Thursday, January 30, 2020

Food Adulteration Essay Example for Free

Food Adulteration Essay Kraft Foods offer a wide variety of products. They offer delicious foods and beverages for every lifestyle on the go. While exploring the website of Kraft seems to define their product mix as foods that are geared more towards the people on the go. I would define their product mix as health/wellness foods, quick fix meals, snacks and beverages as well as offering a Premium line of foods. In their health/wellness foods they offer products in a â€Å"light† form such as things like Philadelphia light cream cheese and reduce fat cookies. For meals on the go or quick fix meals Kraft have designed meals like the Kraft Mac Cheese Cups, frozen meals and sandwich kits. They offer a wide variety of snack foods including everyone’s favorite cookie Oreo’s and Splendips. The Premium line that Kraft offers includes foods like DiGornio Pizza and Oscar Myer bacon. Kraft offers 8 product lines with over 50 different brands. Kraft’s product mix is the offering of their premium foods, such as DiGornao Ultimate Pizza which is made as a higher quality pizza then the standard. Tombstone Mexican Style Pizza is offered as a convenience food as a favorite food of teenage boys. It was designed for the ease of cooking a easy, quick, healthy meal. Tang is real fruit goodness of oranges. Everyone will surely love its sweet, refreshing flavor plus the added nutrition it gives. It is also instant drink mix offering the convenience food again. South Beach Diet foods are part of their healthy yet, convenience foods. The line offers alternatives to other popular diet fads. South Beach Diet foods play on wholegrain and the correct or right fats like canola oil and olive oil. In this line they also offer bars for a fast way to fill a craving during the day.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Socialism for the Common Man Essay -- Economic System

â€Å"I wished to frighten the country by a picture of what its industrial masters were doing to their victims; entirely by chance I stumbled on another discovery—what they were doing to the meat-supply of the civilized world. In other words, I aimed at the public’s heart, and by accident hit it in the stomach† (Yoder 9). With the publication of a single book, Upton Sinclair found himself an overnight phenomenon receiving international response. In late 1904, Sinclair left for Chicago to tell the story of the poor common workingmen and women unfairly enslaved by the vast monopolistic enterprises. He found that he could go anywhere in the stockyards provided that he â€Å"[wore] old clothes†¦ and [carried] a workman’s dinner pail† (Sougstad 553). While Sinclair spent seven weeks in Chicago living amongst and interviewing the Chicago workers, he came upon another discovery—the filth of improper sanitation and the processing of spoiled meat . From what he saw, Sinclair spun a tale with graphic descriptions of the packing houses, creating a book that produced unprecedented public uproar. The book entitled, The Jungle, is said to have decreased America’s meat consumption for decades and President Roosevelt, himself, reportedly threw his breakfast sausages out his window after reading the novel. The New York Evening Post responded, â€Å"Mary had a little lamb and when she saw it sicken; she shipped it off to Packingtown and now it’s labeled chicken† (Krugman). However, Sinclair classified his novel as a failure and blamed himself for the public’s misunderstanding. He found it disheartening that the public was less concerned about the plight of the slaughterhouse workers than the possibility of eating tainted meat. In Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle, he ill... ...the bottom as the worst of scum. Sinclair promotes socialism, as publicly owned corporations will be less about individual profit but the well-being of the common good. Sinclair promotes socialism in The Jungle in many methods: a capitalist society provides workers with sickening working condition, a capitalist society consists of corruption, and a socialistic society will mean a perfect world. Sinclair’s extremely graphic details lead to global acknowledgement. President Roosevelt dubbed Upton Sinclair as â€Å"a muckraker†Ã¢â‚¬â€an individual who channels time and effort into exposing corruption. Even though Sinclair’s novel did not do as much for the poor as he hoped, it did bring about change to America: stricter meat-packing regulations, standards of cleanliness in processing plants, and public knowledge of what the Chicago corporations were doing to their canned meat.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Music and the african-american people

Think about black music and you immediately come up with black gospel music, right? There are a large number of famous soul singers nowadays who began as gospel music artists. This impressive list includes, among others, James Brown, Aretha Franklin, Ray Charles, Lou Rawls, Sam Cooke and Otis Redding, says Leonard Goines in the online article â€Å"Gospel Music and the Black Consciousness†.In terms of history, Goines noted that black gospel music grew out of the late 19th and early 20th century folk church and is essentially created in a context of individual and collective spontaneity. As a total manifestation, black gospel can be viewed as a synthesis of West African and Afro-American music, dance, poetry, oratory and drama. There are two basic sources from which the aesthetic ideals of gospel singing have been derived.These are the free-style collective improvisations utilized by congregations in the black church and the black gospel preacher's rhetorical solo style. Since the beginning of their history in the plantation praise houses, black preachers have utilized folk poetry and the vivid phrase to excite the emotions and involve the participation of their congregations. Possessing special oratorical skills marked by a call-and-response format and punctuated with groans and gestures, these master preachers have been able to create an aura of excitement and hope rarely equaled (Goines, 2004)I would have to agree with Goines when he pointed out gospel has distilled the aesthetic essence of the black arts into a unified whole. The uniqueness of black gospel music, in my opinion, is in the experience itself when you listen to it. As noted by Goines, few people can experience gospel in its true cultural setting and fail to hear black poetry in the black preacher's sermon. Nor can they fail to see drama in the emotion-packed performance of a black gospel choir interacting with its congregation; nor fail to see dance in the gospel shout.It is also in this aspect that I would say yes, there is such a thing as a Black Style. Anyone who listens to gospel music can easily identify if the singer is black or not. The soulfulness and the emotions revealed in black gospel music is definitely a manifestation of the proud cultural heritage of the African-American people. Source: Goines, Leonard 2004: Gospel Music and the Black Consciousness [online] Available at: http://www. afgen. com/gospel21. html [cited on May 24, 2006]

Sunday, January 5, 2020

A Narrative Of The Captivity By Mary Rowlandson - 847 Words

The struggle. Mary Rowlandson her story â€Å"A Narrative of the Captivity† is full of heroic incident that she went through during the Indian attack of her town in Lancaster. Mary Rowlandson was among captive, Rowlandson went through several difficult moment. â€Å"All was gone, my husband was gone at least they separated from me, he being in the Bay;† (259). Rowlandson life was really in desperate help, she was injured, lost her daughter and separated her other family. However, her strangeness in her Christianity kept her moving. â€Å"Lord hereby would make us the more acknowledge His hand, and to see what our help is always in Him† (258). Even though, the attack on Lancaster and Rowlandson’s subsequent captivity teach Rowlandson that life is short and can never be granted. Everything you have in life can disappear in matter of days or hours without any warning, however your faith should be in judge on any kind of difficulty moment. Rowlandson’s believe in Christianity plays an active role of her survival. â€Å"Being faithful to the service of God in her people† (258). When Mary Rowlandson, was capture she was injured by the Indian. Although she survive that wound but her daughter die. The Indians were so brutal â€Å"Barbarous creature, with our bodies wounded and bleeding, and our hearts no less than our bodies† (259). In this case Rowlandson was in pain for the loss at the same was badly treated by the Indians. Another heroic incident is when the Indians attack a small village duringShow MoreRelatedA Narrative Of Captivity By Mary Rowlandson Essay962 Words   |  4 PagesA Narrative of Captivity by Mary Rowlandson and The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano by Olaudah Equiano are captivity narratives in which the two narrators share their individual stories of being abruptly kidnapped and enslaved. Equiano was an black 11 year old boy who was stolen from his home by African slave trader s in 1756. Rowlandson, a 39 year old Puritan woman, was taken in 1675, during King Philip’s War, after Indians raided her town. Although the two authors are both kidnappedRead MoreA Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, by Mary Rowlandson1483 Words   |  6 Pages â€Å"A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson† by Mary Rowlandson is a short history about her personal experience in captivity among the Wampanoag Indian tribe. On the one hand, Mary Rowlandson endures many hardships and derogatory encounters. However, she manages to show her superior status to everyone around her. She clearly shows how her time spent under captivity frequently correlates with the lessons taught in the Bible. Even though, the colonists possibly murderedRead MoreA Narrative Of The Captivity And Restoration Of Mary Rowlandson Essay1342 Words   |  6 Pageswe have discussed a few captivity narratives such as: John Smith, Mary Rowl andson, and Cotton Mather. From a personal standpoint, Mary Rowlandson’s captivity narrative was one of the best selections we have read in class thus far. It is a prominent source of biblical encouragement to those of the Puritan religion and some other religions that put God above all human and nature. Throughout the short story, a Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mary Rowlandson, it describes the elevenRead MoreThe Narrative Of The Captivity And The Restoration Of Mary Rowlandson1611 Words   |  7 Pagespeople. Mary Rowlandson was among these captives, and the resulting captivity narrative, titled The Narrative of the Captivity and the Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, published in 1682, is formed based on her memory. Rowlandson’s captivity narrative carried great significance in that it came to be used as a didactic Jeremiad, leading its Calvinist audience back towards God’s path and away from an allegorical wilderness. As a devout Calvinist, Rowlandson believes her journey through captivity isRead MoreA Narrative Of The Captivity By Mrs. Mary Rowlandson963 Words   |  4 Pagesdisrupted through attacks taken place. Through the experience of one woman, A Narrative of the Captivity by Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, an American colonial women, accurately depicts historical record of the attacks made of the King Philips war and her being held for ransom eleven weeks in its descriptions of the brutalities and godliness which sets the tone between what is truth and what is contradictory in the eyes of Rowlandson and the native Americans. Moreover, through this war fueled battle the colonialRead MoreThe Narrative Of The Captivity And The Restoration Of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson1422 Words   |  6 Pagesof twenty-four people. Mary Rowlandson was among these captives, and the resulting captivity narrative, titled The Narrative of the Captivity and the Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, published in 1682, is formed b ased on her memory. Rowlandson’s captivity narrative carried great significance in that it came to be used as a didactic Jeremiad, leading its Calvinist audience back towards God’s path and away from an allegorical wilderness. As a devout Calvinist, Rowlandson believes that her journeyRead MoreThe Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson1600 Words   |  7 PagesThe Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson reveals that the ghastly depiction of the Indian religion (or what Rowlandson perceives as a lack of religion) in the narrative is directly related to the ideologies of her Puritan upbringing. Furthermore, Rowlandsons experiences in captivity and encounter with the new, or Other religion of the Indians cause her rethink, and question her past; her experiences do not however cause her to redirect her life or change her idealsRead More A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson944 Words   |  4 PagesThe Pressure to Assimilate in Mary Rowlandson’s A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson There are times when assimilation is not a choice but rather something is forced. In circumstances such as being taken hostage, the ability to survive must come at the price of assimilating ones own customs into another lifestyle. In February of 1675 the Native Americans who were at war with the Puritans obtained hostage Mary Rowlandson of the Plymouth colony. During this timeRead More Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson1366 Words   |  6 PagesNarrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson From the violent and brutal clash between Indians [1], and British colonists in Massachusetts during King Philips War (1675-6) grew a new literary genre. After their redemption, some colonists who had been prisoners of the Indians wrote autobiographical accounts of their experiences. These captivity narratives developed a large audience, and interest in the narratives continued into the nineteenth century.[2] After her captureRead MoreA Narrative On The Captivity And Restoration Of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson1670 Words   |  7 Pageswriting about the historical context of Mary Rowlandson’s, â€Å"A Narrative on the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson.† I am going to look at the entire historical background of Rowlandson’s narrative. The way I am going to explore this is how the readers back then would have interpreted Roland’s reference to Biblical verses, and her questioning of God’s role during her captivity. I plan on using at least 2 so urces for this assignment. Mary White Rowlandson was a colonial woman in America who