazarus, The Feast of Lights Kindle the taper like the steadfast star Ablaze on evenings forehead oer the earth, And add each night a lustre till afar. Ralph Levy Hanukkah - Another View We have focused on the miracle-thing and I think we often overlook the message of Hanukkah. To me, the core of the holiday is the cleaning of the temple... The accomplishment was in restoring the temple to the purpose for which it was built. Now think of the temple as a symbol. Perhaps it represents my life. The world has tried to use me for its own (perhaps good, but none-the-less extrinsic) purposes. But now I can rededicate myself to my own original purpose. II Maccabees 10. 6-7 They celebrated it for eight days with gladness like Sukkot   and recalled how a little while before, during Sukkot,   they had been wandering in the mountains and caverns like wild animals. So carrying lulavs ... they offered hymns of praise   to God who had brought to pass the purification of His own place. Charles Reznikoff From the poem: Meditations on the Fall and Winter Holidays The miracle, of course, was not that the oil for the sacred light - in a little cruse - lasted as long as they say; but that the courage of the Maccabees lasted to this day: let that nourish my flickering spirit. Adam Sandler From the song: The Hanukkah Song   Put on your yarmulke, Here comes Hanukkah! So much funukah, To celebrate Hanukkah! Hanukkah is the festival of lights. Instead of one day of presents, we have eight crazy nights. Hannah Senesh Blessed is the match consumed in kindling flame. Blessed is the flame that burns in the secret fastness of the heart.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

SCHULZ Last Name Origin and Meaning

SCHULZ Last Name Origin and Meaning The surname Schulz, which ranks 9th among  most common German last names,  has several possible origins: A German occupational name for the man in charge of a village (magistrate, sheriff, overseer) originally derived from the Middle High German word schulteize meaning the person in charge of collecting payments on behalf of the lord of the manor. It is similar in meaning to the English family name, Constable.The Jewish origin of the SCHULTZ / SCHULZ name is uncertain, possibly given to, or by, a rabbi. The Schulz surname is most commonly found in Germany according to the World Names Public Profiler, especially within the regions of  Brandenburg, Mecklenberg-Vorpommern, Berlin, Sachsen-Anhalt, and Schleswig-Holstein. It is next found most frequently in Austria and Australia. When spelled with a t (Schultz), the last name is more common in Denmark and the United States than Germany. Because most last names originate in multiple areas, the best way to learn more about your Schulz last name is to research your own specific family history. If you are new to genealogy, you can try tracing your family tree or learn more researching German genealogy and family coat of arms. Surname Origin: German, English Alternate Surname Spellings:  SCHULTZ, SCHULZE,  SCHULTZE, SCHOLZ, SCHOLTZ, SCHULTS, SHULTS, SCHULTHEIß, SCHULTHEIS  Famous People With the SCHULZ Last Name Charles Schulz - American cartoonist, artist, and illustrator, best known for the popular comic strip PeanutsHoward Schultz - Starbucks CEOWarren Schultz - American game designerErwin Schulz - German Nazi SS general Genealogy Resources for the SCHULZ Last Name Meanings and Origins of the 50 Top German SurnamesMà ¼ller, Schmidt, Schneider, Fischer, Meyer... Are you one of the millions of people sporting one of the most common German last names? The Schulz last name ranks 9th on the list. How to Research German AncestorsGermany, as we know it today, is a much different country than it was during the time of many of our distant ancestors. Learn how to research your German ancestors both in present-day Germany, as well as in the six countries that received portions of the former German territory. Is My Surname Jewish?While many people will identify a last name that sounds Jewish, you generally cant identify Jewish ancestry by surname alone. 10 Online Sources for Holocaust ResearchFrom deportation records to lists of the martyred to survivor testimonies, the Holocaust has generated a vast amount of documents and records - many of which can be researched online! Schultz-Scholz Y-chromosome DNA Surname ProjectThe goal of the Schultz Surname Project is to use Y-DNA testing to distinguish between Schultz ancestral lines, worldwide. Any reasonable spelling variant of the surname is included, including Schultz, Schulze, Scholz, Scholze,  Schult, Schulte, Schultes, Schultheiß, Schults, Schultz, Schultze, Schulz, Schulze, Shults, Shultz, Sulc and Szulc. SCHULZ Family Genealogy ForumSearch this popular genealogy forum for the Schulz last name to find others who might be researching your ancestors, or post your own Schulz query. FamilySearch - SCHULZ GenealogySearch and access records, queries, and lineage-linked online family trees posted for the Schulz surname and its variations. FamilySearch features over 4 million results for the Schulz last name. SCHULZ Surname Family Mailing ListsRootsWeb hosts several free mailing lists for researchers of the Schulz surname. - SCHULZ Genealogy Family HistoryExplore free databases and genealogy links for the last name Schulz. Sources: Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967. Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989. Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003. Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

African history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

African history - Essay Example Ethiopian Christianity endured but did not expand missionary vision elsewhere in Africa or beyond. The 7th century saw retreatment of Christianity under the advance of Islam. However, it remained the chosen religion in Ethiopia and most of the North Africa regions (Olupona 95). Furthermore, the arrival of Portuguese in 15th introduced Christianity in the Sub-Saharan Africa. In 1652, the Dutch founded the beginnings of the Dutch Reform Church in the South of the Africa. In the rest of Africa, Christianity did not spread much in the 18th century. Rulers in the West Africa mildly received Christianity, seeing it as something to supplement their religions. Later, these rulers grew hostile when told they had to make a choice to take Christianity or traditional religion. South Africa had greater Christian Missionary activity. In 1737, the Moravian Brethren of Eastern Europe a mission and in 1799, the London Missionary Society followed their traditional religions until the 19th Century. At this time, Christian missionaries in Africa were driven by antislavery crusade and the Europeans interest of colonizing Africa. In areas where people had already converted to Islam, Christianity had little success. Missionaries who came in 19th century, hoping to convert the lo cal people, found the natives practicing their own Africanized Christianity (Olupona 100). The difference between the eastern (Swahili) and the western coasts of Africa as noted by early Portuguese explorers was very clear. This is because, in terms of city and empire configurations, the East Coast was subdivided up into three sections, that is, Barbar which was the horn of Africa’s Cushitic-speaking inhabitants, Zandj; which is found between the Lamu archipelago and the coastal point opposite Zanzibar and Sofala found between south of Zanzibar and southern Mozambique. Most of these coastal settlements appointed chiefs, either Arabs or Persians. The inter-mixing and

Friday, October 18, 2019

Curriculum Vitae Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Curriculum Vitae - Essay Example You should have solid network & Server support skills predominantly in the 2k/2k3 arena. You should be heading towards the MCSA/MCSE or at least have the relevant level of skill to carry out daily duties (The qualification itself is not necessary although would be beneficial). You will also need strong skills in networking protocols, Citrix, Active Directory & Exchange 2000/2003. If you have experience of anti-virus/byware/backup (Veritas) &/or Cisco Routers & Switches it would be advantageous to your application. You will be a hard working, have a passion to succeed & a get it done attitude. This position will help develop your skill-sets & advance your career in the long-term as the firm is a well established, financially successful enterprise. Send me your CV now. Spare Time Interests: My favourite past time would be sports particularly watching Football. I enjoy keeping fit and am a regular visitor at my local gym. I also endeavour to travel however; I have only had the opportunity to visit the Asian sub-continent and North America as yet. I am an honest, trustworthy, hardworking individual who has the ability to adapt to any environment and acquire the skills necessary to ensure this. A responsible individual with the ability to engage in detail planning and possess good organisational skills.

Cell cycle by emphasizing DNA replication Research Paper

Cell cycle by emphasizing DNA replication - Research Paper Example Increase in the number of cells with 2C-DNA content attests that over expression of wild type CDC6 impacts on the cell cycle kinetics. However, this over expression has no effect on cell proliferation. After S phase is complete, CDC6-d2 on the other hand blocks cell cycle progression and inhibits proliferation as cells with 2C DNA pile up; CDC6-d2 does not inhibit DNA replication but it does passage via mitosis. When SCF CDC4 is inactive, dephosphorylation of B subunit can be driven by over expression of the wild type CDC6 in nocodazole arrested cells. This however is not the case as with when the SCF CDC4 is active as over expression of the cells does not lead to dephosphorylation of the B subunit because over expression of CDC6-d2 blocks cells in G2/M by inactivating CDC28-Clb kinase and in a CDC4+ background produces phenotype very much like that produced by the over expression of wild type CDC6 in a CDC4 mutant background. Unlike CDC6-d2 which is stable in nocodazole arrested cells, the wild type protein is not and quickly disappears into the cells thus showing CDC6-d2 as being resistant to mode 3 proteolysis. It is noted however that CDC6-d2 is not affected for mode 1 proteolysis or mode 2 proteolysis but is affected as a substrate for mode 3 proteolysis; a single point mutation yielding transformation from C to T at bp 1103 causing substitution of threonine at amino acid 368 with methionine was pointed out after DNA analysis of the CDC6-d2. There are three glycine and six proline residues in a 50 amino acid residue surrounding this region, triggering belief that this region could be unstructured (Perkins, Lusy & John, 4837). Two other regions were equally examined to check whether their muattions also had some effects on the stability of CDC6. Two CDC6 alleles were constructed using site directed mutagenesis where serine 372 was transformed to alanine (S372A) and in the other, serine 354 was changed alanine

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Subway Franchise Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Subway Franchise - Article Example This study declares that the franchise fee for the investors from other countries ranges between $10,000 and $15,000. In addition, the required investment is about $116,000 and $263,000 for those in the United States. However, the total investment for the franchisees in Canada ranges between $102,000 to 234,000. The Subway franchisees contribute 12.5 percent weekly. Eight percent of the aforementioned percentage accounts for franchise royalties while 4.5 percent is used in advertising. According to the paper the Subway has a training program for the franchisees. Notably, the franchisees are supposed to enter an agreement with the franchise by signing the Franchise Agreement. Such individuals undergo through World Training program at the franchise headquarters in order to attain the required skills. The franchisees benefit from the training opportunities that equip them with the necessary skills in the market. However, it is noteworthy that the training is examinable, and franchisees must satisfy the Subway’s administration by passing the examination. The most interesting opportunities with the Subway include financial assistance, on-the-job training, and aid from the site location team. The Subway franchise offers some financial support through a leasing program. The in-service training is essential for equipping the franchisees with solid skills needed in the industry. In addition, the site location team offers free advice on the perfect location.

Effectiveness of reverse gender role-play exercises in tackling trauma Research Paper

Effectiveness of reverse gender role-play exercises in tackling trauma adaptation in children witnessing domestic violence - Research Paper Example The children who become witnesses to this violence from an early age have been found to have many adjustment problems even in their adult lives (Galloway, 2005). Here, the term, ‘witnessing violence’ means, â€Å"being within range of violence and seeing it occur† (Edleson, 1999, p.841). When a child has this kind of experience, he/she may or may not have trauma adjustment problems in current and/or future life. But the research so far has shown that a considerable percentage of this group have such problems. Objective and background As researchers like Galloway (2005), Hague and Malos (1993), and Edleson (1999) have put it, a considerable percentage of children witnesses to domestic violence are found to have trauma adaptation problems. But much investigation has not been made into what could be the role of the gender of such children in relation with their trauma adaptation capabilities. It is in this context that this research envisages exploring what the role of gender flexibility is, in the process of adaptation to trauma by children who are witnesses to domestic violence. The purpose of this study is also to develop further insight into the methods of imparting gender flexibility for handling child trauma and adaptation issues, which may in turn be of help to mental health professionals who deal with this target group. It is hypothesized in this research that training in gender flexibility imparted through reverse gender role-play exercises in the form of skits will help children who are witnesses of domestic violence to better adapt to their trauma. Here, what is meant by reverse gender role-play is that girls are made to the play the roles of men and boys are made to play the roles of women in performance skits practiced as part of group therapy. Review of Literature One major study related to this topic was carried out by Catina Galloway (2005), who observed, if a child who is witnessing domestic violence has access to â€Å"tools from both ‘masculinity’ and ‘femininity’, then the child is found to have better possibility of adaptation to trauma (p.3). Galloway (2005) has called such a child, â€Å"gender-flexible† (p.3). By reverse argument, Galloway (2005) has also theorized, â€Å"a simple feminine response or masculine response to trauma inhibits or prevents adaptation† (p.3). Such an inference will lead to the assumption that the normal tools that usually children possess by way of the conventional gender training that they get in average families are not sufficient to deal with their domestic violence related trauma situation. And it will have to be concluded that only children who are either trained to use both masculine and feminine tools or specially equipped children who naturally know how to handle both these tools can hope to adapt to the situation. Jaffe, Wolfe and Wilson (1990, p.27) and Peled and Davis (1995, p.5) have opined that the reactions of childre n to domestic violence, among many other factors, may vary based on their gender as well. Jaffe, Wolf and Wilson (1990) have also found out that being witness to domestic violence, a boy often grows up to believe that violence is masculine behavior and to become himself a wife batterer, while a girl often grows up to believe that she is naturally destined to suffer violence from men and to become herself a silent victim to similar violence (p.16). Methodology The methodology adopted for this research will be participant observation (Tischler, 2010, p.35). Though participant observation has been considered as highly subjective, it has also been observed, â€Å"participant observation generates more inside information† (Kendall, 2010, p.58). As the individuals under study here are

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Subway Franchise Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Subway Franchise - Article Example This study declares that the franchise fee for the investors from other countries ranges between $10,000 and $15,000. In addition, the required investment is about $116,000 and $263,000 for those in the United States. However, the total investment for the franchisees in Canada ranges between $102,000 to 234,000. The Subway franchisees contribute 12.5 percent weekly. Eight percent of the aforementioned percentage accounts for franchise royalties while 4.5 percent is used in advertising. According to the paper the Subway has a training program for the franchisees. Notably, the franchisees are supposed to enter an agreement with the franchise by signing the Franchise Agreement. Such individuals undergo through World Training program at the franchise headquarters in order to attain the required skills. The franchisees benefit from the training opportunities that equip them with the necessary skills in the market. However, it is noteworthy that the training is examinable, and franchisees must satisfy the Subway’s administration by passing the examination. The most interesting opportunities with the Subway include financial assistance, on-the-job training, and aid from the site location team. The Subway franchise offers some financial support through a leasing program. The in-service training is essential for equipping the franchisees with solid skills needed in the industry. In addition, the site location team offers free advice on the perfect location.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

RISK MANAGEMENT IN ABN AMRO BANK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

RISK MANAGEMENT IN ABN AMRO BANK - Essay Example Credit risk on loans is mitigated by reducing loan limits and exposures to companies that are below investment grade (BBB or UCR1 to UCR3-) levels. Limits are imposed on companies operating in industries that have been given an unfavorable economic outlook. In addition to carrying out a stress test on individual portfolios the company has also sought to mitigate credit risk by hedging in the form of credit default swaps (CDS) (ABN AMRO, 2010, p. ). Furthermore, the company carries out an assessment of the value of its collateral portfolio in order to determine how secured its loans are and therefore the extent of their exposure. Credit officers are given the task of monitoring the quality of ABN AMROs loan portfolio on a regular basis (ABN AMRO 2003, p.8). Credit risk is reported in the form of an analysis according to the industry sector in which the loans are made, the type of loans, with an indication of the carrying amount of the loans. An analysis of its credit exposure and thei r currency status is also given (ABN AMRO 2010, p.68-70). According to Bessis (2002, p15-16) and ABN AMRO (2010, p.71) Country risk is the risk that there are crisis related situations in a country. The causes of country risk in ABN AMRO are that funds or goods cannot be transferred from the country as a result of convertibility and transfer restrictions (ABN AMRO 2003, p. 10). ... 10). According to ABN AMRO (2010, p.94-95), interest rate risk is measured by calculating the net interest income (NII); NII-at-Risk; duration of equity; and VaR. The company monitors interest rate risk by noting the development of the NII under different yield curve scenario to determine the NII- at-Risk. Interest rate risk is mitigated by hedging, in the form of interest rate swaps. The company reports interest rate risk by providing a comparative analysis of the percentage NII-at-Risk; duration of equity in terms of years; and VaR banking book between the current and prior year. Currency risk is measured using VaR. It monitored by comparing short and long positions with limits set by the Group Risk Committee (GRC). Currency risk is mitigated with the use of various hedging strategies such as futures. Foreign currency gains and losses are reported in the Income Statement (ABN AMRO 2010, p.95; 2003, p. 14). According to ABN AMRO (2010, p. 83-84), market risk is measured using VaR an d a wide array of stress tests. Risks are controlled by setting limits for each trade desk and by setting counterparty credit exposure limits. ABN AMRO mitigates this risk by diversifying its risks across geographic locations and industries. Market risk is reported using a graph as well as a comparative analysis of the highest, lowest and average VaR of the current and prior year. Liquidity risk is measured using Loan to Debt (LtD) ratio, stable funding over non-liquid assets ratio (SF/NLA) which is an internally developed ratio and survival period (ABN AMRO 2010, p. 87). In order to mitigate liquidity risk ABN AMRO diversifies its currency and geography and maintains a wide investor base (ABN AMRO 2010, p. 87). A

An Ethical Issue Essay Example for Free

An Ethical Issue Essay Euthanasia is a hotly debated ethical issue these days, and there are certain arguments for and against its practice. Arguments against euthanasia are usually based on the sanctity of life, and such arguments are often compatible with religion, but arguments for euthanasia concern individual liberty, and a desire to prevent more suffering than is absolutely necessary. In this paper, I intend to address arguments for and against euthanasia, and explain why it is an ethical issue, and conclude that euthanasia, in some cases, should be permissible. Euthanasia is defined as the painless termination of someone’s life, but the ethical dilemma surrounding the topic has to do with whether or not it is alright to euthanize someone who is in a vegetative state, and can no longer think for him or herself, and whether or not assisted suicide is morally acceptable. The first of these scenarios would entail someone, such as a family member or physician, ending the life of someone who is in great pain following an accident, but cannot express their own wishes (whether or not they wish to remain on a feeding tube, or on life support) because of physical body damage, and this is known as passive euthanasia. The other issue, the one of physician assisted suicide, entails someone like a physician assisting someone who is in great pain, but not in need of life support, in committing suicide, maybe by administering a lethal dose of medication, to alleviate the patient’s pain, and this is known as active euthanasia. Both active and passive euthanasia are highly debated ethical issues, as they concern the value of life, and whether or not people are justified in prolonging a life of anguish, or terminating a life of misery. Recently, there have been many controversial cases of euthanasia, or its possibility in cases where it seems necessary to some, such as the cases of Doctor Kevorkian, and Terry Schiavo. The main ethical issues in the cases where Dr. Kevorkian euthanized (performed physician-assisted suicide on) some of his patients regards whether or not a patient should have the potential to decide his or her own fate, and then whether or not a physician should be held accountable for supporting, and aiding in a patient’s decision to end his or her life. This fundamentally boils down to the question of whether or not someone can choose to end their life when that person is in constant pain, but the issue would be complicated by the efforts needed in determining who is in enough pain to be permitted to actively end his or her life, which brings up the question of why everyone cannot choose to terminate their lives. And patients in hospitals do have the right to passively kill themselves, by starving, or refusing treatment, so in some cases, when a patient is prepared to take such measures to end his or her life, it would seem morally permissible for a physician to painlessly facilitate that patient’s suicide. In the case of someone’s euthanasia by the pulling of a feeding tube or the termination of life support, the ethical dilemma surrounds the family, or physician’s authority, when it comes to forcing the person who has brain damage to forfeit medical attention. A patient who is not in a vegetative state can refuse treatment, as that is not actively killing him or herself, but the question in the case of passive euthanasia is whether or not anyone other than the patient who might or might not refuse treatment due to severe pain if he or she were not in a vegetative state would have the authority to pull the plug on that person’s behalf, if the patient had not made his or her desired wishes clear. Religion plays a huge roll in helping people to believe that euthanasia should not be morally permissible, as most religions include some aspect about the sanctity of life, and based on that, they discourage suicide or killing in any form. Christianity in particular regards suicide as a sin, and that makes it difficult for people who wish to die because they are in too much pain, but their religion preaches against suicide. It is even against the law to commit suicide, but lately there have been questions coming out about whether people who are intensely pained by there illness should be exempt from this law, and whether or not doctors would be allowed to aid these suffering patients by providing them with lethal pills, or putting them to sleep by giving them extra doses of their medication. This is active euthanasia, where a patient, or doctor, or the combination of the two, take action to terminate life, rather than let it painfully continue for a long time, as the patient takes medicine and food, or making it drag on for a short, immensely painful period in the case where a patient refuses medication and food. For the most part, any argument against euthanasia must somehow be based on a view that life is sacred, and should never be sacrificed, at any cost, even when there is great pain to be dealt with if the life is prolonged. â€Å"Religious people dont argue that we cant kill ourselves, or get others to do it,† a BBC article about religion and ethics reports. â€Å"They know that we can do it because God has given us free will. Their argument is that it would be wrong for us to do so. They believe that every human being is the creation of God, and that this imposes certain limits on us. Our lives are not only our lives for us to do with as we see fit. To kill oneself, or to get someone else to do it for us, is to deny God, and to deny Gods rights over our lives and his right to choose the length of our lives and the way our lives end. † This summarizes a religious viewpoint that holds that euthanasia is not morally permissible. But for people who are not religious, a more basic argument in favor of euthanasia seems to arise, and that is simply whether or not people should be allowed to forfeit their lives if they are completely unsatisfied with them, or are severely pained by them. So, that might concern a simple case where someone is slowly dying of a terrible disease, and his medication deters the pain to some degree, but he is still miserable. Should that person be allowed to actively (or request that a physician actively) end his life, because he would rather forfeit his life than live on in pain and suffering? That seems to be a highly controversial issue, and from this perspective, it seems that euthanasia should be supported, at least to some degree. This could easily be a pro-euthanasia argument, as the person in pain has the right to forego medication, and refuse food and other life-sustaining attributes, which would lead to the patient’s death after a period of maximal pain, but the patent, without euthanasia, would not have the right to forfeit his life without enduring the pain from the scenario where he refuses treatment if active euthanasia is not permissible. â€Å"Some experts are gunning for a compromise. Zhu Tiezhi, a media commentator,† A China Daily article reports, â€Å"suggests the right-to-die prerequisites: the applicant must have a terminal illness that causes agonizing pain, and the diagnosis must be verified by at least two doctors; the applicant must be in a clear state of mind when he applies for it, and the application process should be repeated at least twice to make sure it is not a spur-of-the-moment thought. † This article was written after a patient who had throat cancer jumped out of a window to end his life after he was told that physicians were unable to assist him in doing so. So it seems that in certain cases, euthanasia is a more humane way for one to end his or her life than to manufacture a way him or herself. Our job is to save lives, and we dont have the right to mercy killing, said an official at the Changsha hospital,† an official at the hospital in the Hunan Province of China, where the man committed suicide, stated. But in certain cases, lives may only be prolonged, painfully, for a short time, so euthanasia would then represent a painless way of alleviating a suffering patient’s agony. â€Å"Chantal Sebire knows shes forcing people to make an agonizing decision, but agony is something she knows far too much about,† Bruce Crumley includes in his article, entitled Making a Case for Euthanasia. â€Å"The 52- year-old Dijon schoolteacher suffers from a rare disease that has left her disfigured by facial tumors, which will also damage her brain over time and eventually kill her. Her demand that French political leaders loosen laws against euthanasia has been rebuffed, so Sebire now awaits a judges decision on whether existing legislation allows doctors to assist her in ending her pain-racked life. ‘I no longer accept this enduring pain, and this protruding eye that nothing can be done about,’† Crumley writes. And unfortunately, the legal system of most countries do not recognize euthanasia as a permissible alternative to prolonged suffering, which causes many to live on in pain, wishing that they could terminate their lives instead of continuing on in agony. This seems like a reasonable right that everyone should be entitled to exercise if the time is right. People should not be forced to, because of the legal issues surrounding the issue, and anyone (such as a physician) involved, be forced to live on in agony when they could end it all by euthanasia. It seems that laws forbidding active euthanasia, or mercy killings, is based on the principle that all life is sacred, and that even extreme suffering should be fundamentally imposed on people if it could occur without their death. So death is legally regarded as impermissible when it is in any way caused by man. But what about the death penalty? There is a scenario where the government does not view life as the most sacred institution, so if exceptions are allowed, why not provide one that alleviates the constant suffering and agonies that plague people who have certain medical conditions, but are not allowed to self-terminate? â€Å"A French woman suffering from an incurable and disfiguring cancer was found dead on Wednesday, two days after a court rejected her request for medical assistance to help end her life, a source close to the government said,† an article from reuters. com reported of the woman who had petitioned to have a physician assist her in suicide. â€Å"Chantal Sebire, 52, whose face was swollen and distorted by a rare tumour in her sinuses, won heavy media coverage and the compassion of many French people in her bid to set a legal precedent for patients like her seeking to end their suffering. A court in the eastern city of Dijon ruled on Monday that Sebire could not have a doctor help her die because it would breach both the code of medical ethics and the law, under which assisted suicide is a crime. † But it seems that the code of medical ethics should make exceptions in certain cases of euthanasia. Forcing someone to die slowly in accordance with some debilitating disease is in no way more ethical or more humane than permitting that person to terminate his or her life painlessly. â€Å"After nine years, 130 deaths, and six trials, ‘Dr. Death’ Jack Kevorkian finally faces jail time for killing a desperate man who came to him for ‘help’ and found only death,† Liz Townsend writes in her article, Kevorkians Nine-Year Euthanasia Crusade Leads to Murder Conviction. â€Å"Thomas Youks death by lethal injection, administered directly by Kevorkian and nationally televised on 60 Minutes, led to a second-degree murder conviction March 26, but Youk was only one of many people who died to advance Kevorkians euthanasia crusade. ‘We believe the verdict should have been premeditated murder, but were very elated by the second-degree verdict,’ said Diane Coleman of the disability-rights group Not Dead Yet, according to the Associated Press. ‘We want to see Jack Kevorkian imprisoned for life. Its clear he has no respect for people with disabilities. ’ But is assisted suicide really a violation of the rights of someone who is disabled? In cases of physician-assisted suicide, the patient would not think so. A violation of the rights of the disabled would be ignoring a plea for assisted suicide, which would end pain and suffering. But perhaps the most basic argument for permissability of euthanasia, in at least extreme cases, should be in regards to everyone’s personal liberty. By that argument, people may say that everyone should have the right to do as they please when it concerns their own body. But an argument against personal liberty might state that similar arguments would allow drug use and other impermissible activities. So What is to be done? It seems that the best thing to do would be to, when physician’s can gauge someone’s mental aptitude, allow them to actively euthanize themselves, or assist him or her in doing so, if the patient is mentally competent, and wishes to end his or her life. And in the case of a family pulling the plug on someone (passive euthanasia) it should be permissible at all times if the patient had previously expressed a desire to die rather than remain on life support. Works Cited Appleton, Michael et al. At Home with Terminal Illness: A Family Guide to Hospice in the Home. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1995. Barnard, C Good Life, Good Death a Doctors Case for Euthanasia and Suicide. Hbk 146pp Prentice-Hall 1980. Bold and provocative work by the famous heart surgeon. Battin, Margaret P. The Death Debate: Ethical Issues in Suicide. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1996. The Law Society the British Medical Association. Assessment of Mental Capacity Guidance for Doctors Lawyers. Pbk 152pp British Medical Association 1995. Randall, F, Downie, R. Palliative Care Ethics A Good Companion Pbk, 202pp Oxford University Press 1996.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Business plan about cambata aviation

Business plan about cambata aviation Business Plan Executive Summary: Cambata Aviation Private Limited is a private sector leading ground handling agency in India. Currently CAPL handles more than 30 international passenger airlines, more than 10 cargo airlines and number of non-scheduled airlines operations across India. Company management would like to expand the operations of the company in coming two-three years to become pioneer in the ground handling industry. In order to succeed and become ground handling giant we need to takeover domestic ground handling market which is growing very rapidly and also attract new international, private and non-scheduled airlines towards our company. We also need to acquire new equipments to support our operations and increase productivity. Following plan will give an idea about how company is going to achieve the said objective. Cambata Aviations main strategy is to emphasize the quality of its professional services. Since CAPL is the existing and well known ground handling agency we have a backup of our expert management team that is always looks after the development of the company. Based on the size of our market, our sales projection for the next year will be $4,250,000. In order to acquire new equipments, complete all the legal formalities and for marketing we will need around $3,486,000 at start up. Company chairman invested $600,000 and rest we will borrow from bank as a long term liability. Introduction:- Cambata Aviation Private Limited (CAPL) started offering Ground Handling services in 1967 at Mumbai International airport. British Airways (formerly known as British Overseas Airways Corporation) was the first customer airline company of CAPL. In earlier days Cambata use to provide only ‘Meet and Assist services to certain airlines that includes wheelchair assistance, unaccompanied minors assistance, flight crew clearance, CIP handling. Because certain airlines provide such meet and greet services to their premium customers. Later CAPL started providing other functions like Check in, Baggage Tracer, Cargo acceptance and unitization, Flight Dispatch, Weight Balance, Ramp, Cabin Appearance, and Clearance of Company Stores Mail. Cambata Aviation is the member of the International Air Transport Association Ground Handling Council (IATA-IGHC) and approved ground handling company. At present CAPL is the only independent and private ground handling agency in India with IATA-JAR-OPS Service Level Agreement. Currently Cambata handles more than 30 international airline operations across India. The objective of CAPL is to provide highest standard of services to all the international customer airlines and to attract new airlines towards company. The services provided at CAPL are world class keeping in mind the safety and security in operation is the aim, which is the base of aviation industry. This business plan is about the expansion of the company to start ground handling activities for domestic airlines, private airlines and non-scheduled airlines as well as to provide new and innovative value added services required by the international customer airlines and purchase of new own equipments like Push back tractors, belt loaders, cargo dollies and loaders, Ground Power Units, Passenger stairs, baggage carts, wheelchair lifts and Ambulift etc. to become pioneer in the ground handling services in India. The main purpose behind this expansion is to capture whole domestic market. Since we have certain international airlines that operate twice or thrice a week so we can utilise our workforce for domestic operations as well. Day by day domestic airline market is roaring up, in the year 2006-07 there were 3 new airlines that started their operations. The Market Situation Currently Aviation industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world, India is no exception. Earlier times at airport, airline companies used to employ their own employees but now most of the airlines ask the ground handling agencies to look after their all flight movements. This is the cost-effective basis for airline companies. Mumbais Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport (CSIA) is Indias and South Asias largest and most important hub, handling more than 25million passengers and 533,593 tonnes of cargo. Between April 2006 and February 2007, CSIA handled 180,000 landings and take-offs and over 20 million passengers with around 6.73 million international passengers and around 13.65 million domestic passengers. As compared to the year 2005-06 passengers growth rose to 21.28%. From above statistics we can figure out that domestic sector of the Indian aviation is also coming up rapidly. Most famous domestic airlines are Jet Airways, Kingfisher Airlines, Spice Jet, Go A ir and Indigo. In case of domestic airlines there are only two ground handling agencies. At present in Mumbai there are 5 ground handling agencies namely National Aviation Company of India Limited (NACIL), Cambata Aviation, Air works India, National Aviation Services (NAS) and Globe Ground India. Among all Cambatas services is one of the best. This can be proved by the number of international airlines customers Cambata has. At Mumbai Airport Cambata handles more than 15 international passenger airlines, more than 6 cargo airlines and quite a few non-scheduled airline movements as well. Now Cambata will eye on the new entrants at Mumbai airport by introducing some new services along with ground handling. We can say that, at the time Cambata has a very good position in the ground handling market in India. It can be seen by following figures: Mission And Objectives: Every company has a vision and mission, basically mission means an exercise where all the employees of the company follows an organisational culture to work together to work towards the desired results. But I think vision is more important because it helps the company to determine the future. It serves as concrete foundation to the company. Cambata Aviation will be the most preferred Ground Handling agency in India. It will be the first choice handling agency for the international and domestic carriers, which other ground handling agencies will seek to match. Cambata Aviation will achieve this pre-eminent position by offering a high quality of service and safe, reliable and efficient operations on behalf of the airline company. Cambata will achieve these objectives at the same time ensuring consistent profitability, creating goodwill, satisfy employees and important of all satisfying customer airlines. Objectives: 1) To introduce ground handling for domestic, private, cargo and non-scheduled airlines in coming two years. 2) Acquire new equipments to provide 100% own ground handling support at the airport. 3) Provide better and innovative services to our international customer airlines. Keys To Success: 1) Thorough and stringent induction training for the employees to help them understand the responsibilities towards daily activities keeping safety and security as the motto. 2) Improving established practises of the company. 3) Maintain good relations with the customer airlines by providing best services all the time. Company Summary: As mentioned above Cambata Aviation is one of the oldest ground handling agency in India. It started in 1967 at Mumbai. Later operations of the company spreads across India, in 1972 we started our operations in Delhi and then Chennai, Ahmadabad, and Pune. CAPL looks after different operations such as passenger handling services like check-in, baggage handling, aircraft cleaning, security, ramp handling, flight despatch operations, weight and balance etc. Further company is divided into five departments namely accounts and marketing, Personnel, Passenger handling services and Human resources, cargo and ramp operations department. Accounts and marketing department looks after companys income and expenditure, bills receivables, bills payables, salaries of staff etc. and marketing of our services among new entrants. This department plays an important role in growth of company by controlling costs and increasing revenues. Start Up Expenses: Since our company is well established company we dont require raising money to cover certain expenses but as we have to complete certain formalities we need some capital. Following chart will give the description of Start up Expenses. Marketing Plan: Cambata Aviation is well established company but now we have to expand our business to provide ground handling facilities to domestic sector airlines, private airlines in coming two-three years. Also to expand the current functions we have to acquire new equipments. We need to use different strategies to expand our business to operate on domestic sector. Important thing is we have to obtain permission from Airports Authority of India and Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS) to act as an authorized ground handling agent. Currently there are only two ground handling agencies operating at domestic terminal. Our agency is the oldest one so introducing ground services at domestic terminal would be easy. As like international operations we can provide service to domestic giants. Our target customers would be emerging airlines, existing small airlines that lacks in professional skilled workforce, and new entrants in the international and domestic markets. Basically new airlines lack in skilled workforce, equipments and they have to invest lot of money in training of employees and acquiring new equipments. Here we can use our goodwill and offer ground handling services to them. We have trained workforce with proper experience and knowledge in this sector. We feel that our well trained employees will generate more goodwill by providing world class services with well maintained equipments. Market Segmentation: 1) Unsatisfied Airlines: We hope to obtain positive response from the airlines like commercial, cargo airlines that are dissatisfied with their current ground handling agency. 2) New Entrants: We can target new airlines that just started their operations. 3) Non-scheduled , Private Airlines: We can target non-scheduled aircrafts and most importantly private airlines. It will be very easy for them to hire the services for particular time and number of private airlines is on rise which can provide us a good advantage. Market Segmentation Market Needs: Due to intense competition many airlines started reducing the fare prices and cutting off other expenses. By handing over the airline operations to ground handling agencies they can cut off some of their expenses on employees. There are several airlines flying to Mumbai that are not satisfied with either the quality of the service or the poorly maintained equipments provided by their ground handling agency. Flights which we handle with our well trained workforce at all levels and well maintained equipments will confirm their dissatisfaction with our competition and generate new business for us. Almost all the airlines whether international or national require high quality of professional services with well maintained equipments. Because most of the airlines are of turnaround type they depart back within 2-3 hours after the arrival, in that short time ground staff has to work very hard because lots of activities needs to be carried out right from aircraft cleaning, catering, refuelling, baggage loading and unloading etc. Only efficient workers can do these activities fast. Cambata Aviation is well known for its efficient and world class services and because of that it handles more than 15 international airlines operations at Mumbai. We hope this awareness will generate goodwill for us and generate better opportunities as well. In short, demand for ground handling services agencies is increasing. So we should concentrate on our marketing activities, professional services and try to grab the new contracts. Market Trends And Market Growth: The cut throat competition among all the airlines resulted in the global fare cuts. Fare cuts are affecting airline companys revenues. It can be noticed that other expenses related to food and in flight service are decreased but ground handling expenses are steady. In order to cut off cost and raise revenue most of the airlines started outsourcing the major operations to the ground handling agencies. In short to cut off expenses such as training, acquisition of equipments, salaries of the staff at airport; airline companies outsource the operations of airline to ground handling agency which helps to create immense demand for the ground handling agencies. Also most of the airlines know that efficient ground handling helps to improve aircrafts productivity and generate more revenues. Due to such cost cutting measures adopted by most of the airlines, ground handling providers market is growing day by day. New global ground handling agencies are trying to start their business in India. In earlier days there were only 3-4 ground handling agencies, and now number increased to around 10. Major Competitors: 1) National Aviation Company of India Limited (NACIL): We can consider NACIL as our main competitor, being a government owned company it gets lot of benefits. Although their quality of service is not good enough still they handle around 10 international airlines and 2 domestic airlines. This is mainly because its a government owned company. NACIL has all owned equipments so they gain an upper hand as compared to other agencies in the market segment. 2) National Aviation Services (NAS): NAS has recently started their operations at Mumbai Airport. NAS has its base in Kuwait. Currently they are handling 3 international airlines and looking forward to start ground handling at domestic airport too. 3) Air Works India Limited: Air Works India is also an old ground handling agency. They mostly look after operations of Private Charter flights, they are specialised in providing services to private aircrafts. They also have their own helicopter services. Strategy And Implementation Summary: In order to gain good position in the aviation industry CAPL always try and use new strategies. CAPL always keep their staff updated with the latest technology and equipment knowledge. Cambata is well known ground handling agency in India, because of its professional and timely services. Competitive Advantages: 1) Professional Workforce: We always kept our standards at high level; our staffs undergo rigorous training after every 8 months. CAPL training modules aimed to ensure world class services and achieve the set safety and security standards in all our operations such as Passenger services, ramp handling, load control, flight operations, mishandled baggage, aircraft cabin cleaning, cargo documentation. This helps our company to grow and reach soaring heights. 2) Overall Handling Of An Aircraft Movements: Though we dont have all owned equipments we provide all the services to an aircraft from the moment aircraft touches down till airborne. Currently we have four push-back tractors, four ground power units, and important of all we have our own hanger which we can rent out in case if any aircraft needs to carry out maintenance activity. 3) Flight Report Control System (FRCS): Ours is the only ground handling agency that developed FRCS. It was developed with an aim to keep high level of productivity, vigilance and service standards. FRCS helps both the airline company and our management to keep an eye on the level of service. FRCS has to be filled up and acknowledged by customer airline duty manager. Management can use these flight reports in order to raise the standards of the company. 4) Safety And Security Manuals: Cambata has developed its own security manuals which we use for our security training sessions. Our security manual has been approved by Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS), India. This enables to reduce the frequency and severity of accidents causing personal injuries and aircraft ground damage. SWOT Analysis: SWOT analysis means analysis of our companys Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. SWOT analysis helps to uncover the opportunities which we are looking for. And helps us to understand the weaknesses by which we can eliminate threats. Strengths and Weaknesses are the internal factors and opportunities and threats can be considered as external factors. It is a useful tool which can be use to analyse the position of the company in the market. In case of our company, following is the SWOT analysis of Cambata Aviation. Strengths: 1) Strong Brand and Reputation: Cambata Aviation was established in 1967 in Mumbai. It is well known ground handling agency in India with more than 30 customer airlines across India. 2) Certification: Cambata Aviation is the only independent and private ground handling agency in India with IATA-JAR-OPS Service Level Agreement. It is a member of IATA Ground Handling Council (IATA-IGHC) and also an approved ground handling agency. 3) Good Relations: After serving the international giants like British Airways, Qantas, Cathay Pacific, Alitalia, Air France etc we have very good relations with international airlines and domestic operators as well like Jet Airways for whom we look after ramp activities. 4) Professional Management And Employees: We have a team of professional experts in the aviation industry. Also we provide overall training to our employees in order to keep them updated with latest technological knowledge. 5)Location: We enjoy the benefit of our location as we have our base in Mumbai the economic capital of India. Being an economic capital people from different parts of the world visit Mumbai resulting in more international flight movements in Mumbai and we can use our professional expertise to get the contract for ground handling of most of the airlines. Weaknesses: 1) Absence Of International Branch: We are pioneer in the ground handling services in India. But we are missing the opportunities which are generating at the ‘hubs across the world. 2) Government Restrictions: Being a private company we dont have freedom in certain areas. We have to obtain proper permission from government authorities in order to start the new activities at different airports. 3) Insufficient Equipments: We lack in ownership of some equipments, which we need to hire from other ground handlers. Opportunities: 1) Developing Market: Aviation industry is growing at very fast pace. Lots of new airlines are coming into the market. We can grab the opportunities by approaching new entrants in the Indian skies. 2) New Market Segment: In India domestic aviation and private airlines activities are on rise. Domestic market is also growing very fast; new airlines are setting up their operations. We can expand our operations or services to become a giant in ground handling in both international and domestic airlines market. Airlines like Jet Airways and Kingfisher also looking forward to start international services if we provide ground handling at domestic level then obviously we can operate as their ground handling agent for international operations. 3) Ineffective Competitor: We can attract other airlines that are not happy with their ground handling agent, because of poor services. Threats: 1) New Competitor: National Aviation Services (NAS) Kuwait based ground handling giant has entered in the Indian market. Because of its global presence airlines may attract towards NAS. NAS operates as a ground handling agent for some of the airlines in Kuwait. 2) Price Wars: After the economic downturn many airlines are discontinuing their services to cut the costs. Some of the competitors like National Aviation Company of India Limited (NACIL) a government owned agency have cut the cost to attract other airlines. This could be a possible threat. 3) New Government Policy: As per new government policy only three ground handling agencies can operate at Mumbai airport. Out of that one is government owned NACIL and other two are undecided. In such circumstances we can lose our separate entity and forced to merge with other agency. Project Plan: We will need period of two years to expand the operations. Also we are planning to purchase new equipments. We can assume that after two years we can increase our profits by providing ground handling services to most of the airlines. As our main objective is to capture domestic airlines ground handling market and increase our market share in international airline ground handling market we will work hard in coming two years and grab the market share. We are expecting to achieve the said mission by proper vision in next two years. We have to invest more in our marketing and human resources for better and fast results. (Figure showing various activities carried out by Ground Handling Agency) Sales Forecast: Sales forecast shows our estimated ground and ramp handling, equipments usage, hangar usage revenue. We have a very good relationship with airline companies and many of them have expressed their interest in hiring our services. Management Summary: A strong management team is the heart of any business. Cambata is no exception; we have a very strong management team with wide experience in aviation industry, working to raise the standards of our company. Our management policy is to provide better environment to our staff wherein they can be challenged and stimulated to provide effective and better solutions that meet our customer airlines needs. Promoters And Directors: Late Mr. Kershi S. Cambata was the founder of Cambata Aviation. He was holding a Private pilot license and was ex-Royal Force personnel. He was also a pioneer in Aerial crop spraying business in India. Mr. Nelson K. Cambata- He is a trained pilot holding private pilots license. He acts as a Chairman and Managing Director of the company. He has specialised experience relating to all aspects of ground handling and management. Mr. Sarosh J. Contractor- Mr. Contractor is an Executive Director for Operations. He is a finance graduate holding 36 years of experience in Banking, Airline and ground handling industry. He is responsible for the day to day affairs of India operations. Mr. Burjor N. Nicholson- Mr. Nicholson is also an Executive Director for Finance. He has completed graduation in accounts and finance field and holds 38 years of experience in aviation industry. Above mentioned management team is at highest tier. Further tier consists of Airport Manager, Personnel Manager, and Departmental Managers or head that controls day to day operations at airport. This entire team is highly experienced and qualified in the aviation industry. Management Hierarchy: Personnel Plan: As Cambata is established company currently we have 3 personnels at Directors level. Under them we have 5 Airports manager. But in future we have to increase the number in order to divide the work properly. Our projected Personnel Plan is as follows: Companys success depends upon its employees. Now we want to expand our company so we will need more employees. Having professionals at particular place will help the company to form a solid foundation. Following data summarizes increase in our human resources. Year wise increase in Human Resources (Projected) Financial Analysis: Finance department of the company acts as a watchdog over company expenditure. It makes sure that all our operational activities are funded. It may be possible for a company to fund all the activities from operations, but certain times company may need to turn to the capital market for finance. Company has certain outside sources of money like current debt, bonds, loans etc. For all these activities we need to raise around $5 million in loans. As mentioned above we have to expand our services and also to acquire new equipments which will require huge sums of money. To begin with we have to raise money through loans and some long term investments. There are certain assumptions on which we have to rely on. General Assumption: Break Even Analysis And Costs: Break Even Analysis is calculated where total revenue received by a company is equals with the total cost associated with sales. Our fixed cost consists of rental for our hangar to Airports Authority of India, equipments routine inspection and maintenance cost, monthly fuel cost. In order to provide better service we should have our owned equipments. There are number of equipments available in the market and behind one movement of an aircraft we require almost all equipments such as tow-bars, push-back tractors, unit load device, ground power unit, baggage loader, cargo dollies, forklifts etc. These equipments are very diverse in varieties and expensive. Cambata handles more than 5 airlines at peak time so we require more equipment. It can be seen that we have to invest huge amount of money in equipments. Other costs include training activities conducted by our company. We provide training to our employees after every 8 months with updated topics. In order to get better productivity we have to invest some amount in training and development of employees. Revenue: Following table gives an idea about Revenue generated from Ground handling of single aircraft, equipments rental and hangar rental: As mentioned in the above chart, we provide ground handling services to more than 18 airlines; out of those some airlines operate twice a day daily, some operates just thrice a week. Cambata operates around 1200 arrivals and departures a year with the help of these equipments generating millions of revenue. There are some other revenue sources such as equipment rent and hangar rent. Many a times other ground handling agencies require some of the equipments so they can hire it from us at above mentioned price same in the case of our hangar.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Rabies Symptoms :: Medical Disease

Rabies Symptoms Rabies is an extremely old disease. Some speculate that it is as old as humankind itself. Rabies belongs to a family of viruses called lyssa. Lyssa is the Greek word for rabies, which is derived from the root â€Å"lud†, which means violent. The first case of rabies was described in the 23rd century BC in the Eshuma Code of Babylon. Generally, the virus is transmitted to humans by other animals or humans who are already infected. Rabies is an extremely deadly disease, and if left untreated, it has a mortality rate greater than 99 percent. In fact, there has only been one documented case of a human that has survived this deadly disease. The course that the disease takes is often violent. (fas) Picture a dog coming down the street, madly dashing this way and that with no apparent goal other than biting anything and everything. Everything about this dog has changed. He no longer remembers his friends, and he no longer wishes o eat or drink, in fact he is hydrophobic. This lack of nutrients brings an end to the dog’s yelps of pain after a few hours or days. The cries become weak and harsh, fatigue sets in, and the animal seizes and eventually dies. This series of events is commonly known as â€Å"mad dog†. (Webster 3) The term â€Å"mad dog† may be more familiar to most people than the term â€Å"rabies† is, but they mean the same thing. The disease is usually, but not always, transmitted to humans by a bite. As the disease progresses, the sanity of the affected animal or human gradually deteriorates. By the time an individual displays the symptoms described, it has already lost its battle with the rabies virus. Rabies is a disease that must be caught as early as possible; the longer it takes to diagnose, the less chance of survival there is. The earliest sign of infection is a change in disposition. The victim may develop a troubled or 1 distracted look, which is followed by lack of desire to recognize or be friendly with others. However, in other cases an individual may become more gentle and friendly. (Webster 4-5) There are two general forms of rabies; furious rabies and dumb rabies. Frequencies of furious and dumb rabies are approximately equal in both the laboratory and in the field. Furious rabies is the more stereotypic form of rabies. Individuals often wander about, followed by signs of excessive excitability or irritability.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Nebosh Igc Study Notes

Element 6 Page 1 of 6 Describe the general principles of control and basic hierarchy of risk reduction measures that encompass technical, behavioral and procedural controls? General Principles of Prevention: There are some general principles of prevention that can be applied to eliminate hazards and reduce the risk in the workplace. These principles rely on the correct selection of technical, procedural and behavioral controls. 1. Avoid risk: 2. Evaluate risks which cannot be avoided 3. Control hazards at source: 4. Adapt work to suit the individual 5. Adapt to technical progress 6.Replace the dangerous with the non dangerous or less dangerous 7. Develop logical overall prevention policy 8. Give priority to collective protective measures over individual protective measures: 9. Give appropriate information, instruction, training and supervision to employees. Avoid Risks: Where possible Evaluate risks which cannot be avoided: Through the risk assessment process Control hazards at sourc e: By going to the source of the problem directly (e. g. if there is noise hazards in the workplace tackle the source of the nose> Adapt work to suit the individual:By applying good ergonomic principles to job and workplace design (by job rotation) Replace the dangerous with the non dangerous or less dangerous: By substituting one hazard with something less hazardous e. g. replace a corrosive chemical with one that does the same job but is classified as less irritant and less harmful Develop a coherent overall prevention policy: By consistency using the same approach across the whole organization Give priority to collective protective measures over individual protective measures: By creating a workplace that is safe for all rather than relying on measures that only protect one worker at a time e. . install a guard rail rather than rely on PPE. Why do instruction, training and supervision form a part of safe system? Give appropriate information, instruction, training and supervision to employee: So that workers have the necessary background information to make correct choices. IGC-1 Element 6 Page 2 of 6 When selecting control options form these general principles of prevention you should be aware that preventive measure can be categorized as: 1. Technical 2. Procedural 3. Behavioral General Hierarchy of Control The following elements make up the general hierarchy of control: 1. . 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Avoid risks Elimination / substitution Reduce exposure or the time of exposure Isolation / segregation Engineering controls Safe system or work Training and information Personal protective equipment Welfare Monitoring and supervision Avoid risks Risk avoidance is simply to avoid completely the activity giving rise to the risk Elimination / substitution If a hazard can be eliminated then the risk created by the hazards disappears. For example hazardous substances can sometimes be replaced with materials which do the same job but present no risk to health.Reduce exposure or the time of exposure If the degree to which a worker is exposed to hazard can be reduced then that worker is far less likely to have an accident with that hazard. For example an engineer who spend all day working on machinery with hazardous moving parts is more likely to suffer injury than the engineer who spend only an hour of their working day to exposed to the same hazard. Isolation / segregation Isolation: The aim her to isolate the hazard physically so that nobody is exposed to it e. g. coustic enclosure of a noisy machine to reduce the noise exposure; guards around moving machinery to prevent contact Segregation: refer to the idea that certain hazards must not be accessible to unauthorized workers e. g. in a workplace with radiation hazard only authorized person should have access only What do engineering controls do? Engineering controls IGC-1 Element 6 Page 3 of 6 Engineering control involves use of an engineering solution to prevent exposure to the hazard. Engi neering control also refer to the inclusion of safety features that ensure that the item is used in correct way.For example interlock switches are fitted to moveable guard on machinery to ensure that when guard is open the machine will not work but guard is close it will. Safe system of work Safe system of work procedure helps to eliminate hazards or minimizes the risk associated with them. Training and information Training is instrumental in enabling employees to become competent. Personal protective equipment Equipment or clothing that is worn or held by a worker that protects them from one or more risks to their safety or health. It is duty of employer to: ? ? ? ? ? Supply suitable PPE where risk cannot be controlled by other more effective methods Ensure that when tow more items of PPE have to be worn together they are compatible Provide suitable storage for PPE Provide information instructions and training to workers on the PPE they will wear. Enforce the use of PPE Replace or repair damaged or lost items. Welfare Welfare facilities include the provision of toilets, washing facilities, clean drinking water, rest area and clean place for eat meals. Monitoring and supervisionMonitoring: For maintain surveillance over something by periodic observation or measurement and inspection to ensure that they are using prescribed safe working method. Supervision: Refers to routine inspection and surveillance or workers but concern direct line management authority to control behavior Define a safe system of work? SAFE SYSTEM OF WORK: A safe system of work is a formal procedure based on a systematic examination of work in order to identify the hazards. It defines safe methods of working which eliminate those hazards or minimize the risks associated with themResponsibilities of Employer: It is the responsibilities of the employer to develop safe systems of work with the involvement of both competent persons and employees who will be carrying out the work. These safe sys tem must be documented. IGC-1 Element 6 Page 4 of 6 What is the difference between technical, procedural and behavioral controls? Technical, procedural and behavioral controls: As safe system of work will involve all the elements of control that we identified ealrlier in the general hierarchy of control 1.Technical or engineering control 2. Procedural control 3. Behavioral control Technical or engineering control: Applied directly to the hazard in order to minimize the risk, this may involve fencing or barriers of different kinds to isolate workers from hazard. Procedural control: The way, in which work should be carried out in relation to the hazards, They specify the exact tasks involved their sequence and the safety actions and checks which have to taken. Behavioral Control: How the individual worker acts in relation to the hazard e. . good housekeeping or using PPE Development of a safe system of work: Safe system of work usually developed using the process of task analysis, whi ch involves breaking work down into a series of steps so that hazards can be identified and risk controlled at each step using technical, procedural and behavioral controls. Once developed, safe systems must be implemented and monitored to ensure continued effectiveness. Describe what factors should be considered when developing and implementing a safe system of work?When developing a safe system of work it is important to consider that 1. 2. 3. 4. PEOPLE: Who is the SSW for what level of competence or technical ability should they have? EQUIPMENT: What equipment will be worked on? What safety equipment will be required? MATERIALS: what materials will be used or handled the work? Who will waste dispose of? ENVIRONMENT: in what type of environment will the work take place? Useful acronym SREDIM can be used to identify the hazard associated with every step of work 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.Select the task to b analyzed Record the steps or stages of the task Evaluate the risk associated with ea ch step Develop the safe working method Implement the safe working method Monitor to ensure it is effective. IGC-1 Element 6 Page 5 of 6 Explain the role and function of a permit to work system? Or What is permit to work? Permit to work system: A permit to work system is formal documented safety procedure forming part of a safe system of work which ensures that all necessary actions are taken before during and after particularly high risk work.A permit system formalizes the control of high risk work to ensure that all the risks have been identified all the precaution put in place and that appropriate information has been communicated to all relevant parties. What are the key elements of typical permit? There are four main sections to a permit to work: 1. Issue 4 Cancellation 2. Receipt 5. Extension 3. Clearance / return to service Explain the need of emergency procedures and the arrangements for contracting emergency services? Or What is the main objective of an emergency procedure? Emergency Procedures:Importance of developing emergency procedures: An organization should develop emergency procedures to deal with foreseeable incidents such as: Fire, bomb threat, spillage of a hazardous chemical , release of a toxic gas, outbreak of disease, severe weather or flooding and multiple casualty accident. Emergency procedures: These procedures should cover the internal arrangements for dealing with the foreseeable incidents which will include; 1. Procedure to follow 2. Provision of suitable equipment 3. Nomination of responsible staff 4. Provision of training and information 5. Drills and exercises 6.Contracting the emergency services Procedure to follow In the event of a fire normal practice for worker to exit the building and go to assembly area but in bomb thread this will be opposite person has to go inside the building and away from the windows Provision of suitable equipment IGC-1 Element 6 Page 6 of 6 If there is a fire suitable fire extinguisher are available and proper PPE wear by the person involve in fire fighting Nomination of responsible staff In case of fire there need for fire wardens and fire marshal who will tell to occupant of building about safety instruction in case of fire.Provision of training and information Workers will only know what to do in case of emergency if they have training and information Drills and exercises Emergency procedure should be practiced to ensure that people are familiar with action they might be expected in case of emergency Contracting the emergency services (first Aid) Describe the requirements for and effective e provision of first aid in the workplace? First Aid Requirements: An employer must make appropriate first aid provision for his employees. This will include ? First aid facilities ? Equipment ?Appropriately trained personnel. What factors might need to be considered when determining the first aid provision for a workplace? First aid coverage: To determine what first aid provision to make an employer will have to undertake an assessment which should consider various factors such as: ? The general risk level of the workplace ? The hazards present in the workplace ? Accident history ? The presence of vulnerable persons ? The number of workers in the workplace ? Work patterns and shift systems of workers ? The geographic location of the workplace ? The spread of the workplace IGC-1

Unemployment and Welfare

This essay will let you know the different opinions of federal policy issues involving welfare causing conflicting debates between national, state, and local government and how these conflicting issues relate to federalism. Federalism is â€Å"A government system where power and authority are shared by national and states governments, with the ultimate authority derived from the people.With that been said this essay will also describe the history of TANF and discuss debates about the pros and cons of TANF Temporary Assistance to Needy Families and the problems they are intended to solve or improve and the effectiveness of them both. (Levin-Waldman, 2012). When people think about welfare they normally think of Medicaid, WIA Work Investment Act, WIC Women, Infants, and Children and of course AFDC Aid to Families with Dependent Children now TANF, and HUD Housing and Urban Development.They tend to view it as the federal government giving away the countries money and the taxpayer’ s hard-earned dollars to people who cannot support themselves. Majority of people do not like the idea regardless of what and some are sympathetic to the poor and think you should help if you can and are financially stable. They may wonder why they cannot support themselves, why do not they work or go to school, why they are having children they cannot take care of. These reasons are among other things are how people see and view welfare in today’s society no matter what.The reasons could vary from a person that lost a spouse, or they could have been laid off or fired from their jobs, or maybe their hours were decreased as there could be many other reasons, but there are programs to help people get back on their feet for example, training seminars, workshops, help with schooling and finding jobs as well as day care assistance, nutritional programs, finding housing and other needs. The welfare reform debate has remained very emotional, because it touches on the most sensitive of societal issues: work, family, sex, abortion, personal responsibility, and community integrity.Welfare reform has become a very important topic in today’s world from fundamental questions about quality of life and how to allocate personal and public responsibilities. We are not sure as a society whether economic security for children is more important than providing clear consequences to parents who fail to play by the rules. We argue whether individual that are not responsible or societal barriers are at the root of welfare dependency.Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), the nation's cash assistance program for poor families with children, has not played much of a countercyclical role during the current recession. As unemployment has risen, TANF caseloads nationally have grown much more slowly and state TANF caseloads have not tracked state unemployment growth. Program rules and financing structures limit the responsiveness of TANF in a downturn. As TANF reauth orization is considered, this brief details some relatively small changes that could improve the program's effectiveness in future recessions (Welfare Reform Act of 2011).Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), the signature program of welfare in the United States and the focal point of discussions about reform, was terminated in 1996 with the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996. This legislation effectively replaced AFDC, Emergency Assistance, and the JOBS program–and the open-ended federal appropriations that supported them–with the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) block grant. In effect, the federal government began turning responsibility for welfare back to the states.Pros- Welfare has the benefit of providing much-needed food, medical care and money to citizens who qualify to receive it. Since taxes fund welfare, it redistributes wealth across the population. Welfare also prevents even further social proble ms by allowing some recipients to maintain their standard of living. For example, unemployed workers who receive an unemployment benefit may be able to keep their homes despite the loss of income, preventing a foreclosure and possible homelessness.Cons- The biggest disadvantage of welfare is its cost to the local governments that administer it. Even with federal funding, states feel the burden of welfare in each annual budget. Welfare may encourage some recipients not to seek work, since a rise in income would disqualify them from receiving free benefits. It is also an opportunity for fraud, which occurs whenever someone supplies false information to receive welfare benefits without truly qualifying